New grower needs some help! 😬

  • Thread starter SavageSiren420
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I have managed to grow one plant in the past (kinda as it was destroyed before it got to bloom) but it was like 4 feet tall I used no nutrients and a cheap grow light.
Trying for real this time...
These plants were under the same cheap grow light however I just got a much better one today. What is happening? My internet educated guess is the light was to far away/ not strong enough. The one that looks extra sickly idk. 2 or 3 others died as seedlings early on. From what I understand that is to be expected sometimes. But maybe they died due to what ever is happening with these ones ?

My main focus for this grow is strong healthy plants! When I have more experience I plan to focus more on bud quality/ yeild next round. Also have a hydro set up going (not so good) but that's a whole other discussion!
New grower needs some help
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I think it will be difficult to diagnose any problem with pictures taken under that light. Are the leaves green or the purply rust color as seen in the pics?
Hopefully the new lights will do the trick.
good soil
Adequate watering and drainage
Good lighting
Proper nutrition
Temps , humidity, air movement
Search proper conditions for growing, see if you can identify or explain what you find.


I think it will be difficult to diagnose any problem with pictures taken under that light. Are the leaves green or the purply rust color as seen in the pics?
Hopefully the new lights will do the trick.
good soil
Adequate watering and drainage
Good lighting
Proper nutrition
Temps , humidity, air movement
Search proper conditions for growing, see if you can identify or explain what you find.
Getting rid of that light for starters...i dont get why people so easily follow trends that arent based on scientific fact...blurple lights just don't cut it. Just buy a grow wing, magnetic ballast and a decent mh bulb. Or go cmh! It boggles the mind....not trying to down you...those lights just bug the phuc outta me

From what i cant see!! Id say you water to much and they sit in wet pots too long. Im kicking myself as we speak for not putting enough perlite in my tomatoes this year. They are browning up as if the roots are not getting air...

Anyways, explain in detail how the plants death manifested. What you did leading upto this manifestation. Then tell us how you can stop this from happening again.


So first let me give you better photos.
I will also make it a point that I am a stay at home single mom of a 3 year old money is a problem. My very first plant grew to be about 4 feet tall. Sadly it was killed before the opportunity to flower. I mean literally ripped from the dirt by an angry no ex-bf. I was giving it miracle grow. (Big no no i know that now lol). I literally didn't know a damn thing about growing with that plant.
This time around I have done alot of research.
The soil is FoxFarm Ocean Forest and I use general hydroponic nutrients flora trio as it works for my soil and my hydro set up.
I talked to a friend that has been growing for a while he keeps it basic as can be and says I just need to transplant them and bury them to just below the first leave.

P.s. ignore my cute little letter signs I give them letters to identify them untill they reveal their gender and weather or not they are going to survive or not and usually by then they earn themselves names 🤣
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To elaborate...
Seeds are nothing special. Unknown strain. I decided to try growing again this time with some knowledge and pre planning. And just so happen to pick up a half at a discounted rate due to it being seedy. Pulled out 28 seeds probably 90% looked healthy. kid in a candy shop! (It was still good bud tho lol)
Germinated between paper towels. All but maybe 4 or 5 germinated. Some went to the hydro experiment. I wanna say they all came up out of the soil. Then some just kinda fell over and died. Over watering is definitely something I have a bad habit of because I have a habit of forgetting to water my plants entirely. The small fan in my grow area to circulate air drys the soil more quickly which I kinda felt made up for my watering. I get nervous when I see the soil seems to be pulling away from the pot. Freshly watered in the pictures btw. Maybe I should try waiting a day every time I feel they need to be watered?
I'm about to transplant to larger pots and was planning on going into fabric pots and possible mixing in a small amount of coco.
Also just got some additives mainly for my failing hydro attempt but do plan on giving that sickly looking little one some Revive. I have not attempted triming or topping or anything beyond removing things that didn't look healthy.
During my transplant process I will take some well lit close up photos of each individual plant.


This one is named Linda and I am caring for it for someone else.
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my first thoughts were 'what grow medium?' - heading to the matter of watering.

the stretched young growth is suggesting the light source is weak. raise the plants or lower the lights.

i reckon the first thing to do, is to address the grow medium. the grow medium may be the reason for the overwatering, rather than the regularity of your watering schedule. adding more perlite would assist its drainage.

in the meantime, while you sort out the growing medium, you can continue to grow as they are presently - however, the sooner you address the grow medium, sooner you can repot/transplant into that new medium, and your plants will quickly respond.

hang in there. where there is a will, there is a way. persistence, tenacity, discipline, determination, patience.

PS Linda is doing the medium the same as yours?


my first thoughts were 'what grow medium?' - heading to the matter of watering.

the stretched young growth is suggesting the light source is weak. raise the plants or lower the lights.

i reckon the first thing to do, is to address the grow medium. the grow medium may be the reason for the overwatering, rather than the regularity of your watering schedule. adding more perlite would assist its drainage.

in the meantime, while you sort out the growing medium, you can continue to grow as they are presently - however, the sooner you address the grow medium, sooner you can repot/transplant into that new medium, and your plants will quickly respond.

hang in there. where there is a will, there is a way. persistence, tenacity, discipline, determination, patience.

