Ohio may be coming along.....

  • Thread starter CAPO
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man that would be awesome, all of my family lives in Ohio..



I been following this one threw normal.. and treating yourself..

Seems the polititions need a little push cause they thik it is political suiside to vote for this bill..

But it did make it into the med commitee instead of the law part of it so it could have a good chance to pace..

Man I hope so could finaly get off the opiates and get some real meds..

God please let this bill pass soon!!!

im so excited!!

budlover :weed-sign::weed-sign::weed-sign:
sky high

sky high

Ditto that hope here. The "Keith Richards Diet Plan" plan isn't good for anyone and there's just no way your body can HEAL with that crap in your system.

I've really been amazed that Ohio wasn't on the forefront of all of this, capo. I remember hearing stories of the fabled "Ohio bag" back in the 70's and while I don't remember how many grams were in one, it seems like the story we always heard had the weight set at far more than an OZ...which was standard for decrim possession limits when that push happened for some states in 1974. (was it a story, or really true?)

the point being...Ohio has always seems liberal on pot... hopefully they will get this done for ya ASAP....

best of luck

s h


Ditto that hope here. The "Keith Richards Diet Plan" plan isn't good for anyone and there's just no way your body can HEAL with that crap in your system.

I've really been amazed that Ohio wasn't on the forefront of all of this, capo. I remember hearing stories of the fabled "Ohio bag" back in the 70's and while I don't remember how many grams were in one, it seems like the story we always heard had the weight set at far more than an OZ...which was standard for decrim possession limits when that push happened for some states in 1974. (was it a story, or really true?)

the point being...Ohio has always seems liberal on pot... hopefully they will get this done for ya ASAP....

best of luck

s h

I don't know about the infamous "OH bag", but I can tell you OH does have lenient posession and cultivation penalties that vary from county to county. Some counties actually have up to 1/4 lb posession in one bag as a writable non-arrestable offense of under $300. Even cultivation rarely carries jail/prison time. The penalties for selling are the most harsh statewide. OH is fairly conservative, but there is a majority of people, according to University polls, that favor implementing medical marijuana laws.


Premium Member
Good Luck

I wish you all the best, hopefully this will spread to Indiana, but I'm not very hopeful for the near future



I wish you all the best, hopefully this will spread to Indiana, but I'm not very hopeful for the near future


IN is definitely better off with Souder gone...freakin hypocrite.lol.....plus with MI medical and OH and IL triying to be medical, it could come down to a squeeze play and IN will just have to take a tumble in the domino line.

pilot error

I had written my state rep, the other day, who helped co-sponsor the bill and this is what he replied with.

Hi xxxxxx,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me again.

I do not think that this legislation will make it through both chambers of the state legislature.

If you want to know more about the ballot initiative process, here is a link to the Secretary of State's website.

I've always thought that the ballot initiative process would be the best avenue for the passage of this type of law, but as you can tell, there are many obstacles to getting something on the ballot. Mainly, time and money.

In the coming weeks I will be having in-depth conversations with some of the bill's co-sponsors to address the next steps. I will keep you updated.

Thanks again for taking the time to contact me, please do not hesitate to do so in the future.

xxx xxxxx
State Representative, Ohio House District xx
Haven't had time to check the site out but will and will report back on it.

I urge all Ohioans to write their State Rep and Congressmen to voice their opinions.


G.F. Greens

man i hope HB 478 passes, i would love to come out of hiding. write your state reps and congressmen people!



Premium Member
looks like its on its way

Hey CAPO, Looks like you have a good chance of a medicinal state coming soon. Hope its contagious

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