New Toys> bubble bags & bubblator machine

  • Thread starter Kilo
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Stackin Paper

I had 1 of these, sold it on ebay for peanuts a while ago now, just couldn't get on with it but tbh i think my icelator bags need replacing badly cos they're not catching the trichs properly.


I had 1 of these, sold it on ebay for peanuts a while ago now, just couldn't get on with it but tbh i think my icelator bags need replacing badly cos they're not catching the trichs properly.

dont bother with em ,,just get a tumbler and bubblemans 3 screen box ..dry sift is finer :rock


Notorious - alternatively try using biodiesel filters instead of coffee filters - still dead cheap, but much more functional. The only downside is that they come in 400, 200, 100 and 50 micron sizes (for a couple of quid each)....but it still has to be way better than a coffee filter/tights/picking off trichs individually ;) Check eBay for them.

Cheers mate, i am gonna wait a bit still i start making hash till i got a bigger space, whos see these

This wonderful honey bee extractor is used for removing the highest quality honey oil from your prime buds!

The honey bee extractor system uses butane gas to cut the oils and resins off of dried plant material, beware you MUST READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. The honey bee extractor is not for beginners and for expert hands only.

The Honey bee extractor comes with full instructions and three filters to get you started.

140mm x 45mm

Looks really kool any one played with them?




I have, only briefly with some cheese sweetleaf....filled the extractor, ran a can of newport butane through it (prolly should have done 2), let the butane evaporate, scraped off the oil and schmoked it :) You're meant to freeze/thaw/freeze a few times but it was a quick and dirty test. Other people use a cafetiere or make their own....£20 is expensive for what it is....

Stackin Paper

Yeah they're all good m8, my pal has 1 and it does the job, i bought this 1 a while back, ain't had the chance to use it yet though
DSC03276 Medium


Those things are meant to be the mutts nuts....a few guys on here have shown photos of theirs. I'm going the bubblebag route first because there's something about the whole solvent thing that doesn't sit right with me.


yeah i know solvent sounds so un natural, i think i would have to take the bubble bag route wen i get a bigger grow




that looks tidy stacks...

got a question u lots drying it out...i have tried a few motre runs and it dried so hard to the laminted paper i lost alot of it ..i have also froze the finer bags in freezer and then pick it off..any suggestions



that looks tidy stacks...

got a question u lots drying it out...i have tried a few motre runs and it dried so hard to the laminted paper i lost alot of it ..i have also froze the finer bags in freezer and then pick it off..any suggestions


If youre talking about the bags. What I do is try and collect the isolator in the middle of the bag as its emptying and scoop it out with a spoon and press it very gently with that pressing screen the bags come with (to remove the excess water making it gooey). Then I just throw it on a piece of cardboard to absorb the water. After like a hour or so, I break the chunks down further and further.

Then just let it dry out 5-7 days.

A few times I put a little heating mat under the cardboard to quick up the process but the end result is more like a pressed hash already, dark super sticky.


Kilo, Ed, and anyone else good with making bubblehash -

I've left my trim out overnight to get frozen, got 3 bags of ice and a drill with mixer bit. I've read Sub's thread on this, and a billion others.

My prob is the last time I did this my hash turned out very greeny.....I think I overdid the mixing and mashed the plant material up too finely. Is there any way to avoid this? Or should I just blend it for less time? I've been doing it for 15 minutes with the drill, but some people say do more.... any pointers?


