Okay....? Wat Ya Figger? And Ya Bet It Ain't -ca!

  • Thread starter showmegreen
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Whaaa ^^^ i was under the impression plants never stop making roots. Dagnamit im sure its a fact, and if not then i need to submit this to the botanist at the plant biology research center Ill be rich. In all my years there has never been a plant that stopped rooting.

I may have misunderstood, but this is off the wall here. I do get that the focus is shifted at some point, that be from focusing on roots vs. Veg and vice versa, but stop?this malarkey, as my grandma would put it.

Plants never stop growing roots, plain and damn simple, and to say otherwise is just, arrogant.

Now i dont mean to start nothin bud but from the comment there to an untrained eye this would tell someone that plants roots sieze to grow at a certain point so grow in a dixie cup.
Which hey ive seen it done, with unoptimal results of course, but done none the less.

As long as your plants got the space they got the room to grow.
Pressure from roots have been found at over 100p.s.I.
How do you think trees get threw the concrete in your neighborhood ?
Roots is a huge bio mass compared to the chutes above, and this ratio changes yes, via transplanting, age, shock, drout, wetness but never do your roots stop growing until they are unable to.

Or the plant has dieD.

Which in this case even as a annual plant, that cannabis is, it will not occur until its final weeks of life.
Then again we can vegg a plant in the right conditions forever Pretty much. So whos to say that how big they can get in the rhizosphere.

Anyway just wanted to correct the statement above for any newbies who may interprate it wrong.

Happy farmin;)


I agree bout roots grow'n continually as long as there is space. That mom has been in and out of flower every time it's been cloned. IMO they seem ta take better when ya throw the lights stupid at'em fer bout two weeks. They start throw'n out their lady parts then snip snip an then lights out fer a couple days and a couple days of 20/4 then BAM baby ladies git ta go hang with the big girls in 17/7 until it's time for the tannin room.
I think ima gonna transplant though and use one them blue Wal-Mart's bags like vermontskunks does. Anyway I know a bunch o y'all use sacs but first I seen was his "big pink sac".


Root growth is strain dependent and they do continue to grow even in late bloom..... sativas roots will grow longer into bloom than indy doms will, they'll usually be done with explosive growth when the buds start forming. The rate at which the roots are growing once they're in full flower mode is so minimal it's barely worth noting but they do keep growing! I've repotted a plant in wk 5 and when I harvested the roots had grew into the new soil enough to grab a hold of it pretty good.... the strain was Bubbleberry btw which is a I/S hybrid!
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
maybe i should read up on it. if they do continue to make roots its alot less then when they are in veg it seems to me. ive seen roots that were covering the whole pot in veg but by the time you chop the plant you can see way more soil then roots.


IME if thats the case you are loosing alot of potential in your plants. Thats what happens when you dump ll those salts as soon as flowering begins. May i suggest some bacteria and fungi In between feeds?
happy farmin;)


Uc berkeley has some lectures on biology on you tube if your interested Let me know ill shoot some links.
maybe i should read up on it. if they do continue to make roots its alot less then when they are in veg it seems to me. ive seen roots that were covering the whole pot in veg but by the time you chop the plant you can see way more soil then roots.
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
Uc berkeley has some lectures on biology on you tube if your interested Let me know ill shoot some links.
thanks ill check it out.

the point i was trying to make was that if you dont water your plants the roots will die off in places were theres no moisture. he said he keeps his plants dry that is not a good thing. i only let them get a little dryer in veg hoping that the roots will search out water the first few days then i keep them saturated and the growth is great
Joe Fresh

Joe Fresh

looks like amix of magnesium and zinc def....or maybe just zinc....
Joe Fresh

Joe Fresh

Definitely not a Ca-! Let me do a review of my charts... brb.

The pattern is too even to suspect disease in this case, in my opinion.

K, twisting is likely due to pH ranges, IMO, but it's very slight so ought to be easily corrected if you're even worried about it.

That dark green color and the haloing of the upper leaves is what's really got my attention. Does your mix have sufficient S?

I find myself wondering what simply adjusting pH might accomplish here.

the dark green with the haloing, imo is zinc def

what is going on is clearly an imbalance of nutes due to some nutes being overly available in the soil...


In explanation on keepin them dry. It's my understanding the top four inches of the soil is where all the uptake and nutrient business takes it's major roll.

You're right about that but that's not a good reason to keep the pot drier. I've went back to top dressing my babies and the growth has been nothing less than phenomenal, the top layer of soil is chucked full of air and aggressive feeding microbes! You ever notice how fast those dead leaves you forgot to remove from the pot disappear? Aggressive micro beasties are going to work!!


Trust me I top dress also. I didnt mean I keep things arid I jus implement excellent drainage that way them lil' pixies, fairies, gnomes and tha like can do their business without scuba gear or drownin fer that matter. If I have ta water more often that's on me. I think they appreciate me fer it. I also like ta use activated charcoal in my soil. Which IMO keeps a check on funguses, molds, colds, malaria an rumitisums. Also helps prevent over nute burning.


Try flushing with a mild solution of micro 5ml, and 10 ml hygrozyme and 2.5 ml of hydroguard excess salts will leach and the enzymes and bacteria will unlock and help absorb decomposing vegetative matter and debris. Humic and fulvic acid added to that would also help.
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