Needs more or less water?

  • Thread starter Greendrake
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I started 10 White OG seeds and 5 Blueberrys on 5/10/19. After the seeds popped I put them in small solo cups with holes drilled at the bottom. I filled them half way up with FoxFarms light warrior. I keep them outside on my back porch until 6/2/19. They have been inside now under a florescent grow bulb. I feed them with a spray bottle pH 6.5 water. I just recently feed then a little General Hydroponics 300 ppms to see if they needed some nitrogen. I always make sure the soil is not a little dry before i water. I cant really figure it out. I'm at work so if I missed any info to give I can surely let anyone know.
Needs more or less water
Needs more or less water 2
Needs more or less water 3
Needs more or less water 4
Needs more or less water 5


Good day,
DON'T plug that heat mat in... Your plant are a very light green, that tells me to feed them. To wet or to dry only you can judge that. I judge mine by how heavy the cups are. Typically I have a tendency to over water. make sure you are getting a good wet dry cycle.


Yes they should be much large. I just dont see how I am over watering them. I only use a spray bottle and just do a few squirts. I give them a few days between watering. I will lower the pH of I give them notes. They were having issues before I gave them any nutes. I would have assumed they Light warrior had plenty of nutes to not need to add any. I just recently start some more seeds in a mix of equal parts peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. What do you guys use and any process that may help?


When you have small plants in small cups, they always seem to be either too dry or too wet. My recommendations for these poor little rugrats would be to transplant them into something larger, that experiences less water fluctuations and allows them to grow proper roots. The soil, being Fox Farm, should have plenty of nutrients in it to get you further along. I would increase the light as much as possible. CFL Plant lights don't give enough light to allow for good growth... I can't overstress that you need a LOT of light. Without strong light, your plants will be wispy and prone to slow growth nd low chlorophyll levels. Light and nutrients are the gasoline, the roots are the fuel system, and the plant is the engine. To get max horsepower, you need plenty of gasoline and a way to get it into the engine. Same way with a plant.
I would highly recommend increasing the light and up-potting. You have bought decent seeds and spent good money on them... you should be able to get your money's worth back. I don't want to be dismissive, but at this rate, things are going to peter out and you won't be happy with your harvest. Even the cheap $25 LED grow lights are 1000X better than the CFL. Do yourself a favor and invest in a decent light and larger containers and you will never question why you did it. I made the move 35+ years ago, and I couldn't believe how much better things go with bright lights. They didn't have LED's back then, but the jump to HID, even a 70 watt bulb, was a lot more beneficial than a CFL. I hate to see sad seedlings, hence my soapbox speech! If I had to try to grow something in cups and a CFL, I don't think I would be successful with 30+ years of experience, so don't waste your time trying to grow like we did in the 60s and 70s... nobody could do it then, either! Keep up the good work, feel free to ask for any advice!


Well shit. I am gonna reread your post when I get home. I have 2 2000 watt kingsled lights. I believe I also have a 600 watt hps. I will do all of the above as soon as I get home.


Yes they should be much large. I just dont see how I am over watering them. I only use a spray bottle and just do a few squirts. I give them a few days between watering. I will lower the pH of I give them notes. They were having issues before I gave them any nutes. I would have assumed they Light warrior had plenty of nutes to not need to add any. I just recently start some more seeds in a mix of equal parts peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. What do you guys use and any process that may help?
i think that is a good idea. i think that FoxFarms light warrior was to hot.


Yes they should be much large. I just dont see how I am over watering them. I only use a spray bottle and just do a few squirts. I give them a few days between watering. I will lower the pH of I give them notes. They were having issues before I gave them any nutes. I would have assumed they Light warrior had plenty of nutes to not need to add any. I just recently start some more seeds in a mix of equal parts peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. What do you guys use and any process that may help?
I've not used it but I read the website and I don't think it's too hot of a medium you're using, it's made to start seeds

I agree with several of the above posters, shut off the heat mat and put them in bigger pots, it's too easy to over water in those small cups


Light warrior is made for seedlings. Hell i have never had a problem in hundreds of seedlings in ocean forest.