PS Linda is doing the medium the same as yours?
Yes they are all in Foxfarm Ocean Forest potting soil. I did read that alot of people mixed this with perlite in 30/70 ratio. I had also come to the conclusion of the light being either to far away or not strong enough. I did just get a new light however I quickly realized my set up is going to need to be tweaked as the new light puts off a lot more heat then the previous one which is not going to work in the metal cabinet my plants currently call home. I already planned on doing a real grow area make over as I had to add a 3rd area for the older 2 plants that will have to transition to 12-12 sooner then the others. I have a couple fabric pots I plan to repot the older 2 in hopefully today. Do you think for the final pot I should by 3 or 5 gallon fabric pots? I believe mine are only 1 gallon so I was thinking they would have to be transplanted one final time after this transplant.
I have a small fan to help with air circulation in the cabinet and also to help make it difficult for pests to make a home. But this also dries the soil out much quicker and the smallest pots sometimes seem to dry out overnight sometimes the other pots usually dry out in 2-3 days. I used to have a habit of forgetting to water my house plants (I also have a verity of culinary and medicinal herbs) I do have a soil meter that measures moisture, light, and ph but was going to start waiting a day from when I feel they need to be watered as obviously they are not drying as much as I believe they are. Also every 3 times I water I use flora series nutrients. I have read SO MANY different recommends on what amounts of these to use I have kinda been mixing my own weaker formulation following the same ratios that appear consistant. By this I mean if one chart says to add 4mls,3mls and 2mls and another says 16mls, 12mls and 6mls I follow the same general ratios. At a pH of between 6.5 and 7.5. I use tap water but it sits outside uncapped in the sun to dechlorinate it.


Everyone of those plants should be replanted like Madmax says the media is way too wet. Way overwatered and not enough perlite. How about 30% perlite and repoting using some cloth or airpots to increase air flow. Dont give up.
Id say overwatering and poor drainage the reasons the plants looks very wet..


Have you heard from the other world though your medium yet?


This one is named Linda and I am caring for it for someone else.
Savage one, you need a riser between the pot's bottom and the tray. This increases air flow to the roots and allows an easier way for your water to get out of the pot. Any kind of baking cooling tray or something like planter feet would also work. Taking care of another's plant is being very kind. Welcome to the farm.


Everyone of those plants should be replanted like Madmax says the media is way too wet. Way overwatered and not enough perlite. How about 30% perlite and repoting using some cloth or airpots to increase air flow. Dont give up.
Yes I am repotting them all into fabric pots. I need to buy some more a have a couple 1 gallon ones but assume they will have to be a temporary pot and require one final transfer. Also have read that alot of people mix this soil 30/70 with perilte. Do you think I need 3 or 5 gallon fabric pots?


Yes I am repotting them all into fabric pots. I need to buy some more a have a couple 1 gallon ones but assume they will have to be a temporary pot and require one final transfer. Also have read that alot of people mix this soil 30/70 with perilte. Do you think I need 3 or 5 gallon fabric pots?
I personally found the airpots easier to use and easier to tell when the plants need water than the fabric pots. Up-potting helps grow strong root system so when the plant gets too big it moves to 3 and then to 5 gallon. I think up-potting is one of the keys to getting better results. Having the new soil or whatever being exactly the same also important


Getting rid of that light for starters...i dont get why people so easily follow trends that arent based on scientific fact...blurple lights just don't cut it. Just buy a grow wing, magnetic ballast and a decent mh bulb. Or go cmh! It boggles the mind....not trying to down you...those lights just bug the phuc outta me

From what i cant see!! Id say you water to much and they sit in wet pots too long. Im kicking myself as we speak for not putting enough perlite in my tomatoes this year. They are browning up as if the roots are not getting air...

Anyways, explain in detail how the plants death manifested. What you did leading upto this manifestation. Then tell us how you can stop this from happening again.
I agree with u id say go with cmh i have fullspectrum led lights now which are awesome but them nanolux cmh lights grew/bud some fire ass weed with higher yeilds than the leds so far they are way better than hps or blurple lights in my opinion but they still put off a lot of heat.... heres our led room it was cmh but i went to led cus of the heat
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I am a stay at home mother of a 3 year old and just a few months ago had my bf move in so i was a single mom at that and for the most part still am. She's not in preschool yet and has a speech delay so I spend alot of time kinda doing home preschool. So money is a big factor. LEDs are just much more financially reasonable. How ever I am adding supplemental side lighting so I plan to mix in some other types of lights on a smaller scale.
Again taking cost into consideration air pots way to much


I am a stay at home mother of a 3 year old and just a few months ago had my bf move in so i was a single mom at that and for the most part still am. She's not in preschool yet and has a speech delay so I spend alot of time kinda doing home preschool. So money is a big factor. LEDs are just much more financially reasonable. How ever I am adding supplemental side lighting so I plan to mix in some other types of lights on a smaller scale.
Again taking cost into consideration air pots way to much
Try spider farm led they seem reasonable i just bought 2 on amazon 580 a piece and with led u shouldnt need extra light but sometimes its good with led depends on what ur adding but yea and i hate the cloth air pots especially wen it come to repotting u might as well just cut them off and throw them away so we only use regular plastic ones and do just as good and there


Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
There's nothing wrong with some purple light, it actually depends in the product, and the spectrum. Personally I've got both, these have both full spectrum, blue and red, Ir, and UV, and the results speak for themselves.

Color means very little with LED lights, although I do like a a full spectrum look, if it's out in the open.
If you've still got that light, you might want to add both, I got a feeling your underpowered as stands.
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Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
Yes I am repotting them all into fabric pots. I need to buy some more a have a couple 1 gallon ones but assume they will have to be a temporary pot and require one final transfer. Also have read that alot of people mix this soil 30/70 with perilte. Do you think I need 3 or 5 gallon fabric pots?

This is what I think your problem was, soil and pot selection, now your on the right track here. Also, make sure you've got air movement and ventilation in there, you need things moving around, air circulating. What are you temps getting in there?
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