(PAST) Season 1: Deleted Scene & Glueberry OG - Rookie Mistakes & Learning Opportunities Galore!

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DISCLAIMER: The photo and video content posted here was originally for a different audience! I CAN NOT stress that any more. This grow was only documented to show my close buddies (who do not grow their own cannabis) a few steps along the pathway. I, of course, wanted to "flex"; but also wanted to answer a lot of their questions since I am the first grower they know personally. The language used is extremely casual and relaxed for a laymen (i.e. - instead of using common terms like "scrubbing the air" or "passive air intake", you'll hear "take the smell away" or "that lets air in", etc...). In addition, the notes posted for Season 1 are word-for-word from my personal journal. Meaning, 1st person POV, at some times sporadic/random, personal, and best of all - embarrassing. HOWEVER, these are 100% genuine thoughts, processes, experiments and failures that I think new growers can benefit from by seeing my experience. Not to mention, you can see what I did and what it resulted. Again - THIS CONTENT WAS NOT INTENTIONALLY CREATED FOR THIS FORUM, rather a couple curious buddies from way back in grade school. Enjoy...

I'm hoping the commonly called upon knowledge gurus like @Aqua Man and @Moe.Red will be able to pick my mistakes so I can avoid them moving forward and progress toward getting the full potential out of these genetics. Also, admins if there is any inappropriate language or images feel free to delete this and slap my hand. I'll make sure to follow the rules.

I'm very long-winded (as you can tell from my introduction and the disclaimer. So, if you're in a rush or don't about reading, just check out pics and vids until something catches your eye... then read! :D

IMG 4504
IMG 4506

Day 0 - Germination 0 [Sep. 5th, 2022]

Temp: 76F
Hum: 42%
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Today was just setting up the tent and getting environment dialed in. In natural ambient conditions of the home, and inside the room, temp was 76F and humidity was low at 42%.

Set up basic no RO humidifier. Brought humidity up to 80%, then turned off humidifier to see how fast it drops. Lights, vent, and fan all off. Drops pretty fast. Will need to run humidifier constantly and will have to find out a way with the in-line ventilation fan and the 6” clip fan to keep it stable at 75F and 75%.

Goal: 75F and 75% humidity.

Played around with humidifier, 6” clip fan, and inline vent fan. Found settings to stabilize 75F & 75%.


  • Humidifier lowest setting possible.
  • Inline vent fan – HIGH: 78F, HIGH 78% humidity
  • 6” fan - HIGH: 78F, HIGH: 70% humidity.
  • moved all the way to the bottom passive intake netted vent. This acts as a passive intake to pull in fresh air and lower/stabilize humidity. Set 6” clip fan to setting 3.

Started germination today. Dropped 1 seed of each strain into gro-blocks and saturated gro-block with regular sink water. Started without dome on the tray, but within a few hours tops of gro-blocks felt a little dry since clip fan is directly blowing directly on them. Placed dome on top of tray after re-saturating gro-blocks again. Going to leave dome on tray.

Day 1 - Germination 1 [Sep. 6th 2022]

Temp: 76F
Hum: 77%
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 1 of 10 (lowest)
In-Line Vent: 1 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 80% - HIGH HUM: 78%)
Clip Fan: 4 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 78% - HIGH HUM: 70%)
Light Height: 32” above gro-blocks
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Started the light cycle today, even though seeds don’t need light to germinate. Just want to lead them in the right direction (up) once they pop and asap. I may be putting too much love on them.

Yesterday, when I noticed the gro-blocks drying out on the tops from the clip fan directly hitting them, I poured water over them which of course over saturated and started to fill the bottom of the tray. I immediately soaked up the water on the tray floor and placed the dome back on. I’m wondering if I have already made the rookie mistake of overwatering and creating an anerobic environment. Ultimately, delaying germination until the gro-blocks can dry out a little. We’ll just have to wait and see.

No visual activity yet. Still just seeds sitting in gro-blocks. Not watering or changing any parameters. I did however open the tent all the way to see how far I’m hanging my light. Don’t have a PAR meter yet (too expensive right now) so I’m going to follow my YouTube growers advice on height and power. Those adjustments are still to come.

Seems as though the humidifier I took from the girls room works well, and with a full tank can go for 12+ hours. Really want to see how long the full tank will last – just to know.

Dropped light down to 32” above gro blocks and kept on lowest power setting - based on what I read online.

