NWElite89- UC4XL *Critical Kush*

  • Thread starter NWElite89
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@ Haggardass-
Did topping and LST'ing. This is the first "true test" of this strain, so I am still playing around with it to get the best feel of it. I believe I topped 3x each plant and began LST'ing in the second week. Not a real fan of the FIM technique. Gets me excited each day to look at the progress:)
For sure, it gets me excited to everyone i go unzip that tent, I just topped mine but that's all I'm going to do no training and stuff for me this round just letting them grow, I'm going to transplant into 2 gallon piss this weekend and veg another two weeks maybe then flower.


The main thing is to always try and improve your technique. Every grow I try something new, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
Same here man sometimes I top sometimes o don't, I've tied them over bent them sideways crushed the stem when they were young (those were my biggest plants) the list goes on.



Was out of town for a little bit and gave these ladies a true test to see how they would do while no one was there to watch over them. Came back to a full canopy that had filled in nicely with it being so dense. The stocks are getting bigger and they are slowly stretching. I have noticed that these girls do not stretch maybe 20-30%, but I know it still a little early. Very happy with them and they are currently sitting at about 28-30" tall. The PPM's were at about 250 and when I returned so in 7 days, they drank about 250ppm. Drained and re-filled the whole setup and put in a nice fresh batch of nutrients for the ladies. Went a little strong to see how they could handle the system with 235ML of Aqua Flakes A/B, 65ML Multi-zen, 10ML of Drip Clean. Currently the PPMS were sitting at 660 after 4 hours of cycling through the system. Usually I have them about the 550 range for this specific week, but I think these ladies can handle it. To my surprise this morning the PPMS were sitting at 590.:) Drank 60ppms in a 18 hour period which is the most I have seen at this time during a grow:) Room conditions have been doing well and the humidity had dropped in 40-50 range with the lights off and dont see any signs of PM. Smoked some of my CK from last round and I have to say that it was very good. Loved the high compared to my Sour Haze and had a good density to it upon further inspection, which makes me even more excited for this run even more. Enough talkin, and here are some photos to get you guys by for a few days.......

Current Conditions:

Room Temp- 68
Humidity 47%
Water Temp 66F
PPMS- 590 (660)


Wow, that's a nice canopy! Not a single bit of visable discolouration, your ladies look set to thrive! Gonna love watching them bloom over the next month and a bit.



Was out of the area for a little bit and came back to my surprise with the ladies drinking a solid 42 gallons in 3 days:) . I had filled them with plain water while I was gone on short notice and thought they would be fine, but when I returned I could hear my water pump starving a little bit and was only shooting little bursts of water. Guess these girls are a little farther than I anticipated in terms of hydration...haha. Flushed the system again and put in approximately 300ml of Aqua Flakes A/B, 90ML of Multi-zen, and about 15 ml of drip clean. PPM's are sitting at 750ppm which could be a little high again like last week, but I think they could handle it. I am thinking I will top these girls out at 800-850 which is the highest I have done ever in a UC. Buds are starting to stack on nicely and are starting to stack a little bit. I am liking these short inter-nodes because these things are going to throw on some weight. The other environment conditions are doing great and still not using any humidifier at this point.

Current Conditions

Temp 70-80 Night-Morning
Humidity 47%-55
PPMS- 770 (went up 20ppm, just a tad strong 24* period)
Water Temp 65-68 *still not using any chiller;)

*Will post pics later


You have some nice ladies there elite, I wish I never took time of from growing I'm having to relearn a lot. Keep up the good work and happy growing.


