New To Commercial Fertilizers, How To Apply Liquid Fertilizers For Soil

  • Thread starter Yezit
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Hi there,

Ive been running an indoor auto grow and accidentally overfert some of my plants although I closely followed instructions and grow schedule that fertilizer company shared. My medium is soil. Could you please tell me what method you use to apply liquid fertilizers for soil and at what rate? My method was directly mixing fertilizer with my irrigation water. Im considering foliar feeding for my next indoor grow. Does it work for cannabis?


Living dead girl
It TOTALLY depends on the fertilizer, its numbers, the media, and the plants. You can foliar feed, but I don't know that you can grow the plant entirely via foliar feeding. They need roots to grow leaves, as I understand things to be.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

soil has a lot of uncontrollable variables in it and is much better suited to organic fertilizers, if you're using salts indoors stick to a hydroponic medium.

what fertilizer are you using?

as far as the burning goes - i'm not sure there's much you can do past feed the plants clear water and wait to feed for the symptoms to go away, if they ever do.


soil has a lot of uncontrollable variables in it and is much better suited to organic fertilizers, if you're using salts indoors stick to a hydroponic medium.

Soil actually can be controlled. You just have to get a soil quality analysis done to know anything about your soil. And, for the most part, that is beyond the scope of what a home grower is capable of making adjustments off of. There is not currently anything that contains any data or suggestions or learning resources on nutrient concentrations in soil.


Tests have shown plants do feed via foliar spraying, however you will run into a few problems.
Depending your grow size powdery mildew is one.In flower you will more than likely burn your pistils.Bud rot will more than likely occur.and last(that I'll mention )but certainly not least is the fertilizer sprayed onto your plants/buds during flower will equate to the worst tasting,harshest,throat burning,headache causing pot on your side of the Mississippi.(possibly dangerous )
Don't do it.If you don't list what your using its hard to recommend how to use it, but next time remember how much you used when you burned them and use way less.
As mentioned above stop additional feeding for now and only use water.
Would definitely be beneficial to do a bunch of reading in these forums and get a new game plan going because jumping into the game with unknown fertilizers/lack of knowledge is gonna be very frustrating and highly counterproductive brethren don't do that to yourself.


William Albrect may speak against what you posted here.....If I understand you correctly.:D
In that case, I may just stand corrected. Do you have a link? I may also just not have found much to the detail I've wanted.


I'm of the opinion that it is best to start at about half strength with any new nutrient line I'm trying. Work my way up to the manufacturer's recommended dosages. That being said I most definitely gone through burn issues and problems of various types. From nute burn to cal-mag deficiencies to ph issues etc. I am also of the opinion that if you're seeing burn, and without pics we just don't know, then you should run like 4 times as much water as compared to the size of the pot through the soil, letting it drain very well as you go. That will wash out the abundance of nutrients. The plant should recover in a week or so. Any damage won't be repaired though, just no new damage.

Good luck...



Thank you for posting. I think I may have not been good at communicating what I was looking for. But still worth reading again.

I know about the basics of soil. I know about the very detailed aspects of soil. There aren't any publications I've found on the Internet that detail how the nutrient levels in soil matter in the same way that they do in hydroponics.

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