Not Sure If This Is Bud Rot...

  • Thread starter Scarfs
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This is an overall look of the plant:

Not sure if this is bud rot

My plant is filled with thin weblike structures, I have seen a few small spiders on the plant so I was thinking maybe they are the cause but it's all over the plant.

Not sure if this is bud rot 3
Not sure if this is bud rot 6
Not sure if this is bud rot 7
Not sure if this is bud rot 8

A few of my pistils look a bit off...

Not sure if this is bud rot 4
Not sure if this is bud rot 5

There's also this long brown mark om my main stem, which I found folded in half about 2 weeks ago and got back up with a tutor.

Not sure if this is bud rot 2

Is this an early sign of bud rot? What do I do?


You have spider mites. You need to wash them off of there and treat them with any number of insecticides out there.
Thanks for the quick response, should I harvest the plant early and wash the buds? Or is it fine if I treat it with a spray and let the buds thicken for a few more weeks? This is my only plant so it would be really annoying if the treatment fails and I lose my harvest...
Will the buds be safe for consumption? Do you have an explanation for the pistils looking the way they do?
This is my first time dealing with pests since my previous grows were indoors (this is also only my 3rd grow so still very new)

few pictures of my flowers (I don't have the best camera so it's hard to tell the state of the trichomes, maybe a more experienced eye can tell...)
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Well, since it’s outside, spray it down with water and knock the majority of them off, get under the leaves, on the stems try your best to not saturate flower sites, it’ll be a bit tedious, but worth it. Do the plant cleaning at dusk or nighttime, the water beads left on the plant during the day will burn you leaves and plant. Also clear the ground around the base of the plant to, you don’t want them to re-infest the plant. Then once the plant is cleared, spray it down with captain jacks, I use it, it is magic.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Well, since it’s outside, spray it down with water and knock the majority of them off, get under the leaves, on the stems try your best to not saturate flower sites, it’ll be a bit tedious, but worth it. Do the plant cleaning at dusk or nighttime, the water beads left on the plant during the day will burn you leaves and plant. Also clear the ground around the base of the plant to, you don’t want them to re-infest the plant. Then once the plant is cleared, spray it down with captain jacks, I use it, it is magic.
Oh and spray captain jacks around the base of the plant too.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Thanks for the quick response, should I harvest the plant early and wash the buds? Or is it fine if I treat it with a spray and let the buds thicken for a few more weeks? This is my only plant so it would be really annoying if the treatment fails and I lose my harvest...
Will the buds be safe for consumption? Do you have an explanation for the pistils looking the way they do?
This is my first time dealing with pests since my previous grows were indoors (this is also only my 3rd grow so still very new)

few pictures of my flowers (I don't have the best camera so it's hard to tell the state of the trichomes, maybe a more experienced eye can
Oh and spray captain jacks around the base of the plant too.
also, your plants look like they have about four weeks to go, spraying a plants with flower on it like that can be dicey, but the mites are bad and will eventually decimate it. Treat it with the spray, at night, watch those flower sites carefully. Don’t be heavy handed. Get the plant coated, and reapply in a few days if they aren’t gone.


allright, thank you so much, I'll do that tonight, should I make a schedule like do it twice a week untill harvest to be safe?
I broke my leg so I'm stuck at home, I will have more than enough time to take care of the plant! (I guess there's a positive for everything)
I haven't really seen any spider mites, are they that small or maybe there just aren't that many... anyways looks like I'm going to war!


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
They are very hard to see. Tiny little fuckers I’ve seen the captain jacks kill them in one spray, so monitor the plant after you spray diligently. I believe you can use it every other day, but I would go for the one and done since she is flowering.


They are very hard to see. Tiny little fuckers I’ve seen the captain jacks kill them in one spray, so monitor the plant after you spray diligently. I believe you can use it every other day, but I would go for the one and done since she is flowering.
Will do, and monitor them very closely, since I can't really move my plant, the roots went trough the pot straight into the soil, don't want to rip the roots and move the pot


Update: I can now see the mites, I have some specific spots mindmapped and see the mites on the same exact place 1 day later, is this a sign they are dead? (since I don't see them moving) Or do they not really move...
I'm also lightly spraying the buds with water every night since I read they do not like moisture, is this a bad idea?
Also I was wondering, how can you tell the plant has 4 weeks to go? Curious about what you see that I don't!
I've also trimmed all the heavily damaged leaves and haven't noticed any particular degradation since I trimmed it, but maybe it's a bit soon to tell just yet... The buds are still covered in small webs, but nothing to crazy.
I was also thinking of introducing ladybugs on the plant since I have a lot in my garden.
There's also a spider living on the plant, I don't think that's a bad thing since they are predators, right?
Thanks for your expertise!


What I am missing here is the typical dots on the leaves from the mites... usually, once you see the webbings from them, they should be all over the plant, as that is the last stage... the dots/points on leaves can be seen much earlier... maybe lucky you just have some spider... well, spiders won't harm your plants but still do webs which will entrap other insects and you don't want both in your weed later... plant doesn't look unhappy except for the N deficiency it is in... later you could do a budwashing to get rid of the stuff that's on the plant now
Hope this helps a bit


What I am missing here is the typical dots on the leaves from the mites... usually, once you see the webbings from them, they should be all over the plant, as that is the last stage... the dots/points on leaves can be seen much earlier... maybe lucky you just have some spider... well, spiders won't harm your plants but still do webs which will entrap other insects and you don't want both in your weed later... plant doesn't look unhappy except for the N deficiency it is in... later you could do a budwashing to get rid of the stuff that's on the plant now
Hope this helps a bit
I will for sure do bud washing at harvest, any tips on nutrient feed? I'm stuck at home at the moment with a broken leg so I can't really go out to the shop... I do have a compost pile, but dont want to introduce any extra pests.
maybe a compost tea or something like that?
Thanks for the tip!


I will for sure do bud washing at harvest, any tips on nutrient feed? I'm stuck at home at the moment with a broken leg so I can't really go out to the shop... I do have a compost pile, but dont want to introduce any extra pests.
maybe a compost tea or something like that?
Thanks for the tip!
Oh and about the dots, I already did a big defoliation before taking those pics, maybe that explains it?

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