Day 2 - Germination 2 [Sep. 7th 2022]

Temp: 76F
Hum: 77%
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 1 of 10 (lowest)
In-Line Vent: 1 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 80% - HIGH HUM: 78%)
Clip Fan: 4 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 78% - HIGH HUM: 70%)
Light Height: 32” above gro-blocks
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Dropped between 10-15ml (about a tbsp) tap water on each gro-block. Bottom of tray showed slight amount of receding vol. of water. So, I assume the gro-blocks may have slightly dried as well. I’m sure that I’m over watering now. Everyone says, less is more… don’t over water…. Only water when bone dry…. Over-loving them can hurt the progress. So, I’m going to hold out for a couple days and see what happens.

Placed double doors, with slotted vents from top to bottom, on the closet. Everything still stable.

At end of day it looks as though the Deleted Scene may be poking through the rock wool in the gro-blocks.

Day 3 - Germination 3 [Sep. 8th 2022]

Temp: 74F
Hum: 77%
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 1 of 10 (lowest)
In-Line Vent: 1 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 80% - HIGH HUM: 78%)
Clip Fan: 4 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 78% - HIGH HUM: 70%)
Light Height: 32” above gro-blocks
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene


The Deleted Scene strain has popped through with strength and vigor! Very tall single set of cotyledons!

Worried about Glueberry OG strain since it’s not showing any signs of germination. Going to show a little more patience and continue to hold out from doing anything. Not watering, not gonna dig it up, not gonna touch it. Perhaps it’ll germinate within a couple days. Only time will tell.

Tray still has a little water on bottom and gro-blocks look wet still.

Day 4 - Germination 4 [Sep. 9th 2022]

Temp: 76F
Hum: 77%
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 1 of 10 (lowest)
In-Line Vent: 1 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 80% - HIGH HUM: 78%)
Clip Fan: 4 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 78% - HIGH HUM: 70%)
Light Height: 32” above gro-blocks
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Deleted Scene strain is looking great, getting taller and poking out the first set of real leaves from the cotyledons.
The exciting news is that the Glueberry OG will pop through today! I can see the head half way through the surface.

I know I said I’d hold out on watering for a couple days, not just one, but the bottom of the tray is now dry and can see the rock wool changing in texture. I added about 5-10mL of regular water onto each gro-block.

Day 5 – Germination 5 [Sep. 10th 2022]

Temp: 76F
Hum: 77%
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 1 of 10 (lowest)
In-Line Vent: 1 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 80% - HIGH HUM: 78%)
Clip Fan: 4 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 78% - HIGH HUM: 70%)
Light Height: 32” above gro-blocks
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

The Glueberry OG has officially popped through.

Tray is bone dry and gro-blocks are pretty dry to the touch. Seems as though without the dome lid and the lights at 32” above blocks, the plants are taking to it well, but the water dries up within 24 hours. Will water again today, but THIS TIME…… with RO water!!! Woot woot!!

I installed the RO filtration system. Refilled the humidifier and will only use RO water continuing from here. RO water will fill their individual reservoirs in the future. RO water will be the vehicle for the plant’s nutrients as well.

I want to start a very VERY like nitrogen rich nutrient feed while still in the gro-blocks, but a little scared to burn the seedlings. So going to think this over and calculate an extremely light dose. Less is more – right?

Waiting on Gnarly Barley to create sprouted seed tea (SST) for feed as well. This is soon to come.

((WARNING!!! - THE SST FOR HYDRO DWC WAS A HUGE ROOKIE MISTAKE!! I DID NOT KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING - WILL GET INTO REPERCUSSIONS AND SPECIFICS LATER IN SEASON!!)) - Or perhaps, I just didn't know HOW to do it for DWC... idk, will be a question I post later

Day 6 – Germination 6 [Sep. 11th 2022]

Temp: 74F
Hum: 64%
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 1 of 10 (lowest) SCHEDULED
In-Line Vent: (DAY) 2 of 10 AUTO // (NIGHT) 1 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 80F – HIGH HUM: 60%)
Clip Fan: 3 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 78F – HIGH HUM: 60%)
Light Height: 32” above gro-blocks
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Today, since the seedlings have been above surface for over a day, I changed the climate in the tent. I changed the inline vent setting FROM 1 TO 2 during the day and 1 overnight (when it’s tent lights out). I changed the clip fan setting FROM 4 TO 3 all day. This has stabilized the tent at 74F and 64% humidity. With the HIGH TEMP: 78F and HIGH HUM: 60% for both inline and clip fans.