The stunting can also be from cold temps. Under watering and other stress.

Cups should be watered in to saturation and let dry. Takes mine a week to dry out enough to be rewatwred under t-5 flourescents. 3-4 days under 600 hps.

Once fragile new roots were damaged they had no chance.

It would be faster to plant new seeds at this point. Transplanting those seedlings is a waste of time.

They dont even show 2 weeks of healthy growth.

Sorry. We all grow and learn from mistakes.

This is a good tutorial. I suggest not doing what forum posters suggest unless you know how and why yourself.



Thanks everyone for the advice. I removed the heat pads. I decided that I would take 5 of them and up pot into larger pots. I placed them under the led light. I checked the lumens and took a picture. I also took a picture of the roots on some of them. The roots look strange to me like maybe some kinda fungus is growing hard to say not sure if the heat mat had something to do with it tho. The bottom of the roots were dry and above that a little damp. The temp in the room are 70 f -81f
Humidity is between 50-72.
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Thanks everyone for the advice. I removed the heat pads. I decided that I would take 5 of them and up pot into larger pots. I placed them under the led light. I checked the lumens and took a picture. I also took a picture of the roots on some of them. The roots look strange to me like maybe some kinda fungus is growing hard to say not sure if the heat mat had something to do with it tho. The bottom of the roots were dry and above that a little damp. The temp in the room are 70 f -81f
Humidity is between 50-72.
Not liking those roots friend..!? If you want to try a perlite vermiculite mix I start seeds in 2 parts to 1 part perlite/vermiculite, then place that small 2 inch container in a tray with about a quarter inch of water and it self Waters, eliminating the possibility of over-watering.

Also once a seedling comes above the soil line best to discontinue the heating mat within a day or so, good luck on your next batch!


Thanks everyone for the advice. I removed the heat pads. I decided that I would take 5 of them and up pot into larger pots. I placed them under the led light. I checked the lumens and took a picture. I also took a picture of the roots on some of them. The roots look strange to me like maybe some kinda fungus is growing hard to say not sure if the heat mat had something to do with it tho. The bottom of the roots were dry and above that a little damp. The temp in the room are 70 f -81f
Humidity is between 50-72.
Looks like they were root bound. Good learning experience. Up pot as they get older.


Watering tip in solo cups, weigh a cup of soil and then after you water. Fresh soil weighs about 150g depending how full the cup is. More than 50g (ml) additional of water is too much.


did you use rooting powder on the transplant?those roots need a little bacteria they have plenty of fungi,looking at the product,im along the line of not enough holes in cups to start,be sure and harden the plants off switching lighting,honestly i would start over,BUT i would pamper them plants enough to get clones from them ,that way wasnt a complete loss,also still the chance they come around too,is the soil light warrior?dont feed them let the soil feed them right now,you will know when to feed but the stuff good for 3 or 4 weeks in just the soil and water


Too much water. Also might need to start feeding them. Let them dry right out before you water them again. They should be feather light when it's time to water.


Thanks everyone. I will post updated for I did not use rooting powder. I do have some butyric acid. I have some great white mycorrhizae
Once the plants are up-potted and watered in their new home, jus let them sit for a few days and get used to the new light and new homes. he roots didn't actually look bad as they always get fuzzy from the microscopic tendrils that they reach into the soil with. They are microscopic, but look fuzzy, like mold. If it WAS mold, chances are that the roots would be brown and slimy. You have the light, you have bigger pots (I prefer 5 gallon buckets, but I usually grow them pretty tall), you are ready to go. I don't let my soil dry out to the point that my plant wilts, but damp in the term I use for the best water level. If you can take a handful of soil and can squeeze more than a couple drops of water out, you are overwatering.
Feel free to PM me if things keep giving you trouble. Once you get a good setup, you will wonder how you ever had trouble... seriously! I don't think I could screw up a grow if I tried, but that is after decades of doing it. It comes quickly with experience, and you are doing pretty well so far.


Those plants died a week ago from too much light and over watering, never increase the light or nutrients on a sick plant you'll only kill it faster.
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