Oil hash and other stuff

  • Thread starter British_Hempire
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Watched hazyfontazy and thc4sim dabble with various hash and oil extraction ferkling, far too high to disclose many details right now, oh so high. Hawaiian rules BTW! lol Gaze upon trichome goodness will repoprt fully when return to earth! Peace out, big props to hazy, his missus, spud, the mad new cat and sim for likterally teraing skin from flesh in the cause of getting mashed on fine homemade hash!
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I'm shit with this fancy fangled canon digi slr of hazy's, its got a shit hot lens just a fool in charge so the quality of the weed isn't expressed in the pics but the Hawaiian, NYCD and ECSD care all shit hot as usual, that Hawaiin is a taste to send me into nostalgia and I like it as much as anything I've tried recently, rotten pineapple skunky funky delish!
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Great stuff....sounds like you all had a lot of fun (and THC).....you make me want to buy a press now really badly....been lusting after a piecemaker press and you might have just pushed me over the edge.


FF just pick up one of them clay extruder's only about 20 quid and work pretty well..
just got back now, i left hazy purging the oil and waiting for his curry to arrive!


I just got home now at 12:45PM, had to get my head down at the services then had a full English this morning at the truckhaven transport caff, my mate's the chef so i get extra bacon and shit! rofl

Just fired up a quick bong of the dry sift we made in the scuffbox yesterday and my heads gone right away. nice one sim and hazy, twas a good day indeed and the produce is shit hot, just goes to show dry sift from quality well cured trim and free of contaminants then lightly pressed is as fine a smoke as one could make at home. Shame the oil wasn't purged in time and ya gotta call that mad lal kitten Purge, that was an inspirational suggestion by Sim! pmsl

Hazy ate, cheers for maknig me realise cold windy old England ain't so bad, far better hash in midlands than south of Spain - WTF! LOL See ya soon buddy and cheers for a great larf...

PS sort us out a cut of that Hawaiian ASAP!!!!


looks like u all had a good time lol ... i cudnt make it but we all will have to do something in the summer . (bring a bag of trim party ) lol . bh did you try any of the polm what hazey had of me . ?


Hazy ate, cheers for maknig me realise cold windy old England ain't so bad, far better hash in midlands than south of Spain - WTF! LOL See ya soon buddy and cheers for a great larf...

Im not sure how you can say this, as you was only in spain for 1 week... :icon_dizzy:

Karma Genetics

hmmmmmmmm dry screen... The best dry screen i ever smoked was from outdoor bud............


Hazy ate, cheers for maknig me realise cold windy old England ain't so bad, far better hash in midlands than south of Spain

Blimey - you boys must have been a lot more fucked than I thought if you were thinking that!! There probably isn't a day that goes by without me wanting to click my heels together and be magically transported to anywhere else other than here (Dam, Spain, US...).

How did you guys purge the oil? And how should I purge hex? Just waiting for some more trim to dry and then I'm doing butane next with the honey bee.

Sonic Seeds

I just got home now at 12:45PM, had to get my head down at the services then had a full English this morning at the truckhaven transport caff, my mate's the chef so i get extra bacon and shit! rofl

Just fired up a quick bong of the dry sift we made in the scuffbox yesterday and my heads gone right away. nice one sim and hazy, twas a good day indeed and the produce is shit hot, just goes to show dry sift from quality well cured trim and free of contaminants then lightly pressed is as fine a smoke as one could make at home. Shame the oil wasn't purged in time and ya gotta call that mad lal kitten Purge, that was an inspirational suggestion by Sim! pmsl

Hazy ate, cheers for maknig me realise cold windy old England ain't so bad, far better hash in midlands than south of Spain - WTF! LOL See ya soon buddy and cheers for a great larf...

PS sort us out a cut of that Hawaiian ASAP!!!!

some of the best hash i have ever seen was from spain , migel had that hash made for him from marroco from hybrid plants , not much can touch that stuff bro , and thier cheap stuff is good , cant even get better than soap in the uk for most people , 2 euro a gram and its good ....

looks like you lot had a good time making that hash , nice pics .


Premium Member
Hey guys when one of you have some time can you post a thread on making good dry sift or bubble hash because I have alot of nice trim but I don't want to ruin it . Thanx if ya have the extra time soon .


All I meant was the hash I personally smoked in one day in the midlands was of such great quality is outstripped the three hashes I tried in Spain, not including the stuff karma brought which was from Nepal via Holland, I missed the stuff the bloke from the growshop brought I think, probably due to an encounter with a bong of ojd's oil just before he arrived! I didn't try logic's dry sift but I photographed it and it looked damn nice, and smelt good too, but not as great a volume of smell as the trim hazy had absolutely fucking reeked, a gorgeous reek, but it filled the room with a rich cloud of stink so the resulting hash was stinky stuff too, and today I tried it for breakfast and wow, from straight to grinning like a twat high in 5 mins, so it gets two thumbs up from me. Hazy's Moroccan pollen was the same, maybe even from the same batch as the nicest of the moroccans I tried in Spain, although i seem to remember being given a joints worth of a better moroccan one day at the smokeout by persons my memory cannot recall clearly, too much hash in the brain today!

After the hash sample from hazy I've been toking on two hashes from the unlikely source of Moravia in central europe, the sift is wonderfully fruity and the charas is spicy, both are very well cured so it's a happy hash sunday here. The Grape Ape x JTR and Querkle are both wonderful too, betetr than the spanish grown buds I tried for potency and some of the best outdoor I;ve seen for a while, guess that mediterranean sub climate is as good as ya keep telling me pin, the produce of yoru back garden is damn impressive dude, the Querkle buds were my drive time smoek for the journey down to the midlands yesterday and the taste is fantastic, reminds me of Flo in it's sweet but complex floral sweet taste and the high is similar too, mostly in the head but balanced, certainly thought provoking and stimulating, I like it a lot, a very well cured specimen too, great work mate! I've only had one little taste of the Grape Ape x JTR so I'll hold off on a smoke report just yet, save that for later in the week.

The three buds of Hazy's I showed pics of yesterday were Hawaiian, NYCD and ECSD. The NYCD is as tasty as ever, fruity fuel, but this time orangey fuel with more fuel that I remember when last tried, but very nice indeed, seems this cut can taste a range of ways depending on how it's grown and I've spent many hours discussing and comparing buds of this cut that range from fuel with a bit of fruit to fruit with a bit of fuel! lol

The ECSD is the most potent of the three, cheers for saving a sample of the long cured buds, very very fuelly, straight up diesel with no lemon, I liked it a lot, but I still think I like a bit of lemon with my fuel. the diesel taste really lingers as well, and passes on strongly in hash and oil form, I can understand why it's a favourite!

The Hawaiian is the one I really like though, the tropical pineapple with rotten fruit and hint of skunk is really to my tastes, not sweet fruity but sour rotten pienapples, not a fuel type at all, tropical sour fruit and the bud is very fristy and chunky too, in the box when hazy passed it to mee the silver foxtails with bif calyxes of the ECSD stand out, the abundant red hairs of the NYCD are nice, but to me, the best looking bud of the three is the chubby Hawaiian, and I like the taste and high the best of the three too, it's a bit clearer than the ECSD, maybe not as potent but still not one to be taken lightly.

Found a TW male today, let's hope it's a good un.


I did indeed, looking forward to the cup to destroy some more brain cells!

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