oh no! looks like death - help me identify the problem..please!

  • Thread starter tattoojim
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this is one of the Kolossus...pics are better than words for describing the problem so...
Oh no looks like death   help me identify the problemplease
Oh no looks like death   help me identify the problemplease 2
Oh no looks like death   help me identify the problemplease 3
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
looks like it may have dried out at one point. the rest of the plant seems fine cut or snap the dead leaves off if the bother you, if not they will fall off on thier own shortly.


thanks for the reply...
they got watered the day before yesterday, and this damage just started showing yesterday...i'm not sure if drying out could've been a problem. but i guess if i pick off the damaged leaves, i'll be able to better tell what the damage is if it comes back?? the plant was beautiful 2 days ago...
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
yeah hopefully it was a 1 time thing good luck


i hope so too, just moved one of my fans cuz i saw someone suggest windburn in another infirmary thread..thanks for the well wishes.

also, it's definitely water holding, there's sand that got mixed in that was originally on top as a method to control some insects that have been plaguing us...originally watering was on a 3 day cycle, but it's about 5 now because of the added sand. it's been a hell of a fight with this grow, and things are finally looking better this last week, so seeing that damage pop up on the kollossus is definitely saddening.

edit - the rest of the medium is some mg soil, perlite, some mushroom compost...we reused soil from the last grow and added stuff to it. and sand, can't forget the freaking sand.
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
i originally had posted the wind burn thing but then i looked back at the pics again. how tall are the plants? and are the nice and green or do they look like they need food? its hard to see with those pics cuz of the lighting.


yeah, i had to put sunglasses over my camera lol... the kollosus is mostly green (not dark green, but green), could need food though i guess. it had the fan closest to it, so it was probably a good idea to move it anyway, but i'm not positive that's the problem. we're running so many strains this time it's hard to dial in specific nutes for each plant especially since our main goal has been to combat the bugs recently the nutes have had to be good enough for all the plants to get the same thing. they got a hard hit of jacks and beastie bloomz, which promoted new hairs sprouting out of the older plants that we'd thought stopped shooting new hairs. then this time (2 days ago) they got a drop of superthrive in 5 gals of water. Our water here is HARD...like, bad. we let it sit for 3 days before using it. we've need to drop our ph a little, but we maintain the same (though slightly too high) ph of 7.0-7.3. it didn't seem to affect the last batch of plants. and the new babies in veg are looking good (but they're in new soil...) ahhhh...so many problems, so little time ;)


Cannobi Genetics
I would say it looks like a P or K deficiency, or nute burn. Due to the way that the leaf is curling up like that and the spots make me think K. Are you adding any micronutes? What's your feed consist of? I'm always worried about residual nute residue in previously used medium. Also sand will add to drainage not to water retention. Try to take a pic of the whole plant in regular lighting conditions so we can see the color of the leaves and the rest of the plant for comparison. Also a good rule of thumb to keep an eye out foor is if the damaged leaves are older then it's an NPK issue, base nutes, ie Nitrogen, phosphorous, and/or potassium. If the damaged leaf is newer it is a micronute issue, ie Boron,Iron, Manganese.


Macronutrients can be broken into two more groups:
primary and secondary nutrients.
The primary nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These major nutrients usually are lacking from the soil first because plants use large amounts for their growth and survival.

The secondary nutrients are calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). There are usually enough of these nutrients in the soil so fertilization is not always needed. Also, large amounts of Calcium and Magnesium are added when lime is applied to acidic soils. Sulfur is usually found in sufficient amounts from the slow decomposition of soil organic matter, an important reason for not throwing out grass clippings and leaves.


Micronutrients are those elements essential for plant growth which are needed in only very small (micro) quantities . These elements are sometimes called minor elements or trace elements, but use of the term micronutrient is encouraged by the American Society of Agronomy and the Soil Science Society of America. The micronutrients are boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), chloride (Cl), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo) and zinc (Zn). Recycling organic matter such as grass clippings and tree leaves is an excellent way of providing micronutrients (as well as macronutrients) to growing plants.
Best of luck.

What up Twist!

