piss test HELP!

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strain hoarder
my question is do you guys know how long alcahol takes to be out of your system? can you even really even be tested for alcahol thru piss and if true how do i avoid detection? any suggestions appreciated :help:


Premium Member

Usually alcohol takes 1 hour per drink- 1 beer 1 hr 1 shot 1 hr smoke weed instead and eat bentonite clay it keeps the toxins in your shit



Premium Member
Man, I always use synthetic urine like Magnum, for any and all piss tests. Alcohol, hmmm, water and a foods like asparagus are natural diuretics.


Flush your system with loads of clear liquids and in a day or two of NO drinking, you'll be fine. I only thought they tested for alcohol if there is a suspected problem or a previous alcohol issue? Or drive a cab, truck, train, school bus, plane, boat, etc......
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
just drink as much as possible and piss as much as you can. in jail we had no special remedies or pills and no way to use fake urine as you were patted down and in separate rooms. but no one ever got a dirty urine even from pot cuz you drank all day long and pissed none stop. the only way the CO's would catch you was to wake your ass up at 4 -5 am and not let you piss before they tested it. your morning piss will have all the stuff your body cleans out thru the night. so you dont want that to be the one they test.

and for those that don't think there's weed,crack coke,heroine in jail, there is. if someone can smuggle in cartons of cigs and bottles of vodka. they can get anything


damn shit would be like 50 bones for a skimp ass bowl or like a month of soup's...


buy fake piss or have someone who dont smoke piss in ah bottle, keep warm your good, maybe,lol


How Long Does Alcohol Stay in the Body?

David J. Hanson, Ph.D.

After alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream it leaves the body in two ways. A total of about ten percent leaves through the breath, perspiration, and urine. The remainder is broken down through the process known as metabolism.

The rate at which alcohol is metabolized is the same for virtually everyone regardless of their height, weight, sex, race or other such characteristics.

Alcohol is metabolized at the rate of .015 of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) every hour. 1 Thus a person with a very high BAC of .15 will have no measurable alcohol in the bloodstream after ten hours (.15 divided by .015 = 10). Here are some other examples:
BAC Level Metabolism Time in Hours
.10 6.66
.08 5.33
.05 3.33
.02 1.33

It’s important to remember that BAC can continue to rise for a period of time after the last drink is consumed. For useful information about the biphasic curve and our reactions to alcohol How Alcohol Affects Us: the Biphasic Curve.

We can easily control the rate at which our BAC rises and how high it goes. Here are some hints:

* Don't be fooled. Standard drinks of beer, wine, or liquor (mixed drink or straight spirits) each contain virtually identical amounts of pure alcohol. When it comes to alcohol, a drink is a drink is a drink and are all the same to a breathalyzer. 2
Standard Drinks

Standard Drinks graphically illustrates information on the equivalence of standard drinks of beer, wine and distilled spirits or liquor. Its accuracy has been established by medical and other health professionals.
* Eat food while you drink. Food, especially high protein food such as meat, cheese and peanuts, will help slow the absorption of alcohol into your body.
* Sip your drink. If you gulp a drink, you lose the pleasure of savoring its flavors and aromas.
* Don't participate in "chugging" contests or other drinking games.
* Accept a drink only when you really want one. If someone tries to force a drink on you, ask for a non-alcohol beverage instead. If that doesn't work, "lose" your drink by setting it down somewhere and leaving it.
* Skip a drink now and then. Having a non-alcoholic drink between alcoholic ones will help keep your blood alcohol content level down, as does spacing out your alcoholic drinks
* A good general guideline for most people is to limit consumption of alcohol beverages to one drink (beer, wine or spirits) per hour.
* Keep active; don't just sit around and drink. If you stay active you tend to drink less and to be more aware of any effects alcohol may be having on you.
* Beware of unfamiliar drinks. Some drinks, such as zombies and other fruit drinks, can be deceiving as the alcohol content is not detectable. Therefore, it is difficult to space them properly.
* Use alcohol carefully in connection with pharmaceuticals. Ask your physician or pharmacist about any precautions or prohibitions and follow any advice received. 3

Estimate Your BAC

Estimate the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) you would reach when drinking over a variety of time periods.

From: How to Control Your Drinking by William R. Miller and Richard F. Munoz.

