Organic pesticide reciepes

  • Thread starter moonunitdqg
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Ok here is a list of organic pesticides i have compiled from some good books. They are based around use in my organic vege patches( changed my vege patches to totaly organic a year or so ago now) but can work well in alot of situations involving cannabis( i have not trialed them all on cannabis yet). When using please exercise common sence, e.g. dont use a glue spray on flowering plants. Always test a small part of the target plant with a small bit of the spray being used to test for adverse effects on the plants in question, results can vary from strain to strain, enviroment to enviroment so trial and error with caution till u find the best solutions for u are the best way to approach this list. I will be adding a list of organic fungecides once i finish it. If this list helps even one person do away with harsh man made pesticides in their garden, then i will be a happy chappy lol.
Much respect

organic pesticide reciepes

Bug juice: Try this on any pests, results will be varied, but
can be very effective.Take one part pest(the targeted bug)
and three parts water and blend. Leave in a warm, not hot
place for 24 hours and then strain. Dilute the juice with 50
parts water to make the working spray. It can work by
either spreading pathogens to the other pests, or allot of
the time they just dont like the smell of their blended

Buttermilk spray: Use for red spider and other mites AND
THEIR EGGS.T ake half a cup of buttermilk, 4 cups of flour
and 10 litres of water. Mix and your done. Spray every 2
days on both upper and lower sides of foliage.

Chilli spray: almost any ratio is good but i find the best to
be to blend 1 cup dried and 2 cups of fresh chillies mixed
with 2 cups water, must be used fresh though and where
glasses and gloves lol

Clay spray: This will suffocate aphids, thrips and MITES. It
will also work for scale , but u must make sure to actualy
use clay and not just soil or u can make things worse.
Dilute clay with enough water to make it easily sprayable .
It will kill alot of benefitial predators aswell though so be careful.

Corrianda spray: This is effective against RED SPIDER
MITES, though is by no means a total control, more part of
a regeime against them. Boil 1 part corrianda leaves with 1
part water for 10 mins.Strain and spray. Cna also be made
with 1 part corrianda oil to 25 parts soapy water, shake well
and use.

Derris dust: Dont use it, it used to be popular but has been
associated with parkensons disease, steer clear.

Diatomaceous( the ground skeletons of marine organisms)
earth spray: Use this against any soft bodied pest such as
aphids, thrips, snails and mites or against hard shelled
pests. The fine dust should penetrate their carapaces and
gradualy wear them away. Spray once every 2 weeks, it will
take that long for it to effect some of the tougher bugs.
Mix 200 grams of D earth with 1 litre of soap sprayfor a working spray.

Garlic spray: Used as a general insecticide in a wide range
of situations, but its effects are very varible, its not a
contact poison so the pest must eat it for it to be effective,
can be a repellent somewhat aswell. I find 85 grams in 600
mils of water, blend then strain. This mix can be stored in
glass containers ( no metals) away from light and used as a
concentrated, mixed 1 part concentrate to 10 parts soapy
water for a working spray.

Glue spray: A very good spray, it dries on small pests.
suffocating them, also works on larger pests too. Use on
MITES , scale , aphids, catapillers, beetles, thrips, slugs
and snails to a point. Spray every 7 days ensuring a good
coverage as it has to come into contact or be eaten by the
pest to work.
Mix 1 cup plain white flour and 1 cup boiling water, then
slowly add 4-6 cups of cold water and stirring. Strain it and spray thickly at once. Wash of the residue 2 hours later if
necessary, and remember to immeaditately wash out your
spray equip.

Marigold spray: warning, some ppl are allergic to marigolds
(tagetes genus). Cover marigold flowers with boling soapy
water, and let sit over night. Then strain and use. Good for
thrips, ahphids and MITES. Contrary to popular belive
marigolds are not good companion plants in gardens, when
alive thet seems to attract sucking pest to the garden(
killing the few stupid enough to eat the marigold, majority
by pass it to the main garden) and the roots system yes
repels bad nemetodes , but it repels them directly into the
roots of the next closests plants, usualy the ones u are
trying to protect. Its a good spray but a poor companion

Onion spray: Good for thrips, scale and MITES. It both kills
and repells. Pour 1 litre of boiling water over 1 kg of
unpeeled chopped onions and strain. Dilute with 20 litres of
water for working spray. Spray every 10 days till pest are
gone or use as part of a regeime for tougher pests. I also
like to combine the onion and chilli sprays to make a very
nice combo spray in 1 bottle.

Powdered sulphur: This is an old fashion MITE remedy, but
also kills predators and can be abit dodgey in some
situations, there are easier and safer mite options in this

Soap spray: Try to find a soap made with caustic potash,
not caustic soda. At least one is available here in oz in
garden stores and nurseys called natra soap.Oridinary
soap is less effective and not great for plants or soil.Dont
use detergents. Mix the soap with water till milky and
froathy, the ammount needed will depend on the hardness
of your water.

Stinging nettle spray1: Cover nettles with water, leave for 3
weeks or untill liquid is a pale brown to green. Dilute with 2
parts water for working solution. Not only will it kill ahphids
and help with other pests, but it is an awesome folier feed
of N and a great tonic spray for your plants.

Stinging nettle spray 2: same as above execpt prepare by
boiling nettles for 10 mins with enough water to cover them,
dilute to a weak tea colour and spray

Turnip or parsnip spray: Turnip spray will kill pea ahphids,
flies and RED SPIDER MITES, parsnip spray will take out
the ahips and MITES.Blend roots with just enough water to make this possible, let it stand over night in a sealed container, filter, and add
an equal quantity of water for a working spray, totaly non
toxic to anything but the few target pests.


Hi progrow and Donk Frog, ty for the responses. I thought its time i try to add some usefull content thats not to covered already and i think this subject is a good one. I also ask that anyone with any other good reciepes or varients on the ones already listed , to post their own reciepes and experiences. There is alot of knowledge that we need to refine in this area, but once done, i think will be a great resource that could not ony save growers alot of $$ , but also steer us further away from harsh chemical usage, and cleaner, safer, and tastier herbs.
I have just found the start of a red spider mite infestation at one of my sites , so i can start to test and document the effectiveness of certain reciepes in certain situations and post up the results here.
I have also had a bit of a stoner thought on an idea but, its worth posting it up for discussion i think. Basicaly, an organic vege patch with zuccinees( sp) in it was infested by spider mites, they absolutely loved the zuccs, and invaded the leaves late into the fruiting period of this crop. I noticed them move in, but it was amazing how quickly they took over in a couple of days. I wasnt going to spray even with a spray from above as they where almost done fruiting anyways. About 1-2 days after the infestation got heavy though, the predators moved in, ladybirds(bugs) in huge numbers, at least 10 per leaf. They almost lined up on the leaves and mowed into the mites. Now of course we all know the benefits of predators, but sometimes they can be expensive or hard to order. My thoughts were to have a vege patch somewhere planted with a vege that mites love so as to attract mites, and then their predators, which can be collected for free for use at any indoor infestation. Just a stoner though i know but could be food for thought.
Much respect


I say the "stoner thought" was a good one. Go for it!

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