Newbie help please - outdoor grow with coco

  • Thread starter chucker8
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A few months back a friend gave me a few seedlings that were in small plastic cups. I began researching on how to take care of them. I learned a lot from youtube, so I created my a new medium to transplant the seedlings to - coco coir and perlite. I buffered the coco using Cal-mag and began feeding the Coco Canna A and B products.
Being new to all of this I later learned that the coco medium and liquid nutrients are more designed for hydro/indoor growing ?
I am strictly outdoor planting.

So for a few weeks I fed the liquid nutrients to the plants in the back yard (in 3 gallon containers). Just a few days ago I transplanted into new 5 gallon containers using a mix of 33% coco, 33% perlite, and 33% horse manure (aged).

My question is, do I still continue to feed the liquid nutrients? Or should I stop because there's now manure in there. Also, I read the rainwater is bad for coco plants since it will flush out the nutrients. Is this still the case?

Thanks for any advice/feedback!


Welcome to the farm.
internet research is a great way to get started. My advise is to wait a minute and see what happens. They’re ina new medium right, sogive them a week or two to adjust. If there is no yellowing or other problems with the New homes start feeding again at 1/4 strength nutrient mix and go from there.
you can always feed a a plant more, the question is will the strain be able to handle the increas.


I also use a coco soil mix for my plants. Depending on where they are in the grow cycle I will feed them additional nutrients. For example I have some plants that just went into bloom and I have them a dose. In a week or two I’ll deliver another P boost.
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