Although we can control how high our BAC goes, we can’t speed up our metabolism of alcohol. Drinking coffee, exercising or taking showers and similar behaviors have no effect on alcohol metabolism. Only time can do that.

To avoid hangovers keep BAC low, no higher than about .05 to .06. 4 There is no scientific or clinical evidence that any of the hangover “remedies” on the market are of any value whatsoever. There is some evidence that, other things being equal, clear distilled spirits such as gin and vodka are less likely to cause hangovers. 5 But it’s always best to avoid drinking too much alcohol.

The human body produces alcohol throughout life 24/7. It’s called endogenous ethanol production and the volume of alcohol produced depends to some degree on what foods have been eaten. On average, it appears that people can produce about one ounce of absolute or pure alcohol each day. 6 However, the law doesn’t distinguish between alcohol produced in the body and that which is consumed.

Unfortunately, so-called alcohol breath testing machines only estimate BAC, which can only be measured by testing the blood itself. Breath, perspiration and urine can only be tested to estimate the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. 7

Research indicates that a large proportion of people tested with a Breathalyzer or similar breath machine will receive a reading higher than their actual BAC. This means that many innocent drivers are falsely convicted of DWI/DUI. 8

But there is good news. You can easily avoid both alcohol-impaired driving and unfair DWI/DUI convictions by abstaining, drinking in moderation, or either being or using a designated driver (DD) who consumes no alcohol.

^^some of this shit is funny.


USE QUICKFIX. You can get it online or most smoke shops for around $30. Has worked numerous times for numerous people. Has a temp strip on bottle so no worries about it being to hot or cold. This stuff works every time. Synthetic is the way to go!


Q-Carbo its at GNC in most cases, and you drink it an hour before the test. It works, I use it all the time. Its like 46-50 bucks


Urine testing for thc..22 days expired and the Pass line is Faintly Appearing. " NOWT yesterday ". /-: .. Getting 'Slightly' Concerned cus my driving Licence Medical is a week next wednesday.This time..The THIRD time! Sure gonna Pass .... Dammit! ..Am happy Seein that ^,Gonna Check everyday ! Woohoo :D. Thc takes 4 weeks to leave the Body So i heard alot.. Gonna have 5 !
Of the 't' for test Line the 3 on the right hand side are faint ....LOL ... Does that mean that Amphetamine Cocaine and Mdma Somehow linger within me !! Absolute Pisser!! Lol .. just saying not taken 'Speed' Amp for at least 20 yrs. Tried Coke Nr 10 yrs ago, and Mdma or 'E' not for 6 wks. Apparently The body Produces an Amount of Alcohol anyway .. Does Amp n Coc n mdma = like,a Chemical of Endorphins.y'know like when ya eat somethin nice these are released from the Brain ..Joyfull stuff.. Cant beat Noshing summit Yummy ..
IMG 20160428 202716

Alcohol Goes Quickly being s water Soluble tis weed THAT lasts Cus Thats Fat Soluble.. Read the Other day that Thc stores in the Fat cells..
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Urine testing for thc..22 days expired and the Pass line is Faintly Appearing. " NOWT yesterday ". /-: .. Getting 'Slightly' Concerned cus my driving Licence Medical is a week next wednesday.This time..The THIRD time! Sure gonna Pass .... Dammit! ..Am happy Seein that ^,Gonna Check everyday ! Woohoo :D. Thc takes 4 weeks to leave the Body So i heard alot.. Gonna have 5 !
Of the 't' for test Line the 3 on the right hand side are faint ....LOL ... Does that mean that Amphetamine Cocaine and Mdma Somehow linger within me !! Absolute Pisser!! Lol .. just saying not taken 'Speed' Amp for at least 20 yrs. Tried Coke Nr 10 yrs ago, and Mdma or 'E' not for 6 wks. Apparently The body Produces an Amount of Alcohol anyway .. Does Amp n Coc n mdma = like,a Chemical of Endorphins.y'know like when ya eat somethin nice these are released from the Brain ..Joyfull stuff.. Cant beat Noshing summit Yummy ..
View attachment 595169

Alcohol Goes Quickly being s water Soluble tis weed THAT lasts Cus Thats Fat Soluble.. Read the Other day that Thc stores in the Fat cells..
Alcohol metabolites can be detected in blood and urine for days, much longer than breathalyzers.
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