Ontario, Canada, Outdoor Growers Thread

  • Thread starter mrsmarybrown
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just finishing up my winter indoor ,planning for 2021 outdoor. this weather has got me all pumped up
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I'm with ya on that but the start of the warm weather has put me behind now. Nice weather equals work for me. Just finally got the cloner all together and I'm still waiting on seeds. I know I'm not really behind yet but sure feels like it with this weather


Hi y’all back at it again! Hope to revive this thread I started dropping my beans on April 18 this year it was my granddaughters 1st b day! I usually wait till 4/20. I’m trying to grow several strains this year I’m still searching for hardy strains for my area here in SE Ontario. Some are still in solos and nursery pots I’m in the process of getting them into my 1 gal pots. Should be done by tomorrow I hope then start hardening this weekend. I’ll post a pic later today once I get a few more done Cheers y’all!!


ill post some pics later but i started my seeds April 1st . Transplanted into 1gal. May 1st , Pinched them May 3rd . I put them out side May 16th , got a little stressed . I put them out today again @ 5 think i might just leave them out for good now. My garden is not ready for planting right now witch sux but will be in a couple of weeks . always fall behind some where or another . Going organic again this year upgraded my amendments with wider selection to better trouble shoot any issue that comes up . Im growing 2x bubba kush , Purple Romulan and pink lemonade


Sounds like you have a good start to the season one of your strains has my interest. Purple Romulan that sounds pretty interesting have you grown it in the past? Reason I ask is I started some Romulan this year too! What’s the x on yours?


That’s sooo cool now I wonder how many different phenos you will get!! Are they fems?
I won't know until they start pre flowering. The f1's I get there usually produce 75 - 80% females. I hope saying that doesnt jinx it.

The seedlings are only a month old or less. Three distinctly different phenos are showing, from very dark to much lighter. The dark dark ones are compact and branchy. The proof is in the end, when the fat lady sings although.

BTW if I knew this thread existed about a day earlier, I wouldn't of started one.
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The paremeters on the leaves are quite dark it almost looks black under artificial light. Its more a purple colouring in the foliage of at least half of the phenos in this crop. If its some early indication of what these sea-of-purple kush will do later it could be nice. Aside from purple kush I never did many strains that put on those crazy purple colour shows. Maybe this will be the one. It is more prominent inside. Ill try to get one if I remember later lol. peace.
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The paremeters on the leaves are quite dark it almost looks black under artificial light. Its more a purple colouring in the foliage of at least half of the phenos in this crop. If its some early indication of what these sea-of-purple kush will do later it could be nice. Aside from purple kush I never did many strains that put on those crazy purple colour shows. Maybe this will be the one. It is more prominent inside. Ill try to get one if I remember later lol. peace.
They look Great!! I’ve seen that colour on a few plants growing outdoors it’s quite cool indeed. Gotta love the sun. I added a 4ft t5 today they’ve outgrown what I had.
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DRan88, I freakin like the grow spot, hope you keep us tuned how its goin.

Although not originally planed here, but Im liking late idea plan for a jumbo outdoor sog. I have to call it accidental creative planning ahead.

Theres plenty of symmetrical tie down points obviously, already there in a criss x cross fashion. Exactly the order I planned to transplant them to the bed. I simply need some threaded loops, twine or cotton rope netting.

I'm quite digging the thought of 4, maybe 5 plants sog^. Unless the males strongly outnumber and crap all over my grow show hehe, it wont be nearly as impressive when its all filled in. A potential set up for a disappointment, or luscious sugary sticky jumbo sog.

Id have way better control, thinking light and stealth. And also whoah that sure is purdy 🤪

Culling males already sucks, that could make it suck x2.

I guess you'll have to wait to see which direction I take.

And then thinking its true, you get nowhere unless without taking chances and some risk...or go big or go home, you have to bet the whole far for success...or I prefer you wont know until you know?

Ok, decision made.

Im pretty sure I could do 5 in each section comfortably, maybe Ill cut it to 4.

And hope theres decent space for these genetics, with potential to go 6 to 13 feet tall. Who bloody knows. I have no idea how tall they will shoot up. from experience using similar in the genepool they got 13 feet, after bud stretch. with the veg growth day count in half. Planted mid July, similar age seedlings.

Theyre showing lesser bushy than there counterparts. Once the roots are offered proper better growing conditions straight in the ground that may change. Those folks who always grow in pots, you owe it to yourself to test this theory.

The sea of purple and kush-hier side of growth genetics comes in branchier, lovely bushes (which I love, how could anyone not love the busy ones??? re OPs question in other thread ;)

The roots are just poking through the bottoms. It might be better to give them a touch more time, after I soak the hell out of them with bubbled worm shit tea and blackstrap.

I like how they look to this point. Appreciated growth rates etc. thus far. I was skeptical about using the current potting soil, I call it the bad kind of shit in a bag. But disaster never struck. subtle when you look, theres some deficiency evident, very slight on the one left behind in the closet.

The new soil base is better, and offers flexibility to feed like pigs controllably, and manage ph with plenty room for supplemental additives along the way. For starters go light and effective. Simply tumble castings and guano in there..maybe some kelp bits.

Less jaw stretchin and more work. I always say that. Then I end up firing up a dooby right before I fire up the cooker 👍🥴
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