IBL is the ice king, get him in here :anim_19:


for beter buble wisk or drill for less time

even beter get as wooden spoon and hand stir that shit for 10 mins
drain it all(keeping the leavesi just put in freezer while i sort first run)collect all hash then put back in and whisk it up for your usual 15 and you will have a second batch but your first batch will be top quality just the best trichome heads
2nd batch will be good with the yield but will not touch the first batch on quality

so the first batch will be that good that i will have to come round and try it lol


Premium Member
:banana1sv6:.....ok....what ive experienced is the water temp is crucial,let it get warm and u loose quality fast,dont squeeze or shred the trim before u run it or after each run,u will loose quality ,make the first two runs fast[4-7 mins] and cold, the third and fourth run can go long 15-20 mins just keep water temp cold,high rpm mixers not good as speed = heat=loose of quality also the high agitation will bring on the green color[warm water temps will also] which has a stank odor keep temps cold,and time in water as quick as possible....then dont let it sit in a wet lump condition when done,get to padding out da water asap...and stay with it,grate thru colander about 12 hours later,dont put in plastic bag,and let dry out.......1 week....then:bong-hits::spacecraft:


Nice one guys....wish I'd read IBL's before I kicked off, but I'll do that on the next run. I did a quick first run (7 mins) hand stirred with a wooden spoon, filtered through a 200 micron biodiesel filter, then through 72u and 25u bubblebags. Did a second run with the drill mixer for about 15 minutes and mashed the living fuck out of it - prolly overdid it because it went frothy....and I think there's a shitload of trichs suspended in the foam :(
The 1st run is still running into the 25u bag, and the 2nd run is still running into the 72u bag - gonna take all night I think. Got 1st run 72u, photos below. Looks like nice quality...want to bong it I really have to wait a week??!
IMG 5599
IMG 5601
IMG 5602
IMG 5603
IMG 5604
IMG 5605
IMG 5606
IMG 5608
IMG 5610
IMG 5613
IMG 5614
IMG 5618
IMG 5617


Here's the 73u hash from the 2nd run (15 mins powerdrill) - loads more, very greeny...should do the job though...
IMG 5619
IMG 5620
IMG 5621


Looking nice man, I use a power drill with a wooden spoon attached.


Dried it out a bit with kitchen roll, then rolled it around some more with gloves on - not too shabby! So sticky...can't get it off my fingers, even with jif.... the 25u is taking forever - I think all the holes are blocked....pain in the arse..

OJD...come on down and help me test this stuff :) The 25u should be insanity...esp. if my TW were sativa dominant...
IMG 5623
IMG 5624


This is my thread from another site, sorry no pics but it might give you some idea's, gl.

Hi, this is how I make bubblehash, im sure there is other different ways, this is the way most people do it, so easy,

First you will need a 5l bucket with lid ( hole cut out the top)if your lazy like me, a sieve, set of bubblebags, fresh or frozen trim, 2 bags of ice, and a hand blender, thats it, im using the medium size set of bubblebags, 8 bags, sizes are, 220u, 190u, 160u, 120u, 90u, 73u, 45u, and 25u,, you fit the bags into the bucket, 25u going in the bucket first, and then and the 45u and so on, 220u the last bag to go in, then fill the bucket half way up with water and add 1 bag of ice, let it sit for about 15 mins to let the water get cold, then add your fresh or frozen trim, 1 carrier bag full I use, and add your other bag of ice on top of the trim and fill with water untill your about 2" from the top of the bucket and let it sit for another 15 mins and thats you ready to go. ( I have to do this in a couple of posts ) Thats the first part.

Once it has been sitting for about 15 mins that's when you can start to mix, the thc crystals fall off the trim a lot easier the colder the temps, thats why you want the water to be really cold before you start to mix, I will add the blender and mix for 15 mins then let it sit for 5 mins, when the blender is off take the lid off and mix it for about 10 seconds to get anything that has been pushed to the sides so everything is getting mixed, after this the thc will fall to the bottom and go through the screens, that's why you let it sit for 5 mins, then after 5 mins you start the process again, I usually do this for about 6 times, ( 1hr 40 mins all in ) until im happy, then its joint time, after I have smoked my joint and have let it sit for a bit then im on to taking the bags out the bucket, the pics have been took at different stages of mixing. 2nd pic is the first 15 mins and the last pic is what it looks like after the 1hr 40 mins. next part coming up.