Week 4 of flowering

Nutrient solution ended up being a little too strong and had to put about 10 gallons of water to drop the ppms down, but the plants didn't seem to stress to bad and only have a slight discoloration on one plant, and light burnt tips. I am thinking they topped out at 660-700 or somewhere close in that range, which is something I will shoot for on the next nute change out in the next few days. Gave the ladies another haircut and removed a lot of dead undergrowth and looks a lot better and I see why the breeder says there is great flower to leaf ratio as this strain looks like its gonna be breeze to trim. I have been tying some colas back up as they have been falling for the past two days which is something I can say I have never experienced at this stage of growth (tail end of Week 3). The branches don't really thicken up on this strain and I can see why SCROG is vital for this plant just for the support alone, but I think Ill manage and something in the works that I have already been planning for the next round. Did some tying up around the outside boarder of the plants to provide support for the lower branches when they start adding on the weight. The buds are really stacking and have just about filled up the stock and now up to the bulking stages here pretty quick. Going to lay down another round of Azamax on the plants as I found a few little crawlers (mites) in the back. Not really worried too much, but will keep an eye for them. Gonna get some pictures up later tonight/tomorrow


Week 4 Update

Decided to change out my water and did a full nutrient change since for the past 5 days were just pure water because of last weeks little "hot" nutrient mixture. I did a cup of Aqua Flakes A/B which is about 235ml and 60ML of Bud-XL and also 10ml of drip clean. I noticed that the water was starting to smell and kinda had the "wet feet smell". Ended up with 630ppm for the mixture, which I think is going to be perfect. I thought about higher 600's, but I want the plant to recover a make a note for next run not to go that high. Ill post some pic updates in the few days or so. Hope everyone is having a good run so far:)


Quick Update-

Just started week 5 of flowering and almost had the nutrient strength on par, it only jumped up 30ppm, so I have just been adding 5 gallon of plain tap water a day and it seems to be leveling out. Also noticed that my plants were getting a little hot from the light as the leaves were curling upwards so i moved the lights up about 3 inches or so and I have maxed them out. They currently sit at 25" below the main canopy and about 20" away from the top cola. Almost been dealing with more colas falling over. The weight is started to be packed on so been racing to keep the tied up and think I have them set for the rest of this grow. About to remove the clones from the cloner next week and being putting them in the tent. Plants are bouncing back in terms of color and stacking nicely.

Current Conditions

Room Temp 70-79
PPMS- 580
Water Temp 68


Day 42 Update-

Have not posted on here a while because of computer issues, but all is well after some much "dust" needed cleaning and a new CMOS battery... Everything seems to be settled in after the recent tie ups of the colas. I have been giving the plants just plain water since the 580ppm and it was slowly rising 50ppms each night, so I decided to do a flush. Going to give them a 24 hour flush and get rid of any salt build up or lockouts that may have occurred while I had the strong nutrient week. Tomorrow Ill be shooting for about 450 ppm and I think I will see some better results in terms of the plant bouncing back. Have not noticed any spider mites the past few days, but nonetheless, I have been applying the weekly regimen. I expect the plants to be putting on weight these last few weeks. Excited for the last push. Will get some pics up over this weekend


Great thread. Your diligent attention to these girls will pay off! Nice work.


Day 50 Update-

Things are moving along quite nicely and the buds are filling up, but not as much as I would expected, but that could be partly because of the over fertilization and higher heat for the last week. I have noticed the trichomes are just beginning to see a touch of amber and are looking quite nicely under the 30x. Changed out my water and brought the ppms down to 350ppm and within 24 hours it had only raised 20 ppms. Put in a 5 gallons of plain ph water and have dropped it down since. Going to move my clones into bigger buckets this week which should equate to about a 3-4 week veg in the tent. I am thinking this will be a 65 day strain, but time will only tell. Got a few shots here for ya, from the last week and half. Also got a picture of some of the root mass


looking good man things are progressing nicely, I love that last pic of the roots its a trip lol I just put up pics of my girls a few minutes ago they are looking nice as well, think im going to have to up my nutes next water though they are starting to yellow a little lol stop by some time and check it out im going to start putting up more pics now that things are more intersting.


I love that last pic as well, I had not even looked at it since week 3 of veg and was surprised how much roots there were this time compared to last grows. I think with the combination of right enivornment settings and the dual air-disc really helped this grow. Almost to the end, but already working the screen to improve next crop


I will definitely be using a screen next grow Ive always wanted to scrog and even built a screen and never got around to using it lol, are you using micro pore diffusers?
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