Need opinions on this idea for electricity...

  • Thread starter jimbobthe3rd
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The current location my grow is at. I'm very lucky, running 7-8k watts continuously and not paying for power.

Unfortunately, in the next 6-9 months i'll be moving my grow. And i will be paying for the power >_>.

I have an idea to suppress being flagged by the leccy company as a potential op house.

Idea is...
-Two 20ft shipping containers side by side under-ground.

-Concrete covering the 20'x17' area(will probably be 22'x22', then a insulted shed put up over the concrete slab.

-Inside the shed, have a shit-ton of benches, with shit-tons of old/new computers/computer parts. Have a large split a/c system for 2 inside units, with the condenser outside the shed, with two inside units (one inside the shed, one underground, as to make it look like the condenser is only handling the inside unit.)

-Ring up the leccy company, ask for a separate meter to be installed in my shed as i "run a business" from home in my shed, and want the leccy bill on a diff meter for taxes/accounting purposes.

Then i can get my 3-4k leccy bill on that account, and still have my average 200-300$ house power bill on another meter.

Anyone see any flaws with my idea? Speaking from previous experience? Would love any feedback at all, thanks.


Sorry forgot to point out that the business i run from home would be a computer/internet based business, with atleast 10-15 computers running constantly (600w power supplies per cpu ;).
Mr. Greengenes

Mr. Greengenes

The electric company really doesn't care what you do with the electricity, unless you steal it! A 'free' supply of electricity is one of the most common ingredients in recipes for a sure-fire-bust. If I was you, I'd be very careful with the setup you have now. Later, when you make the containers work, just put it all on your house bill, the electric company won't care.


Don't get me wrong, my mate is paying for the power i'm using now. I'm just re-imbursing him come harvest time.

I still feel edgy about having a $4000 house electric bill...atleast if it was registered to a business it'd seem a bit more legit wouldn't it?


Don't get me wrong, my mate is paying for the power i'm using now. I'm just re-imbursing him come harvest time.

I still feel edgy about having a $4000 house electric bill...atleast if it was registered to a business it'd seem a bit more legit wouldn't it?

probably, you could do the same with a few welders minus the need for shipping containers/computers. Probably have to own the property to make that kind of modification however though.


The shipping containers is just to minimise construction costs for building an underground op. The reason i wanted to put up a front computer warehouse is that when i get an electrician to come in and wire up me a fucking megatron of a electrical distribution panel, i can get outlets all put in etc and say the comps each have 600w power supplies (just like my 600w ballys lol). Get it all sorted that way.

And yea i'll own the land/house/few acres :).

Zissou Intern

yo man.

my father runs a financial business out of our loft/house i grew up in. its about 6K sq ft but its split in half for the call center up the front stairs, and you park in the garage and come in the house in back.

anyhoo, all his electric is in his name, about 2200 a month he says. i was talking to him not too long ago about power, and everything is in his name and as far as they know, its still just the house that wasnt remodeled and there is no business there.

they havent asked a single question. if the bill is paid on time id imagine they wouldnt either, thats a lot of money that THEY ARE GETTING PAID. why would you fuck with a high roller in your casino ya know?

a. pay online and dont even make it into human hands, just straight zeroed account through the computer ya know,
b. pay on time yo.

if you actually own a house on land in a few acres? dude dont trip you'll be more than legit

id personally just use the business excuse to get more power if need be, i dont see myself going and actually BUYING it though...

good luck dude.


Well...where i live, pretty much any house using more than $1000 a month in electricity gets flagged to be investigated (not raided, just checked out). Then when they check it out if it looks suss, then they'll raid.

I already own a website business so the additional costs would be minimal to setup the business account with the electricity company..i might even be able to get some discount for buying "bulk" energy as a business.

Just trying to figure some things out xD haha.

Zissou Intern

now i definitely do not buy that - if you live in the USA.

i've lived in numerous states, and have never had a problem EVER with a high power bill. i lived in a 1 bed apt in NC a couple years ago and ran 2 600's with a veg tent and all the fixins (fans ac etc). 1 bed apt shit was about 400 a month. nobody asked questions.

i could never see anyone complaining about a 1k power bill. the power company does not spend their own dollars on investigating usage just stealing. but if you choose to be this safe thats cool too. just dont put it out like your in prison trying to start a grow:-P


Lol, i don't live in the US or Canada or anywhere in the northern hemisphere lol. The pigs down here rather hunt growers/dealers than rapists/murderers.
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