Really itching to start Nitrogen rich supplements, but my brain says it’s better to wait until I get them into their final 5 gal pots with a reservoir and top watering.

Initially the Deleted Scene strain really took off to the sky and the floor tray! The first root popped through the bottom of the rock wool almost instantaneously with the elbow popping out of the top. Since then, there’s been no new roots through the bottom, but it’s still stretching pretty well. Has me surprised the root system hasn’t taken over the bottom of the gro-block yet.

The Glueberry OG is taking it’s sweet time just being a slow grower, but thicker and greener then the DS strain was at this point. Very interesting to see the genetic differences.

Going to keep them in the tray until the bottom of the gro-blocks are showing a more pronounced root system, that wat when the water wicks up from the hydroton it’ll be watered successfully. No need to rush, plants still look happy on tray.

I’m thinking the pure RO water just by itself may not be the best for the seedlings in the tray. All metals, micro, and macro nutrients are removed. It may actually be stunting their growth. Considering adding Cal Mag into 1 gal and using that for feeding. Regular faucet water with it’s myriad of molecules will a least provide the plants with nutrients along side all the bad.

Finding that the inline vent on level 2 is too much. Humidity dropping below 60%. Going to run inline vent at level 1 until needed to raise.

Day 7 – Germination 7 [Sep. 12th 2022]

Temp: 80F
Hum: 68%
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 5 of 10 SCHEDULED
In-Line Vent: 1 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 82F – HIGH HUM: 68%)
Clip Fan: 3 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 78F – HIGH HUM: 57%)
Light Height: 32” above gro-blocks
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

“More money = More problems”
Trying to express that the more knowledge I receive about growing in the tent, the more problems I have to solve.

Just discovered what VPD and DLI are. As well as ideal environment setting for specific PAR, VPD, and DLI goals. Grabbed visual graphs from Build A Soil. Will be adding VPD stats and DLI to the daily journal.

As it turns out – I was very lucky with the germination and beginning seedling setting. Only paying attention to temp and humidity with light on lowest setting and far away from seeds. Kept the tent environment in a very low (blue per the graph) range of VPD and overall stress while supplying minimal energy for the seedlings to grow. But then my eyes were opened to everything else.

Learned about GPW, as well as, when/how much to increase light strength. Attempting to increase the light intensity to 100% (10/10) and to 36” above canopy has thrown the entire tent’s environment out of wack. It was easily a domino effect. Increasing light intensity has increased tent Temp to about 84-86F, which kicks the inline vent fan on, which then lowers humidity severely to 50%. The high temp and low humidity brings the VPD to 1.8!!!! Goal is to have Temp 70-80F, Hum 60-70%, with a VPD of 1.0-1.3 range for seedlings. Haven’t calculated DLI yet, but the goal is be at 23 through veg stage.




Day 8 – Germination 8 [Sep. 13th 2022]

Temp: 82F
Hum: 73%
VPD: 1.00
DLI: ??
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 10 of 10 SCHEDULED
In-Line Vent: 1 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 84F – HIGH HUM: 74%)
Clip Fan #1: 3 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 76F – HIGH HUM: 63%)
Clip Fan #2: 2 of 2 (highest)
Light Height: 36” above gro-blocks
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Playing with the environmental settings. Trying to dial it in the sweet zone has been hectic and frustrating. Damn near impossible.

It looks as though by having no control over my temperature, that’s my weakest link. I set the inline fan to kick on every time it hits 84F, because the tent never really gets higher 84 or 85F. So, humidity will stay up. With being over the high of the temperature range (70F-80F) I have to counterbalance that by being over the high end on humidity (50%-70%) at 73%. This at least keeps the VPD down below 1.3. Actually, VPD is closer to 1.05. So awesome. We’ll see how this works out in regard to the plant’s grow rate and bud rot and mold, etc.

I added in another 6” clip fan in the tent (now with two clip fans), to help with temperature and humidity. Placing them in front of the air vents at bottom of tent. I am trying to promote a stronger passive intake of fresh cooled air and CO2.

[TO BE CONTINUED] - Gotta take a break, transplant and veg (with lots of rookie mistakes) coming up next! And, don't worry - personal journal starts skipping days... even weeks... season speeds up and ends fast.
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IMG 4504
IMG 4506

For some reason I had trouble posting these two pics at top of thread... sorry...


