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  • Thread starter Travis B
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Travis B

Travis B

Unfortunatley i think most people are going to not give you a chance, becasue right now all you have going for you is your desire to be involved with the cannabis industry. But everyone on this website wants what your asking for. But none of them ask for it, for nothing.

You dont think i wanna quit my shitty job and be given a oppurtunity to grow cannabis and be let in the door? Id realy enjoy that, but at the moment it isnt realistic for me. In my dream world hoepfully someday i can do something involved with this plant and community, but i havent tried yet becasue im still building my experience, and trying to network and make real connections with people in this industry.

I think thats why the response is how it is. Your not even willing to break a few laws, and set up a small personal geurilla grow, or a tent in your house for fear of legal problems. and then you just are asking for people to give you oppurtunities, with nothing but a description of your work experience, then you get upset when we say it sounds fishy?

I respect your dreams, becasue there my my dreams as well, most everyone on this site has those dreams, but were all actively trying to achieve them

Thank you for your response. Why don't you quit your shitty job? What is truly stopping you? Who said I haven't broken laws? I would just prefer not to break them any longer for obvious reasons. I'm not asking people to "carry" me and teach me everything they know immediately. I definitely am aware that this is just a step on a long bumpy road that I am willing to travel. I am just looking for someone who needs some help. I expected some of these responses. A few people that know what im trying to do tell me I am wasting my time. That's cool. I do not expect most people to be supportive of a noob trying to materialize his dream. It seems far fetched, i know. But, this is what I am going to do with my life. With or without assistance.


Then start where we all started. Get your hands on a couple plants or seeds and start growing. Learn every thing you can on the way. Thats the best way. You kinda come off like a UC with all that "get me in where i fit in" talk. Just grow a plant. Take a few photos ask for help with this or that. Theres no "diy" network for growing plants. Learn by doing it. The contacts will ease their way into your life if you make this a passion and truly devote your life to it. Make it your life, and the contacts will come with time



Living dead girl
This is 100% true. The contacts just... form. Or at least, they have for me. Maybe there's someone out there who's willing to just let some dude named Travis come on out to their place, but I don't know any of them. Having been hit by a home invasion robbery myself, I know I won't do it, the only other people I'm willing to deal with are other growers who have just as much, and just as much to lose, as I do. THAT is the number one issue newbs like yourself really must keep in mind. We're incredulous for a lot of very, very good reasons.

Another one of the big issues those of us who've already been doing this see is the fact that this market is already saturated and it's becoming more so each and every day. Grow the plant because you love it, not because you want to make a living doing so, that's what we're putting down that you don't seem to be picking up. If you spend a few hours poring through this site, I'm sure you'll find the slew of threads just like yours, started by people who've never done much, if any growing and want to jump in with both feet, but on someone else's wagon. Me, myself and I? I learned through my own money, hard work, sweat, tears, a LOT of mistakes, reading and letting the old-timers tell me what's what.

Regulating is still being worked out, hell, here in California we've got yet another set of bills making their way around the legislature and I guarantee, they're not going to make it easy for anyone except those who have a chunk of change to fork over to participate in the business end of things.


One thing I've learned is in order to be successful coming from the ground up is that your going to struggle, times are going to be very tough, and many times you'll feel like giving up (life's paradigm.)

Waking up early, staying up late, doing shit you don't want to do, but it can be done and many will continue to fufil the very dream of farming for a living. Hardest part is making the initial leap and committing to the struggle.

What is your ultimate goal? Be like Jack and the boys running 300 tons of ac or run a 12k room and supply the black market? (Obviously those aren't the only choices lol)


I was just talking about that very thing on another thread Sea.

A couple million in the bank for a startup is pretty common anymore, and when regulations hit I think it will get worse.
There are plenty of avenues besides growing to be entrenched in the industry. I myself would love to start my canna just now getting to the point where I have a few contacts with local the really tough part is making the actual deal. They know I'm trustworthy, but now they need to be convinced my product is better than what they have already, and in turn will net them more profit.
Other avenues would be LED's! Build and sell a signature LED fixture, pretty simple...and if you can get access to led manufacturers and wholesale prices, you're set.
Electrical engineers are ALWAYS in need.
I just think that people who want to get into the industry through a trim job are a dime a dozen.
Making oneself indispensable to others is the key. Wether through knowledge, experience, or a superior product, you need to be needed by others to be successful.


I can tell you where an easy foot in would be!!! You have multiple sources of doing this but be warned it's definitely not wise the way you are going about this or following what I say....

I would like to stand by what everyone else said flat out plain and simple!!!

Well since you don't want to listen to or take the advice of some of the best people in here who actually could give you an opportunity like this and trying to tell you how!?!? $!@

Not to mention the way it sounds (to me anyway) you are sooo eager to get in at the Top and skip all the little steps go straight to pro leaching off their knowledge and earning no strioes we all had to take and get to be where we are then do it like the oldschool noob way

First off you can easily go stand on Hwy 101 during the fall and hold a sign up saying trimmer at about any point from redding CA to gold beach OR..... you will get picked up in no time taken somewhere???? Maybe the bottom of a lake for encroaching, maybe to a farm for work... another unwise option is that Washington, oregon and Colorado all have unlimited plant number, commercial grow/sales licenses for a few grand in total. But now where do you get the skills and equipment, I thought of that also FOR you

I am sure you can find a rip artist to take you in with one of those cards and teach you then or just burn you at the end either way your where you wanted to be.... people are not just going to give this to you bud. We all have had to work HARD and some illegally to get their grows. I wouldn't even let certain people I respect and talk to here in my garden. You gotta start somewhere man and at a really big grow is not that place. Growers with farms want growers with seasons under their own lights. Think about Our time spent learning the things necessary for the skillet needed as this takes alot of time to build and harness a good understanding of. Where do we get our freebi handout well we didnt.

