nutrient defecientcy chart

  • Thread starter maxwell murder
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Holy shit! A full tablespoon per liter, not gallon, not teaspoon? Oh my goodness, you can back off of that, a whole lot. A WHOLE lot. All that Mg (there's also more sulfur in magnesium sulfate than magnesium) will block other minerals, it's antagonistic to them.

Gypsum will provide you some Ca and S, as you've sussed, I'd start mixing it with liquid feeds (keeping it in suspension might be a trick), and I'd start that at around 2t/gal. That's not a formula, it's just what 'feels' right to me. If someone comes along and says they would use it at a different rate and offers good reasons, then I would give that strong consideration.

The problem I'm having here is that I don't do the formula feeds and I'm terrible with math. But I think you're causing a lock-out situation where you have such an excess of one or more mineral nutrients that others are being essentially 'blocked'. Let me attach a mineral wheel chart for you here.

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Lol thanks for saving me with the epsom salt, some one recommended that I had no way of knowing how if that was accurate...I'm glad I started small xD. That fan leaf I showed you is now completely yellow and it's other lower fan leaf counterpart is starting to turn too, the rest look green,..I think the high pH and the nutrient lockout is doing what you said and preventing them from getting their first aid..

On the bright side I think the vinegar really helped with my pH. I tested my coir and it went from 7+ to 5.5 :). That might help a little at least with the lockout. My canna bottle recommends 4ml step 1/step 2 per liter. I think since you said I'm showing some toxicity I'll cut that in half to 2 ml step 1/step 2 per liter. Tea spoon of dextrose (I figured a little simple sugar couldn't hurt when it's about to flower), a .5t easpoon-1t for epsom salt (Will do your foliar treatment with it too on feeding days with your listed dosage), and half a teaspoon of gypsum (Should I include that with my foliar treatment too or no need/too much?), and a mL of vinegar because my trade still hasn't come through yet with the pH bottles -__-. All of what I said in 1 liter of water. How does that sound?

I'll review that chart thanks! many arrows o-O


Living dead girl
Sounds good to me. I don't think you can give the CaSO4 as a foliar treatment, I think it needs some contact time with soil/media.


I'm glad that's what I did haha. Thanks for all your help I feel I got a system I can work with now :). A couple of my plants are looking better now! One of them is too far gone I think, at very least it'll be stunted. Oh well. I think it's almost time to 12/12 it :D, going to wait a week for the 2 month mark.


Living dead girl
Just be sure to reread your thread here, you've gotten stellar advice from a few growers here.

Oh! And I don't think anyone has mentioned that those feeding formulas are often waaaaayyy too strong. I *always* start with a quarter of the recommended amount and work my way up or down from there, depending on how concentrated the feed is. Since I do organic the N-P-K-Ca-S-etc numbers are usually pretty low, no more than 15%.
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