REMEMBER: This is my first grow. I have NO CLUE what I'm talking about and get excited over the tiniest things... enjoy..

Day 9 – Vegetation 1 [Sep. 14th 2022]
Temp: 76F
Hum: 62%
VPD: 1.20
DLI: ??
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 10 of 10 SCHEDULED
In-Line Vent: 3 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 84F – HIGH HUM: 61%)
Clip Fan #1: 3 of 10 AUTO (Threshold = HIGH TEMP: 76F – HIGH HUM: 63%)
Clip Fan #2: 2 of 2 (highest)
Light Height: 36”
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Transplant into 5 gal buckets finally took place. Had to raise the grow light a ton to compensate for the new height created by the buckets. With the light and driver being so close to the inline vent, I think it’s helping maintain a nice temperature in the tent. MUCH more efficient and controllable environment having the light’s heat dissipate immediately into the inline vent.

Overall transplant went well. Each bucket has a top drip system and a bottom bubbler. [[NOTE: ROOKIE MISTAKE!! Top drip system is later removed. Honestly, they've been unnecessary for me. Whenever I did top water, it splashed and sprinkled everywhere making a mess, soaking the leaves on the plant (dew drops atop all of the leaves), and soaked hydroton medium. Making humidity spike high. I, personally, also believe if continued top watering and leaving hydroton soaked this would have promoted pest and/or mold growth. Keeping all hydroton dry besides bottom 1-2inch has worked wonders for me. And the bottom of the hydroton is wet due to splashing from the large bubbler inside the bucket providing oxygen and splashing the hydroton, which provides a wicking effect, thus watering the plants.]]

Did the first feeding with Cal-Mag (10mL/gal) and Dyna-Gro GROW (5mL/gal). [[NOTE: ROOKIE MOVE!! This is before I researched and discovered silicon solutions!! For all new growers, just know that silicon nutrients can benefit your plant - just ALWAYS ADD SILICON TO RO WATER FIRST!!]]
This is essentially setting up the reservoir for each plant. With the 10mL/gal of Cal-Mag and 5mL/gal of GROW put into the RO water the pH sat at 4.3 consistently. Adding in 0.5mL of pH up brings the nutrient mix to 5.5pH consistently. I noticed that after I balanced the pH to my liking, and leaving the water alone for a few hours, that the pH would climb. The test I ran resulted in a 5.7 pH rising to 6.3 pH after time has passed. My guess it that the pH UP solution I add in at the beginning is still doing it’s thing and takes a few hours (or maybe longer) to complete saturate the nutrient mix and hold a pH.

With that in mind I set the bucket’s pH to 5.5, hoping that it stays below 6.0.

After leaving the buckets at pH 5.5 for 4 hours, the pH was at 6.3. I have added some pH DOWN solution (2mL to Deleted Scene and 1mL to Glueberry OG) to drop below 6.0 pH. I will check again in 4 hours to see where the pH sits.

Upon return 5 hours later the pH was back up to 6.1 Not going to add any pH modifiers, just going to let it ride there until next feeding.

[[With this grow I was following the DynaGro suggested feeding schedule. See pictured below]]


Day 14 – Vegetation 6 [Sep. 19th 2022]

Temp: 79F
Hum: 70%
VPD: 1.10
DLI: ??
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 10 of 10 SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
In-Line Vent: 5 of 10 SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
Clip Fan #1: 3 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 73F – HIGH HUM: 61%)
Clip Fan #2: 2 of 2 (highest)
Light Height: 33”
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

I’ve been having a hard time dialing in a CONSISTENT environment. During early mornings, when I’m home, I’m able to play with the humidifier’s output strength as well as the in-line fan and the lung room’s temperature – in order to get the environment exactly where I want it (76F at 65% Humidity), but when I leave for the day and return at night both temperature and humidity have gone crazy. Sometimes I return to 83F and 75% humidity (terrible) or even worse 83F and 52% humidity!! Then at night, when it’s lights out time, the temperature drops and humidity rises, forcing more manual adjustments and playing with the inline vent fan. Extremely stressful for the plants and leaves me with no clue as to what the plants need. I can look at the leaves and I can tell they’re asking for SOMETHING, but without the environment dialed in consistently FIRST there’s no true way of telling what the plants are stressing from. It could be temp, humidity, over/under watering, over/under nutrients, too much wind, not enough air circulation… no way of telling without first eliminating the environment.

