Nutrients and drip feed confusion

  • Thread starter Green Giant
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Green Giant

Green Giant

OK farmers, I have some confusion about nutrients and using drip feed.

I was using the organic line from GH. Wanted to switch over to drip feed in chow mix, talked to the local hydro store and they recommended going to GH Floranova line up so I did, (keep in mind I was wanting to go with H&G coco line) Ended up going to a different hydro store and talking to these guys, they said that the Floranova line is full of salts and would not be a good choice for drip. then last night went back to new hydro store, someone else was working, ready to buy the H&G line up and the guy said that the Floranova would do just fine in a drip set up.

So what is your take on this? Stick with GH or move to H&G?



Havent used either but I have seen nice logs using canna, which I have run top drip and veg&bloom which I am running top drip. Good luck brother


OK farmers, I have some confusion about nutrients and using drip feed.

I was using the organic line from GH. Wanted to switch over to drip feed in chow mix, talked to the local hydro store and they recommended going to GH Floranova line up so I did, (keep in mind I was wanting to go with H&G coco line) Ended up going to a different hydro store and talking to these guys, they said that the Floranova line is full of salts and would not be a good choice for drip. then last night went back to new hydro store, someone else was working, ready to buy the H&G line up and the guy said that the Floranova would do just fine in a drip set up.

So what is your take on this? Stick with GH or move to H&G?


Any nute line will do fine in a drip system. What makes you think nutes are drip system specific? Heres a helpful hint i give newbies, Dont listen to "hydro store guys" advice. most of the time they dont know what they are talking about and only trying to make a buck off you.

If your worried about mineral deposits and salt buildup, Use Drip Clean fro GH


If I was you I wouldn't use flora nova 1 part. Ive ran drip lines for 6+ years and from my experience you will eventually clog your lines. Look at the consistency of FN and its super thick and chunky. If you want to use gh get the flora nova duo or the 3 part which is cleaner. The only difference in the FN 1 part is the addition of humic acid.H&G runs clean and wont clog your lines as well as veg+bloom(from my experience). Also be careful of adding organic inputs you run the risk of clogged lines since over time organic deposits are left in the tubing that will eventually clog the line.TRUST ME


I stopped using drip clean, though it works.
Been using carefree enzymes pond protector stage 2 @ 15ml per 100 gallons. Prevents salt buildup.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

organics clog drip lines, salts don't. at least not in the time it takes to flower out a plant. When i use organic products in the lines i always flush a few seconds of clear afterwards, and i clean my lines with biogreen clean after every run. I also run enzymes through at least once a week, sometimes twice a week @ half dose


Any nute line can go through a drip line, just have to make sure you have the right kind if drip.

I wouldn't put organics through a 1/8 inch drip line, but organics from a 1/2 inch drip would work just fine.

I wouldn't put flora nova through 1/8 inch as well cuz of the humic acid though a 1/4 inch drip works fine with humics and kelp.

Also as stated, flushing and enzymes will help keep any sized drip line clean

Dnt listen to hydro store people they rarely know what they are talking about in my experience...


I dont think that enzymes dissolve salts, they enable the micro-fauna to eat faster and more efficiently.. Warm water will though. And good advise about the hydro store as well. These folks are not agriculturalists or horticulturalists, and generally are not educated in the nuances of plant physiology or nutrition. So, though these folks can maybe grow great herb and have many beautiful healthy plants, they most likely will not be able to tell you why you should use this or that, and that every product they sell is overpriced simply dissolved salts anyway.
Sorry that was my rant for the night.

Peace all


Pond protector stage 2 from carefree enzymes dissolves salts. No idea how it affects biologicals.


Pond protector stage 2 from carefree enzymes dissolves salts. No idea how it affects biologicals.

the last scentance in the first paragraph on the back label:

"Enhances man made bacteria" also "Enhances performance of all indigenous bacteria"

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