Cannabis leaf deficiencies


it seems to me that it's added 2 extra days we have to wait for the soil to dry out before we can water again. we really need new soil, but we have to get through this harvest first. i agree that it could be a k deficiency, perhaps she wanted more nutes rather than close to straight water, but i'll have to wait 4 or 5 days to find out on that one. will get another pic later tonight when the lighting is better for pic taking ;)


we've been weary of adding anything because the reused soil still seems to have stuff in it (we know now it was a terrible idea)..but the plants did seem to respond to the jacks. perhaps feed, feed, water would be good. our best results have been when we used age old 12-6-6 early in veg (they just ate it up) and it made them way easier to deal with in flower. this time around is just so jumbled...but we have some great strains, and still some great looking buds that i personally can't wait to smoke...i just really don't want to lose them due to a few problems, so i'm hoping they can be fixed - just about another month for our clones to harvest, and a few weeks between a few more stages - then we can start over with new soil, wash our buckets, clean our room up some, etc...


Cannobi Genetics
I agree with GoD that the fine sand holds water. I thought of regular course sand. Yeah drainage is pretty key. Do you have fungus gnats flying around the soil line and near your pots?


all we could find was playsand, i wouldn't say it was really fine, but i will say i agree with those things as problems sand causes...and what's worse is that we put the layer on top to prevent the bugs from wanting to breed there, but it only bothered them for like a day before they were crawlin aroun don it flyin out of it and whatnot...bastards. the thing is, what can we do about it now? can't really dig it out at this point...we could put more holes in out buckets, but that's a massive project on its own as well (there's 26 buckets to deal with)...but again, thanks for the well wishes :) we're hoping to still come out of it with a decent harvest, the buds are pretty dense (we bent and trained them, the goal being to get the same weight from a smaller plant that we did from the giant plants we had last time, and it seems we've accomplished that, whether we like it better or not is tbd...) definitely lots of lessons learned this time around.


yes, we're pretty certain we're still battling fungus gnats (at least that's the best guess for the insect) cuz we also have springtails (again, the best guess). we've been treating with spectracide in veg, but in flower all we've been able to use is mosquito dunks cuz we haven't been able to get any azamax...


good info...thanks man. it has most definitely been a constant fight this grow....so mant things will change for the next one.
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
u said ur combating bugs have what have you been using? neem could very well do that to leaves


Cannobi Genetics
I was thinking that letting your medium dry out a bit will help with the fungus gnats.


all we could find was playsand, i wouldn't say it was really fine, but i will say i agree with those things as problems sand causes...and what's worse is that we put the layer on top to prevent the bugs from wanting to breed there, but it only bothered them for like a day before they were crawlin aroun don it flyin out of it and whatnot...bastards. the thing is, what can we do about it now? can't really dig it out at this point...we could put more holes in out buckets, but that's a massive project on its own as well (there's 26 buckets to deal with)...but again, thanks for the well wishes :) we're hoping to still come out of it with a decent harvest, the buds are pretty dense (we bent and trained them, the goal being to get the same weight from a smaller plant that we did from the giant plants we had last time, and it seems we've accomplished that, whether we like it better or not is tbd...) definitely lots of lessons learned this time around.

Grab a buddy or a cinder block to rest buckets on and drill some holes thats maybe an hours worth of work that's totally worth doing.


I noticed a pic in one of your other threads of a sticky trap covered in bugs. I didn't want to point it out cause you weren't asking for help in that thread. Insects will f your plants right up. If it was my garden that's the first thing i would address. Hope things come out well for you.


yeah...that stick trap is just the beginning, we have duct tape strips covered in bugs any time we water. we've had many threads on our bug problems, we started on riu and moved over to this forum, people are more helpful (thanks all!!) we let them dry out as much as we could in between watering because of the bugs, but now we are in definite need of making our plants healthy again, they're on their way, the bugs are back and forth between being rampant and being at bay...we should probably go through the work to drill some more holes in the buckets. we aren't going to completely get rid of these bugs till we can clean the whole room out and start over with new soil, and then we'll be able to dial in nutes as well...the deficiencies and bug problems can look so similar sometimes, but the new damage on the kolossus doesn't seem like a bug issue...sigh.


also, no we haven't used any neem, we've been considering it though.

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