• Thread starter Skihigh86
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Need help
The first pic is the lady I’m having issues with. Outer edges of leaves turning brown and some were even wilting. The new growth was badly wilting, so I just topped it. I know it’s a bad idea because it causes more stress but figured it was worth a shot if she might die anyway!
Need help 4
All my other plants in the same box with all the same environmental conditions and same nutrient schedule are thriving.
Need help
Need help 2
Need help 5
It’s only my 2nd grow and my first time with photos. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Need help 6


They look pretty good. Is that a fan below the one having trouble? Is it possible that its the air blowing on it causing the issues?


What do you have for lights bud? How far above the tops of your plants.


When you see leaves contorting (twisting, taco-ing, curling) to reduce their surface area, consider turning down your light.


They look pretty good. Is that a fan below the one having trouble? Is it possible that its the air blowing on it causing the issues?
I moved the one having issues away from the fan now. It was originally next to the fan tho. A buddy suggested I rotate them. It just caught me off guard because they were all fine when I left for work and the one was limped over at the top and one of the side branches when I got home. Also my space is outdoors in the shed and temps are getting in the low 40’s at night here now. So I have a smart heater in the box set at 75° pointed at the fan. Possibly move the heater out of the box into the shed space and set it next to my intake fan which pulls from the shed?


What do you have for lights bud? How far above the tops of your plants.
IMG 7595

This is my light and I have it about 8” above right now but it’s turned down. My logic was because it’s LED and doesn’t put off a lot of heat, if I keep it closer at a lower setting I could at least utilize the little it does put off. I run my lights at night and it’s getting in the low 40’s at night here now and built my box in the corner of my shed outdoors. I completely insulted with faced insulation between the studs and then covered that in the reflective bubble insulation seen in the pictures. Someone else had suggested the fan blowing on it could also be the problem at the time my smart heater set at 75° was also pointed at the fan. I left for work and they were fine when I got home the one was all dropping at the top and on one side branch. Maybe move and turn the light up and move my heater into the shed and set it next to the intake fan which pulls air from inside the shed? It’s trail and error I guess.


The problem is not heat as you and I understand heat. The problem is light photons per second.
Imagine you standing in a shower nice and warm. Perfect water pressure, you can stay there all day.
Now replace the shower end with a fire hose.

If you think of light photons raining down on your plant. At 30 inches above your plant your plant is under a nice warm shower.

At 8" it's getting the fire hose treatment.

You need to move the light up so it is 30 inches above your plants. About 65% power setting for Vegging.
Your plants will grow up to the light.

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