I’m now realizing that for MY OWN specific environment, I will always be at a higher temperature 76-85F. That’s fine. That’s doable. Nothing over 90F!!

My weakest link is my humidity. I do not have a way of automating it based on environment conditions. I’m pretty much opening the tent 10x a day to adjust manually. So this is what I will be concentrating on getting right. I have order an “outlet adapter” for the Controller 69 on the Infinity Tent. This will allow me to plug in my humidifier to the Controller 69 which should trigger the humidifier to turn off/on based on the environmental settings I choose.

I have also relocated the humidifier the tent. Originally it was far to the left. With the assumption that the two clip fans would whip the mist around and cover the tent…. WRONG. There were huge humidity pockets and gaps. The closer plant was always too humid while the far plant was too dry. No amount of adjusting the output strength of the humidifier would correct this. Then I moved the humidifier in the middle of the tent and in front of both plants. I did not move the 5 gal buckets, those still sit directly in the center of the tent side by side touching each other. The humidifier creates the triangle sitting upfront in the tent. I also played around with the direction of which the output mist blew. PROBLEM SOLVED!!! I was able to sustain a temperature and humidity all day!

So this is what I’m currently working with. Waiting on the outlet adapter from Infinity to arrive, but I’ve locked in a good spot for the humidifier. With consistent humidity I’m able to keep the inline vent fan on a consistent level. This in-turn helps regulate the temperature to below 80F and keeps it stable around 76-78F. With consistent temperature, humidity, and fan settings I’m able to truly automate everything (including lights) to a schedule. As mentioned before, the last step is to get the humidifier hooked up to the Controller 69 so that I no longer have to open the tent and manually adjust it.
[[NOTE: This is all before I purchased the Controller 69 Pro (with wifi) by AC Infinity.... GAME CHANGER!! Full control of entire grow environment from anywhere, at any time... on your phone. sold!]]
Current Settings:
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 10 of 10 SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
In-Line Vent: 5 of 10 SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
Clip Fan #1: 3 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 73F – HIGH HUM: 61%)
Clip Fan #2: 2 of 2 (highest)
Light Height: 33”

This will hold a higher humidity (closer to 68-70%), but with the temperature fluctuating to 80F. from time to time based on the lung room’s ambient temperature and how long the light has been running, it’s best to stay in the higher humidity range 65-70%.

Almost fully automated – plants looking good!

As for the feeding…

I’m providing nutrients as if only 2 gal of water. The 5 gal buckets currently hold 3 gal of water. So I’m on the lighter side of nute feeding. However, when following the Dyna-Gro nutrient schedule and matching the PPM count, I’m receiving the exact suggested PPM’s with only providing 2 gal worth of nutes rather than 3 gal worth. Feeding is every Sunday (weekly), this is the same time I dump the old water and redo the reservoirs. So cleaning is also weekly - on Sundays.

Right now the nutrients are: 12mL/gal of Cal-Mag, 10mL/gal of GROW, and 5mL/gal of MAG-PRO for a resulting 650 PPMs. This is double what I did for the very first feeding (just FYI). Took it very light for the first feeding. After PPM’s are locked in I pH adjust as necessary (usually pH UP needed) to sit around 5.2-5.5 pH. This will gradually rise as I’ve seen happen a few hours later. I think I’m supposed to run a pH of around 6.2-6.4 come flowering time, but I’ll have to ask the local hydro shop again to confirm.

LONG entry due to lots of changes with no updates over 4 days.

Day 15 – Vegetation 7 [Sep. 20th 2022]

With the new settings and location of humidifier everything is stable. Really think it’s getting dialed in. Also, humidifier is on lowest setting. So, conserving water and energy there now too.

Day 16 – Vegetation 8 [Sep. 21st 2022]

Temp: 76F
Hum: 68%
VPD: 0.91
DLI: ??
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 10 of 10 SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
In-Line Vent: 5 of 10 SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
Clip Fan #1: 3 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 73F – HIGH HUM: 61%)
Clip Fan #2: 2 of 2 (highest)
Light Height: 27”
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Both plants look well. They’ve grown past their second nodes. So, I’d officially say they’re in veg stage. With that said, I’ve dropped the light to 27” above the canopy. Aiming for about 2ft above canopy.

