Obnoxious strain names

  • Thread starter sedate
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Does anyone ever look at a beautiful nugget - and then wonder - "what the hell was that breeder thinking when this strain was named?"

A strain name should have a conotation to it - something that says "Smoke me. I'm amazing. I'm from someplace exotic. I'll take you to new places and new heights."

some strain names that do this well:

Northern Lights
Jamican Red Hair
Hong Kong Star
Purple Snowcap

Some that don't:

"AK-47" - I know its a classic - but why the eff would anyone name a pot strain after the most prolific assault rifle in the world? This offends the hell out of the pothead in me.

"G13, C99, etc." - Is this supposed to be a serial number?

"Cheese" - is marijuana a fermented milk-based product? Does someone want weed that bears some resemblance to cheese - like maybe the moldy part? What conotation is this supposed to have?

This is obviously a little subjective - anyone else have a strain name or naming convention that annoys them?

Rolln J

well I can see g 13 or c99- when Im looking for a keeper I name moms a-z and cuts from them 1-99...

but I know what you mean about cheese - doesnt really work for me!


All the supposed "Kush" strains that are not really kush at all *cough* OG Kush *cough* bug the heck out of me. I've seen so many sativas and indicas being called kush these last few years it is just ridiculous. I don't think most people even know what the heck real kush is or what the name means.


I read somewhere that Simon named the AK-47, "AK-47" because it was some "one-hitter quitter" dunno...

Also read that the guys who found the special "cheese" pheno out of the skunk1 named it that because that was the best way they could describe the funkiness of the cut. Like some old, moldy, funky cheese.

Im the same as Rolling J when it comes to runnin mothers A-Z 1-10, So i understand the whole g-13 c-99 thing. C-99 was actually cubed to 99


Yea I understand the a-z/number convention - I just think that if one finds something so amazing - they could then - give it a real name.

spinkus said:
Like some old, moldy, funky cheese.

Right. That's disgusting.

spinkus said:
one-hitter quitter

Yea I get the idea behind violent sounding strain names "Knockout" "Killer Kush" "AK-47" - I'm just kind hipped out about it - potheads should be more relaxed.

Blaze said:
All the supposed "Kush" strains that are not really kush at all *cough* OG Kush *cough* bug the heck out of me. I've seen so many sativas and indicas being called kush these last few years it is just ridiculous. I don't think most people even know what the heck real kush is or what the name means

The name itself doesn't bother me so much as its rampant overuse.

"Diesel" is another prefix/suffix that drives me apeshit.


LoL yeah me too. There are so many freakin diesels out there now it's annoying. Same with purps. The purps strains that aren't purple always crack me up too.

Rolln J

All the supposed "Kush" strains that are not really kush at all *cough* OG Kush *cough* bug the heck out of me. I've seen so many sativas and indicas being called kush these last few years it is just ridiculous. I don't think most people even know what the heck real kush is or what the name means.

yeah I got to say that one irks me too really - my first grow of OG I was gifted the cuts and my friend just said they were kush - after 2 weeks and 3 feet of stretch I had to call him back and say are you fucking sure this is kush dude - because kush is an indica and most indica dont stretch like that...

wasnt til i grew it out and realized it was "OG" kush and learned a bit about its background - still like what the fuck, when you say OG the connotation is "original" so you'd "think" it would be more like an afghan landrace...

but yeah OG sells so everybody calls their shit OG, lame...

hmmm now Im not sure if Im more bothered by the og part or the kush part, Ill go smoke some og kush and dwell on this...

Id point out that this whole sequence was about 5 years ago so please dont comment about what OG means or what Kush is because I know all the stories - lol



ak-47 pot head wtf.........it makes me think of afghan and resistance fighting around the globe in general..greatest weapon ever ! you can bury that fuker in the mud still works ...very pot related .......a names a name its not for you its for the creator....

.....some names stick as a joke...like sonoma coma...or have something to do with the character of the grower.......or their fucking funny like when rayray gave me my first erkle seeds.. i fucking laughed ...

alots in a name its true ..............but who cares ,,,,sorry homey you annoy me hahah im not trying to beef hahah at all its just silly man come on . when you create something name it whatever you want like melllow yello goo bear tree hugger or super dank road kill squealer ....

dont matter long as its a+ ....im drunk by the way ....



Why should potheads be relaxed? The ak 47 rifle guards more pot fields worldwide than anything else though in california I would guess there are more ar 15's. Besides that pot is under attack because pot never shoots back. The reason why in 4 years of humboldt living I never heard of a large bust of any real drugs.

Turn off the bob marley shit and go to the firing range hippies! Or else move to humboldt and rot with the rest of the passive and docile slaves.


I say if you took the time to make the cross you have the right to call it anything you want under the sun. I especially love catpiss, dogshit and urkle (I mean come on thats about as nerdy as you get) :). I sometimes find myself laughing at names like that and saying "these guys/gals must have been ripped beyond the max to come up with something like that." Kind of makes me want it for that fact.


zero said:
a names a name its not for you its for the creator....

cemchris said:
I say if you took the time to make the cross you have the right to call it anything you want under the sun. I especially love catpiss, dogshit and urkle

Bah! What kind of logic is this?

Everyone else that hears the stupid name has to put up with it.