Ok, I have to explain something at this point, if you want to do this by yourself then thats the way you have to put in the bags, that way you can pull 1 out at a time, I got a new bucket and all my bags would not fit in the bucket, so I had to just put in the 220u and when I was done mixing and left it to sit for a bit, I took the bag and drained every bit of water into the bucket, so in the bucket was just the thc crystals and the water, everything else( trim and ice) is in the 220u bag, now this was the pain in the ass bit, because i done it this way I had to get a friend to hold the bags (25u at the bottom and 190u at the top) over my bath and I had to pour the contents of the bucket into the bags and put the bucket back under the bags, after this I took the bags from him, lol, and started to drain the water from them, till there was no water left and it was all in the bucket, now its time to take out the first bag, 190u.

The pic I took is what I do with the 190u bag, its the same process all the way through with the other bags, once you take out the bag get another bucket and fit the bag inside the bucket and pull it a little tight and get a cup of water and pour it around the edges of the screen to get all the thc in the middle of the screen for pressing the water out of it, once its in the middle take the bag out the bucket and fold the screen over in half and place on the edge of a towel , fold the towel over on top of the screen and press firmly and most of the water will come out onto the towel and then you open up the bag and you can then scrape with a bank card all the crystal together, its usually a hard lump u can just take out, and then you put this in your sieve and using a hard plastic spoon gently press the crystal through the sieve onto a piece of card, this way it will be easier to dry and I can work with it much better this way, (sprinkle in bongs and joints, burns more evenly), I know for a fact that the pics will go in the wrong order, has happened every time, hope u get the idea.

After you have pressed the hash through the sieve you then wash the bag you have just used straight away, this will keep your bags in excellent condition, just run under a cold tap and rub the screen together to give them a good clean, I have seen many bags ruined because people have forgot to give them a clean after use, crystals then dry onto the screen in the bags and it makes it very hard for anything to get through when used again, very hard to clean after that as well, the reason you dry it on a piece of cardboard is it will take some of the remaining moisture out of the hash, once you have taken all the bags out and pressed the hash through the sieve it will usually take about 24 hrs to dry, I will place my cardboard on top of dvd player or something similar just to add a very very little heat, so I make sure its dry for the next day.

The last pic is what I got when I poured the bucket with the water I had just drained from the previous bags through the bags again, lol, so dont ever through the water away, put it through again and see if there is more, took other pics of what the 90u looks like now, close up and in a bong, but have to resize them first before I upload them, im sure I have missed loads out, so if I can think of anything else I will add it tomorrow when im uploading the other pics, if any1 has any questions ask away, will be happy to answer the best I can.

The reason I put my trim in the freezer straight away is I have had to throw a lot of trim away once because I forgot to keep turning it and it went moldy, never again, as soon as i have enough it will go into a carrier bag and into the freezer, you can keep it like this for ages and the hash is still the same, that batch I made there was in the freezer for about 3 months for emergency use only, and the quality is still excellent, you can make the hash using fresh trim, just put it in the freezer for 1hr b4 you make it, that way the crystals will be easier to fall off.

I have made hash a lot of times and it don't bubble, people say if it don't bubble it ain't worth the trouble, that's not true, sometimes it does , sometimes it don't, only the 90u did bubble, the 73u melted together but nothing like the way the 90u was as soon as you put a flame to it, the rest burns like good hash but it don't melt, so for me the 90u is by far the best, then the 73u, then the 45u then im not sure, I know the 25u is the bag that catches the small or immature crystals, and the others are ok, but nothing like the 90u, 73u, and 45u, the rest I will usually mix together. Still gets you really stoned if it don't bubble.


Nice pics FF sure you and oj will enjoy it :friday:

hey twullhc thanks for posting that

If you want the best ice ever use the methods of the user IBL, his ice is just out of this world


The only problem I get with these bubbleators is they get really frothy/foamy after the second run
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