We are all more than willing to help you grow and get things just rite, AT YOUR GTOW SITE. All you have to do is stay on the farm here get yourself a little bit of equipment or just gear for outdoor. And put a few seasons under your belt then try something like this You will get much better results once you have a grow and no how to properly operate it effectively and efficiently...However as Seamaiden said the connections just sort of come in time really Your not asking the wrong thing just rather your asking before your time.

Baby steps you know gotta crawl before you walk and walk before you run.... I really hope you the best in your endeavor to be a good grower overall don't get discouraged just change your game plan and make a goal.. Sending you all the luck I can gather hope to see you in the forum a
Soon with something to show off.
Travis B

Travis B

Thank you all for your responses! I admit I was naive of the thoughts of the community regarding employment. I definitely can empathize with a lot of what you guys are saying. I just want to clarify that I don't intend to "leach", as much as I want to learn and help build a company. That was my mindset anyway, and apologies if I sounded pretentious. It was not my intention at all. I really love the culture of this plant, and working with my hands. I just want to combine the two, but you guys have opened my eyes to see that there are more than one way to achieve this. Again, I can not express my gratitude for your constructive criticism, and did not laugh me out immediately. The community on this site is superb. One more question, does anyone know of any companies that build greenhouse, install electrical work, install HVAC, or does pipefitting that deals with mainly cannabis growing customers? I follow Climagrow, formally ElkinsHVAC i believe, on social media. Does anyone know of any others?


I personally don't know of any here in socal, but I would imagine that the legal states probably would have some companies starting up that want to specialize in build out construction. Check craigslist...sketchy sometimes, but you might find a legit company or two.


where I live a concrete Forman gets between 25-50 an hour.....of course cost of living is the factor here....
You should build your own little grow shed and start there....


Whats stopping me from quitting my shitty job, is the fact i need an income to survive, i also need a shitty job for the health insurance, i am type 1 diabetic and if i didnt have health insurance i would be in trouble. I also just bought a trailer, so i dont have to keep stopping and starting my grow, which i havent been able to even get perpetual since i moved back east due to money.

All that depressing shit aside, i just got into a place where i can grow my own.Which defiently helps get you "into" any community, showing up to local medical cannabis events and expos and getting your name out there and showing off your bud. I have a friend whos doing awesome stuff with his company Dabilitated, they make custom enails and some other cool stuff. But i like to draw and am hoping i can do something involving the cannabis industry, probably not growing packs,or making concentrates or nothing but theres so much other shit that goes into this then the bud. Especially now that states are beggining to seriusly look into full recreational use.

I didnt mean to come off as a douche, and i hope you succede in what your trying to do, sounds like your intrested, but the best advice would to first and foremost get the fuck out of where your at, and move to a friendly medical state. Im in Maine and MA,RI,VT are all way easy to get your card if your serious about it, but right now your not gonna get anywhere from a place you cant cultivate, and most likely wont get a job offer from where you are in this industry without the proper networking and connections, and the forums are great networking, but not really solid enough to trust someone unless youve actually met them or have homies that can vouch.


Thank you all for your responses! I admit I was naive of the thoughts of the community regarding employment. I definitely can empathize with a lot of what you guys are saying. I just want to clarify that I don't intend to "leach", as much as I want to learn and help build a company. That was my mindset anyway, and apologies if I sounded pretentious. It was not my intention at all. I really love the culture of this plant, and working with my hands. I just want to combine the two, but you guys have opened my eyes to see that there are more than one way to achieve this. Again, I can not express my gratitude for your constructive criticism, and did not laugh me out immediately. The community on this site is superb. One more question, does anyone know of any companies that build greenhouse, install electrical work, install HVAC, or does pipefitting that deals with mainly cannabis growing customers? I follow Climagrow, formally ElkinsHVAC i believe, amighm oheat?

What city are you looking at tryin to get that building job


Living dead girl
@Calixylon -- the most successful grower I know keeps a 'day job.' And his advice to others who want to do this for a living? Don't. Have a day job, and if at all possible, have a partner (wife/husband) who can split their time. Just getting the money earned into the bank is a huge issue that's getting more and more difficult, so legitimacy is key.
One more question, does anyone know of any companies that build greenhouse, install electrical work, install HVAC, or does pipefitting that deals with mainly cannabis growing customers?
Yes. Envirotech. Avoid them like the PLAGUE.

Gavita is looking for a 'road warrior' (travelling sales rep), just posted that on Facebook yesterday. They're lighting, but they're very technical and scientific and shit. Most of what they discuss flies over my head, to be perfectly honest.


Yea sea that's a huge reason why you need to have a legit job, you can't have 50 grand appear in your bank without a job, and I don't feel like keeping that kind of money in a safe on property. A legit job is necessary, you don't get health insurance either from most grow ops because they can't even get banks to work with their cash. Everyone I've seen that's been successful at breaking in, has been folks who have experience growing and who also have about 50 grand to "play" with, look at labud, he just started up his spot about a year ago and is straight killing it. Obviously diff sit than yours, but money def helps.


To be serious you should move to a legit state and find a job in the concrete industry...where ever you live your self a grow tent and some equipment and some seeds ....start from there...and where ever you live be it CO or Ca or OR WA whatever get to know the people in the industry...go to the shops and to people...eventually if you are a genuine person you will be able to network and go to the places you would like to in your life...but to be need to work from the ground up and giving up your only security as in your career is senseless and misguided at the very least IMO
if you are a skilled tradesman in concrete you can pretty much find a job anywhere....
But that is just my advice

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