Passing Out After Pot.

  • Thread starter The Humanure
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The Humanure

The Humanure

Ok I had a few beers, but usually I can down 12 beers.
last few times I smoked I had a few beers then hit a joint and just woke up the next day.

I ate dinner, watched TV, I COOKED dinner while being stoned and I dont remember it.

Iv been exhausted also with a harvest but still this


Smoked shatter for the first. Couch locked the wife couch locked feet on coffee table clinching the cushion. She just kept sayin "make it stop, make it stop". Over and over that's the last thing I remember. Got up in the morning oven was on and empty there was a pan with crumbs and an empty Tostitos pizza box. I asked her if she cooked a pizza looked around the bed crumbs everywhere she says what pizza? Neither one of us could remember shit. Lol
The Humanure

The Humanure

LOL< Actually laughing out loud . Not only have I cooked a pizza high and never remembered but check this out from Yesterday!

A volcano bag on the top of the refrigerator, that was as far as went and I dove into the food.
IMG 0598


Lol. I stopped at my unkles shop the other day to burn one with him and drink a few beers. I notice a scab on his forehead that looked like a really bad rugburn. Shit, im cracking up just trying to write this post. But anyways, asked him what happened to his head. He told me that he took a big rip off his vaporizer standing up in his kitchen with hard wood floors. Said it felt like he stood up too fast. Fainted and landed on his forehead. Slid it across the god damn floor. Looks silly as hell. All i did was make fun of him all night. Lol


Ate 2 cookies that were supposed to be equal to a hq each, 45 minutes later I passed out sitting up, woke up with a bowl of fruity hoops still in my lap at 5 in the morning and my dad waking up for work laughing at me.


Dating my gf, wife now, about 7 years ago. I didn't smoke in front of her yet, so I thought eating an old ball of bubble hash was a good idea before I went into the bluegrass fest. I had done this before, but the hash most have decarbed perfectly this time and was extra potent. Got in the show and felt so awesome, I was ready to party big time, at got over at 10pm. I made it until about 8pm feeling like a million bucks, then the body weight hit me hard. My head was there but I wasn't going to be standing any longer. So I layed down and crawled over to the nearest fence I could find, thinking I could just prop up against it and not get stepped on. I made it to a wood fence. I couldn't see, it was like I drank way too much, but it was just hash...spins and double vision. But I was coherent in my head. I could hear my girlfriend saying, "your lying in pee, this is where everyone pees!" I then realized it too, but could still not move. She had to get someone to help her get me to my truck. She could not drive the stick shift. We got a cab. Hey, she still married me!


Premium Member
We had a going away party for a bartender we all loved to work with so We rolled a blunt of Bruce 3 that i grew a while back for about 7ish of us there was a counter separating me and my boy from the other 5 people one was this super fit fine ass girl i hit that blunt once and passed it my boy made a joke and i set my head down to laugh and heard a loud bang and popped up . everyone on the otherside of the counter was on the ground around this waitress who was bleeding bad from her forehead. Apparently she hit the blunt and passed it then passes out and cracked her pretty face right on the corner of the wall. Long story short I hit that blunt once more got in my car and bounced bleeding pretty white girls plus token Mexicans dont mix she had to get 13 stitches and now she looks like what I imagine harry potters fine ass step sister would look like lol


Edibals man I love them but there is that _____. It has been a few years but used to do monthly social. Come over bring a package of 3 items meet at my place and I would cook it. Everything from drink,bread,dessert loaded with some oil. It made for some intersting mourings waking up find 3 or 4 people laid out in your crib from nite before. By the time dessert was on the table you had no clue you were human anymore


Moved down to San Jose from Washington back in the early '80's. Looked up a girl I had met and we hooked up with her and a girlfriend of hers. She lived in Redwood City, we each did a small pile of "magic" mushrooms, topped off with a joint and a couple of beers, then I got to drive us all to Woodside to a bar. Anyways the bar was full and we couldn't get in, the trip back to her place took forever. The steering wheel kept stretching out of my grasp as I drove, what a bitch driving was. We finally made it back, I wasn't sure what would transpire, but my imagination was working overtime about the possibilities through my fog. Got up the next morning at my place in San Jose, never knew how I made it back. Never saw her again, never tried "shrooms" again.
One drop

One drop

Bush Doctor
In the late 70's early 80's i use to smoke a Chillum with my dad of some on his Sativa mind melt weed he cultivates, and he always told me if I ever wanted to try other natural substances that he would have it with me anyway long story short cause basically I can't remember a sodding thing after hitting up his Chillum full of his Sativa with a dried poison sack from head of a cane toad , it was a roller coaster to the stairway to heaven that ended leading us up the garden path , a couple of months later we tried some moonlight catus my dad called it the San Pedro catus he had growing in his garden , we tried a lot of natural substance like poppies , shrooms & cactus even Angels trumpet but never touched the toad again thanks for a great thread it fun to read all the experience.


i had a friend in chico who claimed MJ lowered his blood sugar and thats why he would pass out on my stuff!!!lol


as a health care provider, that is not true , it regulates blood glucose but does not cause low blood sugar, my friend is just not used to well grown sensi, most of the stuff is shite.............
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