Nitrogen deficiency from the start? Or just genetics?

  • Thread starter Charlie1387
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Ok back again with another question. So here are all my plants pictured. The plants on the right front and back are Bruce banners. Those I’m not concerned with. The 2 in the middle are Girl Scouts, and the 2 on the left are gorilla glues. All autoflowers about 6 weeks old. So what looks like clear nitrogen deficiency on 3 out of the 6 plants are my question. They have been that neon yellow literally since they sprouted. I’ve fed them all 6 the proper dose of tiger bloom from the start of flower at about 50% because I have a tendency to over feed my plants. What do you all think? They’ve had no training as I’m kind of just letting this round do their thing. The PH and PPM is all within normal range.
Anyone have any experience with this happening in these particular strains? Or do you think I should kick up my N because they’re starving. Help lol
Nitrogen deficiency from the start or just genetics
Nitrogen deficiency from the start or just genetics 2
Nitrogen deficiency from the start or just genetics 3
Nitrogen deficiency from the start or just genetics 4


Kind of looks like a lockout. Have you checked your runoff pH or done a slurry. You might need to do a flush and hit them with a good dose of cal mag at a balanced level of pH for the medium.


we need more information to be able to help you out. For starters get your temps and humidity corrected. anywhere around 81f/70% is optimum growth under LED lights.
Sorry about that, I forgot to add that we’re in the middle of an arctic blast where I am and the temp with windchill has been around -10 the last 2 days. This is unusual for my area, but I kicked up the heat in the room and the temps and humidity are back in the optimal ranges. I don’t think that was the problem since those plants have been yellow since sprout and and that didn’t appear over the last 2 days when my temps and humidity were low. My run off last water which was 2 days ago was exactly what I put in at 6.8. I’m going to check that again today when I water. I fed with tiger bloom at 50% and a dose of cal mag at 10ml a gallon. If it’s lock out, problem solved. But it didn’t seem that way when I last watered and checked the run off. I know people say not to start out in “hot soil” and these guys technically did in solo cups for the first 2 weeks. Now they’re in 5 gallon smart pots with fox farm, 20% perlite, and a layer of worm castings on top. Lmk if you need any more info. First thing off the list is check again for lock out, and give them another dose of N and cal mag and watch the new growth


Sorry about that, I forgot to add that we’re in the middle of an arctic blast where I am and the temp with windchill has been around -10 the last 2 days. This is unusual for my area, but I kicked up the heat in the room and the temps and humidity are back in the optimal ranges. I don’t think that was the problem since those plants have been yellow since sprout and and that didn’t appear over the last 2 days when my temps and humidity were low. My run off last water which was 2 days ago was exactly what I put in at 6.8. I’m going to check that again today when I water. I fed with tiger bloom at 50% and a dose of cal mag at 10ml a gallon. If it’s lock out, problem solved. But it didn’t seem that way when I last watered and checked the run off. I know people say not to start out in “hot soil” and these guys technically did in solo cups for the first 2 weeks. Now they’re in 5 gallon smart pots with fox farm, 20% perlite, and a layer of worm castings on top. Lmk if you need any more info. First thing off the list is check again for lock out, and give them another dose of N and cal mag and watch the new growth
This was in response to both replies


Ok back again with another question. So here are all my plants pictured. The plants on the right front and back are Bruce banners. Those I’m not concerned with. The 2 in the middle are Girl Scouts, and the 2 on the left are gorilla glues. All autoflowers about 6 weeks old. So what looks like clear nitrogen deficiency on 3 out of the 6 plants are my question. They have been that neon yellow literally since they sprouted. I’ve fed them all 6 the proper dose of tiger bloom from the start of flower at about 50% because I have a tendency to over feed my plants. What do you all think? They’ve had no training as I’m kind of just letting this round do their thing. The PH and PPM is all within normal range.
Anyone have any experience with this happening in these particular strains? Or do you think I should kick up my N because they’re starving. Help lol
size of room 3by3 - container size ? --- many times the plant will come out of this with a good 3-4 day flush and a 2 day dry period - they are not starving - your feeding seems OK - what about your light too strong from the new babies ?(just a thought) the again GSC needs high "N" amounts than other strains - (heavy feeder)


size of room 3by3 - container size ? --- many times the plant will come out of this with a good 3-4 day flush and a 2 day dry period - they are not starving - your feeding seems OK - what about your light too strong from the new babies ?(just a thought) the again GSC needs high "N" amounts than other strains - (heavy feeder)
The tent is a 3x3x8. The containers are 5 gallon smart pots and the plants are in fox farm soil with 20% perlite, and a layer of worm castings on top. I did go a little overboard with the lights at first. Usually I start all my plants out under a blurpurple Home Depot light that’s only like 67 watts or something lol. And I didn’t do that this time. They went right under one of the thousand watt lights and that was my first mistake after I almost fried all my plants in under a day. So I backed off the light until they were bigger. I still see a little clawing on one of the Girl Scouts so I lifted the lights a little more. You can actually see on the middle plant in the back where I lifted the lights and it stretched lol. So yes, I think the answer to this is a good flush, a decent feeding, and a dry period and see how that goes.


