Plant Breeding Breakthrough: Offspring With Genes from Only One Parent

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ScienceDaily (Mar. 25, 2010) — A reliable method for producing plants that carry genetic material from only one of their parents has been discovered by plant biologists at UC Davis. The technique, to be published March 25 in the journal Nature, could dramatically speed up the breeding of crop plants for desirable traits.

The discovery came out of a chance observation in the lab that could easily have been written off as an error.

"We were doing completely 'blue skies' research, and we discovered something that is immediately useful," said Simon Chan, assistant professor of plant biology at UC Davis and co-author on the paper.

Like most organisms that reproduce through sex, plants have paired chromosomes, with each parent contributing one chromosome to each pair. Plants and animals with paired chromosomes are called diploid. Their eggs and sperm are haploid, containing only one chromosome from each pair.

Plant breeders want to produce plants that are homozygous -- that carry the same trait on both chromosomes. When such plants are bred, they will pass the trait, such as pest resistance, fruit flavor or drought tolerance, to all of their offspring. But to achieve this, plants usually have to be inbred for several generations to make a plant that will "breed true."

The idea of making a haploid plant with chromosomes from only one parent has been around for decades, Chan said. Haploid plants are immediately homozygous, because they contain only one version of every gene. This produces true-breeding lines instantly, cutting out generations of inbreeding.

Existing techniques to make haploid plants are complicated, require expensive tissue culture and finicky growing conditions for different varieties, and only work with some crop species or varieties. The new method discovered by Chan and postdoctoral scholar Ravi Maruthachalam should work in any plant and does not require tissue culture.

Ravi and Chan were studying a protein called CENH3 in the laboratory plant Arabidopsis thaliana. CENH3 belongs to a group of proteins called histones, which package DNA into chromosomes. Among the histones, CENH3 is found only in the centromere, the part of the chromosome that controls how it is passed to the next generation.

When cells divide, microscopic fibers spread from each end of the cell and attach at the centromeres, then pull the chromosomes apart into new cells. That makes CENH3 essential for life.

Ravi had prepared a modified version of CENH3 tagged with a fluorescent protein, and was trying to breed the genetically modified plants with regular Arabidopsis. According to theory, the cross should have produced offspring containing one mutant gene (from the mother) and one normal gene (from the father). Instead, he got only plants with the normal gene.

"At first we threw them away," Chan said. Then it happened again.

Ravi, who has a master's degree in plant breeding, looked at the plants again and realized that the offspring had only five chromosomes instead of 10, and all from the same parent.

The plants appear to have gone through a process called genome elimination, Chan said. When plants from two different but related species are bred, chromosomes from one of the parents are sometimes eliminated.

Genome elimination is already used to make haploid plants in a few species such as maize and barley. But the new method should be much more widely applicable, Ravi said, because unlike the process for maize and barley, its molecular basis is firmly understood.

"We should be able to create haploid-inducing lines in any crop plant," Ravi said. Once the haploid-inducing lines are created, the technique is easy to use and requires no tissue culture -- breeders could start with seeds. The method would also be useful for scientists trying to study genes in plants, by making it faster to breed genetically pure lines.

After eliminating half the chromosomes, Chan and Ravi had to stimulate the plants to double their remaining chromosomes so that they would have the correct diploid number. Plants with the haploid number of chromosomes are sterile.

The research also casts some interesting light on how species form in plants. CENH3 plays the same crucial role in cell division in all plants and animals. Usually, such important genes are highly conserved -- their DNA is very similar from yeast to whales. But instead, CENH3 is among the fastest-evolving sequences in the genome.

"It may be that centromere differences create barriers to breeding between species," Chan said. Ravi and Chan plan to test this idea by crossing closely-related species.

The work was supported by a grant from the Hellman Family Foundation.

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Adapted from materials provided by University of California - Davis.


Journal Reference:

1.Maruthachalam Ravi, Simon W. L. Chan. Haploid plants produced by centromere-mediated genome elimination. Nature, 2010; 464 (7288): 615 DOI: 10.1038/nature08842
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Researchers have developed a new method for producing plants that carry genetic material from
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
yeah man good read. now we just need to get someone to do this with weed. a joint effort. grow out like a 1000 say blueberry everyone narrows it down to their best 2 females. then we all narrow it down to the best plant. take this one to make the seeds from... hmm then we would need a male, would we take one of her kids and kill the males chromosome's? how do we pollenate the mom to make normal seeds?


By the time someone would be pollinating a plant that has undergone genome elimination, the chromosomes would have to have been stimulated to duplicate somehow so the plant is diploid and viable. Whatever male you would cross to a female plant of this sort could be any male really, and the seeds would be "normal" seeds through regular pollination.

The cool thing about this research is that true breeding lines can be easily generated. Crosses using true breeding lines have more predictable outcomes, and true breeding lines are very valuable in speeding up plant breeding.


Premium Member
is that like a more complicated way to make s1, or can the seeds been m/f?


This is heavy duty stuff. Think Monsanto already has a leg up on this type of research? Not being a troll! I'm just wondering if you all have opinions. Does this have any future consequences on the gene pool?


Premium Member
Oh man anytime i hear mansanto my blood runs cold! I trying to gather as much seeds as i can to save some normal or natura gens, not only MJ but a lot of vegetables of course.


Premium Member
I hear that, monsanto hates you.


In some ways there are some similarities to creating an S1. In creating an S1, just as with the mentioned technique, the amount of genetic diversity in the offspring would be decreased. But - in the case of the S1, there would still be two sets of parental chromosomes that would undergo recombination prior to the formation of pollen or ovules. So there would be some genetic diversity retained - although less than a standard cross involving regular plants, and slightly more diversity than the product of genome elimination/duplication which would have no genetic diversity at all - both sets of chromosomes are identical.

These plants would be entirely homozygous and capable of passing on only one allele of a gene. Regular plants have the ability to pass on one of potentially two alleles of a gene since each set of the plants chromosomes comes from a different parent.

I know, everyone hates Monsanto. But - realize that there is a distinct difference between using a tool like the one mentioned and splicing in bacterial toxin genes in order to force the expression of toxins in plant tissues. ;) This technique is much safer and less twisted as a whole. There isn't any real tampering with the gene sequence itself as in Bt corn, just some manipulation of diversity. This is the kind of stuff that renders Monsantos evil schemes fairly meaningless. This requires much less work, would be much cheaper and much safer.

Also in regards to losing genetic diversity in our precious cannabis. Thankfully, its everywhere my friends - we aren't looking at any problems due to a shrinking gene pool for quite some time if ever. So many folks grow it in isolation that I think there will always be reservoirs of genetics that would keep our plants happily diverse for ages.


exact replicas of clone only strains in seed form easily and quickly= awesome!


Not exact replicas ;)

If you did this with a clone only strain, you'd eliminate the set of chromosomes from one clone parent, but you would leave the other set and duplicate them to create viable plants.

The resulting progeny would have only genes inherited from one grandparent and thus would only share about half of the genes with the clone only strain from which it was derived. Anyways, not trying to nerd out, just help out. I've been drinking, forgive me if I didn't get it perfectly straight.
Cheers :fighting0003:


That's not like a feminized seed where the plant pollinates itself?

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