Noob with lots of medical questions

  • Thread starter NorcalAbdiver
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Hello All,

Hopefully i can keep all my thoughts in order, plz excuse me if i run long. Basically im 34, a business owner and contractor. In 2003 i had a severe migraine that lasted 17 days from start to finish. At that point i had never had a headache before so they did a full battery of tests and other then the migraine i had excellent health. i lost 15 pounds and mised 2 months of work from that 1 migraine. Every since i have been on a few different meds and vicodin for 6 years and just recently "graduated" to norca. I also take ambien otherwise i only get 4-5 hrs a sleep a night.

I work out 5 days a week and also run 3 days a week, plus my job is very physical so i am in good shape. One downfall of my job is that over the last 17 years i have pretty well wrecked my knees to the point that they hurt everyday, my back hurts every day, i have a partial tear to my left leg acl ligament and i have shoulder impingment on my left shoulder. So thats the gist of me physically.

I am getting tired of the narcotics and some of the side effects of the preventative migraine meds and feel i am dangeroously close to norca addiction. I have never smoked anything i my life and seldom drink. I did try marijuana in high school but it didnt do much for me then probably bunk shit anyways. My father in law has a 215 card and grows his own and has for 20+ years. He gave me a cookie a few years back and i ate half of it.

That half a cookie jacked me up and i have to say i didnt like the way it made me feel. It felt like my heart was racing on overdrive and like it was going to beat out of my chest, i also experienced what felt like very bad heartburn. it basically felt like i was being squeezed from both sides and made me very nervous the way i felt i was sure i was goign to die lol.

So my question is this typical way it would feel? or more likely i took a to high dosage and it rocked me? I looked up white castle and it says it has pain killing properties which i would be interested in. My brother and dad live up in humbolt and i got a clone of headband? while i was up there im growing it out now, but not sure how i should go about trying it without killing myself in the process. I have no problems growing things as i have been around gardening my whole life.

I think this is my last alternative other then a life of pain pills. I not sure of the lingo and what not and what people are all raving about, but i would be looking for advice on strains that are more of pain relieving and body relaxing versus mind altering? does that make since? Also my size is 6'2" and 210 pounds if that makes any diference. Right now i take 3-4 norca a day

Any advice is greatly appreciated i aplogize for the wall of text. Also how addicting or how fast do resistance build up to marijuana?


I don't necessarily believe the cookie was too high of a dosage, but maybe not the wrong type. The increased heart rate is something I've noticed in some strains but definitely not most. I think you may have had a sativa and I believe you should look for an indica. I believe headband (there are a few different cuts available) is a hybrid leaning towards indica and I know it has medicinal properties.

My old roommate did not like headband because he said it made his heart rate increase but I didn't notice that myself. I google searched for headband medicinal properties and found this:

Headband provides relief for a number of symptoms. Pain and headaches dissipate after a few minutes. A relaxed release of tension and stress assist in overall attitude. The excellent choice of sativa added to the combination of Headband balances the indica/sativa characteristics. An awake and alert feeling is also provided but fatigue is not relieved. Appetite is stimulated, as well. Muscles spasms are moderately reduced.

Regarding addiction, marijuana is less addictive than caffeine. Your first couple times consuming marijuana may be an overwhelming experience, but soon it will become much more natural. Each person is different but it is not like you will need to continue to double your dosages on a regular basis. You can hit a ceiling, but switching strains or taking a break for a couple days will bring you back to a more normal level; t-breaks or tolerance breaks.


Nice to see one more pill popper looking to go natural. I too worked construction for yrs and am also falling apart. I also have an over active brain that doesnt let me sleep w/out a little medication. I think the first time you ate a cookie was the real cause of the overwhelming feeling and high heart rate. When you eat marijuana you will tend to have much more of a body type high, which can really make you lethargic ect. Smoking will probably be even more intense in the head at first and might even make you nervous or have slight anxiety. These will pass after the first few times. I like sativa or sativa hybrids (a little indica mixed in) during the day to releave the pain in my back and to help me relax. Then i move on to a heavy indica just before bed. I have a super high tolerance now and sometimes also take a t-break, usually during a week vacation so i dont dwell on not having my herb. Headband will work for both if its the real thing. Some of my ole timer friends still love what we call "stress" (mexican brick weed) cause it doesnt get them too high and also allows them to work during the day. Its way cheaper but might be hard to find depending on your circle of friends .

Good luck w/ your meds.

cindy99 king

not nice to see how much pain u are going through,i dont smoke pot for pain(i just love smoking it) but i do have a few mates that do smoke it for pain.a very good mate has stated that white rhino is very good foe pain.other then that i hope u get some pain releving strains. :)


I need to do more research on the subject. So indica strains at bed time? do they make you sleep more or fall asleep better and faster? if so that would be cool. My circle of friends is non exisent as most have diferent ideas about life so most have drifted away with time. the ones i am still friends with are all mostly closet smokers. my best source would be my brother for plants or buds. Seems how he has a botany degree for HSU and grows. So i think ill grow 2 kinds then sounds like the right plan.

Do all marijuana give the munchies or is it person or strain dependent?
Scuzy what narcotics were you on before marijuana and how would you compare the 2? if you dont mind sharing as im really curious on what i can gleam from you about your experience switching
Most of my construction buddies are heavy alcoholics i just cant drink due to issues with the migraines which alchohol seems to bring on an intensify


it sounds like you need to try a few different strains to see what works for you different med work for some but not for others before you spend time money on something that isnt what you need
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