Since you have a few plants showing the same thing I'd take one of them do a complete flush to get the medium pH level down to 5.9-6.0. give it 30 minutes or so to completely drain and get some air back to your girl. Take one gallon of aerated water, add 7 ml of cal mag plus and a full dose of micro's making sure it's at the same pH as your medium.
If you start to see it greening up within a few hours you found your issue.
It's very possible you have a set of unstable seeds whereas you might have inadvertedly over fed even though you're following the same regiment for the plants that are healthy.
If they green up, when they start to dry out a little, give them a quarter dose of the feed you've been providing and start bumping it up from there slowly increasing your pH level to about a 6.5, this will be making more of the NPK available.
The lockout very possibly could be at the trace level nutrient and by dropping that pH you will make them more available to the plant.
Best of luck have fun I hope this helps.


One other thing, just saw your thermometer reads 51%humid at 68F. Thats not best for vegging plants should be more like 70%humid and 80F. They got cold feet for sure and in general the temp is holding the plants back blocking nutrient uptake. @PK1 is spot on.


Might want to get them off the floor. I bet they got cold feet?
Agreed. I will do that tonight. Usually I don’t have them on the floor, but I broke my little tables on the last grow. I’m sure it will help though.


One other thing, just saw your thermometer reads 51%humid at 68F. Thats not best for vegging plants should be more like 70%humid and 80F. They got cold feet for sure and in general the temp is holding the plants back blocking nutrient uptake. @PK1 is spot on.
Yes, my temp and humidity has been very low the last 2 days because we had a random arctic blast hit my state and the temps outside my house were around -10 with the windchill. But I have since gotten the temp and humidity back up to optimal range. So there’s that lol. I’ll get them off the floor tonight. And I will try your advice with flushing and feeding and see how it goes. Thank you!


Yes, my temp and humidity has been very low the last 2 days because we had a random arctic blast hit my state and the temps outside my house were around -10 with the windchill. But I have since gotten the temp and humidity back up to optimal range. So there’s that lol. I’ll get them off the floor tonight. And I will try your advice with flushing and feeding and see how it goes. Thank you!
your soil looks too compact. Flushing is going to block the air to the roots.


your soil looks too compact. Flushing is going to block the air to the roots.
That was the worm castings that clumped up. I went in and loosened all that up last night. The soul is very loose in the pots too. I go in every now and then and cultivate (gently) and make small air pockets around the roots


Yes, my temp and humidity has been very low the last 2 days because we had a random arctic blast hit my state and the temps outside my house were around -10 with the windchill. But I have since gotten the temp and humidity back up to optimal range. So there’s that lol. I’ll get them off the floor tonight. And I will try your advice with flushing and feeding and see how it goes. Thank you!
I did not advise flushing...or feeding. I think you have plenty of both already there. Let them recover from the temp and humid prob before you do anything else


I did not advise flushing...or feeding. I think you have plenty of both already there. Let them recover from the temp and humid prob before you do anything else
Sorry I’m new to this forum. So I may be replying to other peoples comments. But I will always take any advice I get as I’m obviously still learning haha


dig two inches into the soil and do a soil slurry test and post the results here


dig two inches into the soil and do a soil slurry test and post the results here
Ill do that tonight. Betcha I’ll be embarrassed by the results lol. I have a feeling it’s lockout. but my run off was looking good last time. So we will see!
I also agree with furious styles that I need to get my environment right as well


Ill do that tonight. Betcha I’ll be embarrassed by the results lol. I have a feeling it’s lockout. but my run off was looking good last time. So we will see!
I also agree with furious styles that I need to get my environment right as well
how much worm casting did you put on top of the soil?


I swear, Tiger bloom is like a Gangacide. Seen it try to kill more plants here than any other nute. I'd drop that like a hot potato and try something else. If you want organic based, botanicare pure blend pro is a good option, but there are many others.

Your soil also looks pretty stodgy and not very aerated as @PK1 said. Too much worm castings in an already nute rich soil, then tiger bloom on top of that.. they can't breath and are suffering from toxic nutrient levels.

It's a classic killing them with kindness scenario. A lot of people think organic is the best and most forgiving method because it's conducted with such good intentions, using only natural organic materials etc. But the truth is it's one of the easiest to fuck up and get a much worse product than you can grow in the most dead, sterile hydroponics. Tiger bloom has been correlated with literally hundreds of "help my plants are dying" threads here that I've seen.

I'd recommend using a surfactant next time you water, even a couple drops of unscented dish soap to try and reduce the water saturation in the media. And I'd give them nothing but water with maybe 250ppm of botanicare pure blend pro grow for the next few weeks. No need to supplement any more P at this point.
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