Humidifier position still centered and setting on lowest. The weather in Sacramento has taken a complete 180 turn from 114F at below 50% humidity to 64F and raining all day. The cooler higher humidity weather agrees with the ambient environment in the lung room. Helps keep the tent cooler and humidity stable. By 6pm the humidity usually drops in the tent, correlating with the increasing temperature from the light’s driver running for so long (since 5am). Usually I have to manually raise the setting on the humidifier to half way.

Day 21 – Vegetation 13 [Sep. 26th 2022]

Temp: 79F
Hum: 68%
VPD: 1.15
DLI: ??
Light Cycle: 18-6
Light Strength: 10 of 10 SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
In-Line Vent: 5 of 10 SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
Clip Fan #1: 3 of 10 AUTO (HIGH TEMP: 73F – HIGH HUM: 61%)
Clip Fan #2: 2 of 2 (highest)
Humidifier: 50% SCHEDULED (5a-11p ON)
Light Height: 27”
Identification – bamboo = Glueberry OG, plastic = Deleted Scene

Last week I added in a sprouted seed tea (SST) that I sprouted from regular corn myself. Sounded and felt like a great idea after doing a little research online via Youtube. By the end of the week both plants looked TERRIBLE!! Dying very fast. Leaves from all nodes at all levels and stages of growth were sagging tremendously. Lower leaves laying on the grow medium (Hydroton). Initially I did not know the cause. Was assuming either too much light, too much heat, poor nute concentration in the reservoirs, inappropriate water level in the reservoir, or not enough humidity throughout the day causing plants to dry out. The leaves were becoming dry and losing their “fuzzy” feel. The color was of the leaves were changing slightly darker, the leaves were no longer spreading their fingers, instead were closing on itself as well as sagging hard. As mentioned above I was lost – I literally blamed every variable in the tent. Except one – the SST I added for the very first time mid week. Saturday night while I was doing the weekly clean and new nutes I noticed the reservoir tanks were disgustingly filthy. Unknown growth (off white in color) happening in the water and along the sides of the buckets. I knew this was from the SST and thought, “wow, that SST really took off in here”. Still not thinking, could this be the cause of the sudden decline in the plants. More on the line of thinking – That SST provided a lot of nutes and enzymatic activity! While examining the roots of the Glueberry OG I noticed that the roots were completely taken over and covered by an incredibly thick semi-translucent mucous. Just call it slime for now. This was not the protective layer that roots put on week 1 of growth. No... this slime was thick enough to cut off all contact of water to the roots. The roots no longer could take in nutes, water, or even oxygen. The slime reminds me of a jelly fish. Thicker than human mucous and gelatinous in nature. The slime also completely covered the bottom 2-3 inches of the grow medium and I assume any roots within that area of the hydroton grow medium. This was now the OBVIOUS cause of the decline of the plants.

I tried removing the slime with my fingers, by gently sliding my fingers across the root. This did not work. It stuck too well to the roots. When applying more pressure between my fingers, I ripped off roots….. TERRIBLE IDEA! So I decided to try dunking the roots and grow medium in fresh RO water over and over and over and over again. This did the trick. Took a long time, and removed a shocking amount of slime that I could not tell was sitting in the grow medium. I assume this slime was fungi growing in the dark reservoirs, with no light, but lots of nutes and oxygen in the water. I truly wish I took a picture to show this monster.

After removing the slime the plants rebounded OVERNIGHT! Insane how resilient cannabis/hemp is.

I’m still trying to lock in the air circulation and humidifier placement to make it exactly perfect throughout the day. Both to ensure automation for ease of growing and opening up the ability to travel.

Humidifer is now on the front right corner – blowing directly over the nearest plant (so middle of tent). Floor fan back left corner – blowing to back right corner. The circulating fan clipped about 8-12 inches above the canopy in the back right corner. This is looking promising.

I’ve purchased an outlet from AC Infinity that allows automation of whatever is connected to it. The outlet connects directly to the AC Controller 69. This has allowed me to place the humidifier on schedule with the lights and fans. We’re FULLY AUTOMATED now baby!!!

I TOPPED FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! At node #4. 3 weeks into total season, 2 weeks into vegetation. We’ll see how they respond. Low Stress Training (LST) coming soon.

Still following Dyna-Grow feeding schedule for Drain to Waste technique. Only adding the amounts for 2 gallons of water, although each single reservoir is holding 3 gallons of water. Will up this if needed.

[[TO BE CONTINUED... further into veg, more rookie mistakes, discoloration & recovery, flip into flower! up next..]]
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