Ohio Man Kills Self During Marijuana Farm Raid Standoff

  • Thread starter LittleDabbie
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What's weird is ohio has pretty lax mj laws.
Less than 100 gminor misdemeanor***none$100
100 g to 200 g4th degree misdemeanor
not more than 30 days and/or fine,
if near school or juvenile- 3rd degree misdemeanor and/or fine
200 g to 1000 g5th degree felony
6 months-1 year and/or fine,
if near school or juvenile-4th degree felony 6-18 months and/or fine
1000 g to 5000 g3rd degree felony
1-5 years and/or fine,
if near school or juvenile -2nd degree felony 2-8 years and/or fine
5000 g to 20,000 g3rd degree felony1-5 years and/or fine,
if near school or juvenile -2nd degree felony 2-8 years and/or fine**$10,000-
20,000 g or more2nd degree felony2-8 years MMS* and/or fine$15,000
Any possession less than 5,000 may be probation only.
*Mandatory minimum sentence.
**Presumption of prison
***A minor misdemeanor does not create a criminal record in Ohio


It is unacceptable but if u don't believe leo will put you in jail for a harmless plant you are mistaken. My brother gets out of the federal pen in Feb. He will be released into a western State where cannabis is legal! After 10 years inside who is gonna give him back his fucking youth. You really want to talk to me about unacceptable?


Unfortunately I can relate to what this farmer was thinking.Ohio is not an MMJ friendly state and being a middle aged man knowing the consequences for growing was going to be prison time he elected to not go through the mayhem which would have most assuredly ensued by the bust.It's very sad and I'm sure his family will be devastated but I do understand the train off the tracks logic.
I would not do well in prison myself as I would not be a part of a gang,not bow down to the evils that be and would more than likely get shanked as I tend to stand up for the underdog.
Would I have done the same?I can't honestly say but I do understand that line of thought.Very sad...


wow wonder how they feel makin dude cancel himself out over basically a med grow.

wonder how the person who snitched on him feels.

hope all them suffer some sort of ptsd from participating in the whole ordeal then later on they realize how much of a piece of shit they themselves are ending in them committing suicide also.


wow wonder how they feel makin dude cancel himself out over basically a med grow.

wonder how the person who snitched on him feels.

hope all them suffer some sort of ptsd from participating in the whole ordeal then later on they realize how much of a piece of shit they themselves are ending in them committing suicide also.
Then that would be the easy way out for them,let them have sleepless nights for the rest of there life,saying that grasses don't have much of a conscience either,what goes around comes around,never a truer word76


Pigs are fucking brain-dead predators with little feeling in regards to the bullshit they do. They get commended and patted on the back because the gangs they work for promotes them for doing shit like this. They justify their actions by "keeping the people safe" bullshit" and " saving the children." It's nothing but mind-fucking the public...and sadly a lot of folks buy into it.

I like organizations like "Cop Watch" where common people follow the pigs around and videotape them. ..get their full names, etc. I think all of these wannbe gansta-fuckers should be drug tested often (steroids included) and personally liable to lawsuits when they pull their bullshit. And they should get a double dose of "the law" when convicted of doing the shit they do (murder, sex abuse, lieing, frame-ups, etc). This is the kinda shit that will slow the fuckers down. And every police chief of a precinct and sheriff should also be held accountable for the actions of his or her workers.


A normal everyday working man just growing some cannabis ...... Say because he has a bad liver and can't drink (or chooses not too)
And all of a sudden he sees cops all over his property , life is destroyed !!!!
1 lost job
2 lost possessions up to and including his home , one way or the other , either they will take it or he will default on the mortgage for being incarcerated
3 children's lives will be destroyed - daddy's in jail and lost his job and we can't pay for our home and all our life's saving when to lawyer fees and fines
4 now not all are the kinda of " I'm gonna do my time like a man " some are very afraid of jail
Um would I pull the trigger ......no
Do I blame the man......no
All to grow a plant the relaxes the mind and spiritually enhances life at the very least


Why is it that I always get the feeling that this poor guy didn't take his life, but was popped by someone else.
One more quote " HE WHO SELLS IT FIRST .... SELLS IT BEST " there is only one story if the other person is deceased, guess who's story was told ?


My apologies to @way2green.I didn't mean to sound like an ass,sorry if I did.This story hit close to home with me.It's impossible to know what's in someones head even if they seem completely logical and rational at any given time.I had a friend off himself because he was going to face jail time.I never would have imagined he'd do anything like that but the fact is we just never know what's clanking around in someones head.Sorry your brother had to do so much time,glad he's still with you!


Truly a sad story anyone no if they where big plants or regular size cus to me if they were just seven regular size plants and nt each plant producing a pound or better plants then sounds like he was snitched on .
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