"Smoke some of this dank catpiss dude" - ?!



it really smells like catpiss if its the rite pheno ...really.....

its zoer not zero .............. granola goo it is then ......

you should get out more man .. do you have a pony tail??? hahaah still drunk....

its called marketing homey......


potheads should be more relaxed.

The name itself doesn't bother me so much as its rampant overuse.

"Diesel" is another prefix/suffix that drives me apeshit.

i get really mad when people say how i should be....think talk act .........errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr name weed.

im having a fucking moment .....
seriously dude you probably drive a prius.....

diesel describes the pot like catpiss .....

jah help this bwoy....


I hear you sedate. I wouldn't want to smoke anything described as cat urine, cheese, or truck fuel either.

Here's something for the couple of neanderthals who wandered in here. Enlighten thyselves:

Research on beer commercials by Strate (Postman, Nystrom, Strate, And Weingartner 1987; Strate 1989, 1990) and by Wenner (1991) show some results relevant to studies of masculinity. In beer commercials, the ideas of masculinity (especially risk-taking) are presented and encouraged. The commercials often focus on situations where a man is overcoming an obstacle in a group. The men will either be working hard or playing hard. For instance the commercial will show men who do physical labor such as construction workers, or farm work, or men who are cowboys. Beer commercials that involve playing hard have a central theme of mastery (over nature or over each other), risk, and adventure. For instance, the men will be outdoors fishing, camping, playing sports, or hanging out in bars. There is usually an element of danger as well as a focus on movement and speed. This appeals to and emphasizes the idea that real men overcome danger and enjoy speed (i.e. fast cars/driving fast). The bar serves as a setting for test of masculinity (skills like pool, strength and drinking ability) and serves as a center for male socializing.



Here's something for the couple of neanderthals who wandered in here. Enlighten thyselves:


Guess that took you 5 sec to copy out of Wikipedia. Pretty enlightened......

Personally some of us get real high and find humor in all of this. Some people just need to "fix" stuff all the time. That's how the world goes.

Yea I have no problem calling catpiss catpiss. Want to know why? Because it smells like catpiss. End of story. Yall should dable in some genetics yourselves first hand before criticizing other peoples work. Karma can bite you in the ass in this hobby. :sign0065:


if you are scared to smoke weed that smells like cat piss, cheese or fuel, it's ok.

keep smoking the schwag...lol


I love the name OG my fav weed, I have no problem with the name Diesel as well or the CHEM'S
Maybe if you had brought up a name like green crack i could see u not liking that name but so far all the others i can see how they got those names shit I even like the name green crack LOL


Mantis said:
I hear you sedate. I wouldn't want to smoke anything described as cat urine, cheese, or truck fuel either.

Thank you! That's all I was really trying to point out.

Not trying to step on breeders' rights everywhere to name their marijuana the stupidest, most disgusting, attention-getting thing they can think of.

I wouldn't want to stand in the way of that.

Mantis said:
show some results relevant to studies of masculinity. In beer commercials, the ideas of masculinity (especially risk-taking) are presented and encouraged.

Exactly. Beefy, masculine sounding names for guys who aren't secure in their sexuality.

I hate beer commericals. It's the worst of humanity.

That and the US Senate.

zero said:
you should get out more man .. do you have a pony tail??? hahaah still drunk....
zero said:
seriously dude you probably drive a prius.....

Thanks. I'm a clean-shaven corn-fed whiteboy. I have a crew cut. I drive a Subaru Impreza. A fast one.

Seriously dude, you probably drink Bud Light.

zero said:
diesel describes the pot like catpiss .....

My experience would lead me to argue that it probably describes the fertilizers used and the curing process better than it describes the phenotype.
But I digress . . .

cemchris said:
Personally some of us get real high and find humor in all of this. Some people just need to "fix" stuff all the time. That's how the world goes.

I didn't really expect breeders to stop naming weed AK-47 and Cheese. I just wanted to complain about it.

I figured some folks might agree with me - some might not.

Can't say that I thought my lowly thread on thcfarmer would turn into a worldwide movement to rename weed.

cemchris said:
Yea I have no problem calling catpiss catpiss. Want to know why? Because it smells like catpiss. End of story.

Exactly! I don't have any problem calling catpiss 'catpiss' either.

I have a problem calling weed 'catpiss.'

You know - because it's disgusting. End of story.

cemchris said:
Yall should dable in some genetics yourselves first hand before criticizing other peoples work. Karma can bite you in the ass in this hobby

What are you talking about?

You suppose I've never cross-bred cannabis? Because I wouldn't name the result 'dogshit'?

I never knocked anyones breeding - I knocked the subsequent naming convention.

Besides - cross breeding a fast-growing annual like cannabis isn't exactly a difficult task - I'm not even sure it involves anything that could be described as 'work.'

So karma has it in for me - how?

cemchris said:
Guess that took you 5 sec to copy out of Wikipedia. Pretty enlightened......

Well yea - he took the time to make himself more informed about the human behaviors around him using sources well suited to that task.

Good social science thinking - so, Mantis' comments surely qualify as enlightened, even if he didn't take the time to produce some peer-reviewed, published research just in time for a thread on a weed-growing forum.

fractal said:
Why should potheads be relaxed?

Because they're stoned.

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