Old smoker, new grower..

  • Thread starter 1969W33d
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Hi all,

Been smoking for ages, but recently decided to try growing as well. Borrowed an LED light, built a tent and let's see how I get on.
Picked up a bunch of babies (probably some are going to die along the way), repotted into 2l coco pots.
Edges of the leaves wanting to curl. Anyone has any ideas? I read somewhere that it might be too much light, but I already have it on lowest setting and way up high by the roof.

Enjoying the process so far, and all the technology side behind it.
Happy to have joined this community, I'm sure I'm gonna pick up some helpful tips from all of you.



Welcome to the forum. Nice setup!

What light do you have?
How far above the canopy is it, Power setting?
What fertilizer are you feeding?
How much how often?
Anything else you can think of.
Any questions on your mind we can help you with right off the get go?

Jump right in there bud. Like I said welcome to the forum.
Lot's of great guys around some out door, some indoor. Some both.

Can you post a close up of some of those rolled up leaves.
Anything else out of the ordinary.


The video is from about a week ago. Gonna make some close up pics. The leaf curling didn't go away.
I picked up most of my setup from a friend, it had one of those LED lights with HPS ballast.
Nokotech SimpleX680
I picked up one of their tents as well.
The light was at around 180cm (6ft) above canopy. I lowered it to around 3, it didn't seem to have changed much of the curling, but at least they started branching more, rather than growing tall. The light is at lowest setting at 280W.
I used PsychoMyco on the roots when first potting up. I used powder and I don't know if I maybe overdid it..
I fed FormuleX and DutchPro Roots Take at first, at around 1.1ec and 5.7ph, later moved to DutchPro chart. So, some Silica, Grow A&B and Roots Take. Watering every 2-3 days, letting them sit in the runoff. By the next day the tray is usually just wet, the day after - the tray is dry, but the pots are still very wet, and then usually the next day I water again.
Now I'm giving 1.5ec at 5.8ph.
Trying to keep environment at 27C (80F) and 70%RH. Unfortunatelly I haven't figured out a setup to change the environment for the night, so it stays quite warm and humid. Not sure how much that could impact the growth.
I think I'm overthinking something and missing something basic :)

I leave you with a video of the next few days, while I go take some pictures of the present condition.


Here are some pictures of the current state of the curly leaf. I think I might have some pest going around. Should spray them with something..


Thank you for taking the pictures and answering my questions. I'm thinking your light could be bumped up a bit. Your leaf problem is caused buy the plant being to wet. Not to much light. So 3' above your plants at about 60% - 70% should be much better.

It's very important that you water only when needed. Not every other day or so. And the big one is never let the pot sit in run off.

I missed what type of soil your plants are in?

Every day - Stick a finger 1" into the soil. If it feels damp or wet. Check again tomorrow. Only water when the soil is quite dry feeling down 1 inch into the top of the pot. There will still be plenty of moisture in the pot to keep the plant happy. If you mess up and the plant wilts on you it will bounce back in an hour if you water it k..

"If you keep watering like you have been. You will rot the roots and kill the plant." Your choice!

Good to see the silica.
What Brand A and B solution? How much? how often?
Do you have a ph pen?
Do you have an E.C. Pen?
Do you have a ppm pen?
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Welcome to the farm

Or funny farm as I like to call it

I will leave you in imzzadude hands he knows his stuff by the posts ive read.

Just gonna say with all the plants you have they are going to outgrown that tent in no time.

It’s feasible but it’s not the most productive way to grow and latter on during flowering you may have to watch out for mold sometimes less is more in the cannabis world as they need room to fully do there thing

Enjoy the adventure mind it’s a royal ride

N btw it took you long enough to start going by the name date 🙂


Oh yeah one last thing you might of forked out a few quid on your equipment however you seriously save money when you end up harvesting your own & stop having to buy street prices even if your getting a deal the amount you end up saving is crazy that and the difference in taste is massive.


Hi all,

Been smoking for ages, but recently decided to try growing as well. Borrowed an LED light, built a tent and let's see how I get on.
Picked up a bunch of babies (probably some are going to die along the way), repotted into 2l coco pots.
Edges of the leaves wanting to curl. Anyone has any ideas? I read somewhere that it might be too much light, but I already have it on lowest setting and way up high by the roof.

Enjoying the process so far, and all the technology side behind it.
Happy to have joined this community, I'm sure I'm gonna pick up some helpful tips from all of you.

Looking good! I’m no expert first of all. I’ve always been taught leaf curling up is due to heat stress. I think your set up is great. I also am new to this communit and love it


I ♥ fat colas
Hi all,

Been smoking for ages, but recently decided to try growing as well. Borrowed an LED light, built a tent and let's see how I get on.
Picked up a bunch of babies (probably some are going to die along the way), repotted into 2l coco pots.
Edges of the leaves wanting to curl. Anyone has any ideas? I read somewhere that it might be too much light, but I already have it on lowest setting and way up high by the roof.

Enjoying the process so far, and all the technology side behind it.
Happy to have joined this community, I'm sure I'm gonna pick up some helpful tips from all of you.

Welcome to the farm! Dont be afraid to ask questions, this is a pretty friendly community. Happy growing ✌


Hi all,

Been smoking for ages, but recently decided to try growing as well. Borrowed an LED light, built a tent and let's see how I get on.
Picked up a bunch of babies (probably some are going to die along the way), repotted into 2l coco pots.
Edges of the leaves wanting to curl. Anyone has any ideas? I read somewhere that it might be too much light, but I already have it on lowest setting and way up high by the roof.

Enjoying the process so far, and all the technology side behind it.
Happy to have joined this community, I'm sure I'm gonna pick up some helpful tips from all of you.

Your issues are with Coco, it needs to be watered 2-3-4 times per day, its not soil and doesn't hold water very well. Its not a beginners medium imho. Promix types are much easier and fit watering 2 times a week. I' don't do coco so I can't help you fix it but I'm 100% sure its your watering methods in Coco that are causing your issues and it will only get worse unless you get help specifically for growing in Coco . I've been in PM 25+ years. its too easy to bother changing

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