plant problem, partial leaf yellowing?

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I want to say I've never seen this before on my plants, I did add epsom salts to my rez a few weeks ago at .5 teaspoon per gallon of tap water (trying to get some sulfur). Only thing I've changed.

any ideas?
Plant problem partial leaf yellowing
Plant problem partial leaf yellowing 2


I know its hard to see there but the veins are still green and the tissue between (some of it) is yellow. One leaf was split down the middle yellow. Its only some of the leaves


Looks like maybe ph has locked out mag or maybe needs more mag, really need a ton of info including any recent changes in environment. Rez temps, room temps day/night, RH%, ppm of nutes, ratio of npk and any changes to feeding....lots of info short of a home visit lol to really know whats going on with your plants. First thing I do is wait.....see if it gets worse....some times things go back to normal on thier own. Plants know how to fix themselves for the most part. If you do anything drastic right away it could get worse, alot worse lol. Change out your system like its the regular time to clean and redo the rez fresh and wait to see if they bounce advise I got bro


84F day
1500 ppm co2
11ml bloom/ 3.5ml micro per gallon (GH flora)
40-50% RH
night 68-72F

PH is normally 5.6-5.9
rez temp 69-72

may have had the PH swing up at some point, was reading found a few similar saying iron def caused by higher PH. (i run drip to waste so normally I fill every 3 days and only check PH later if i'm having an issue. Going to keep an eye on it


Yeah wait it out.....if ph changed for a while thats all it is more then likely.
If it get worse over next few days do a full change over on the rez....It didnt look white enough in the pics to be iron, iron def usually looks almost white between veins. Mag def looks yellow almost like its gonna go away maybe some green mixed in the yellow. Also the iron def should dry up to crunchy in between veins after a few days and mag def will not go crunchy just yellow untill fixed, then it can go away all the way if the leaves dont just get shed off by the plant after being used up and yellowed all the way out. Most strains seem to finish fine even if small issue with iron, but mag is very important to resin production at end so thats gotta get fixed if thats too low.
Good luck man!


good info, it definitely doesnt have crunchy leaves

going to bump up my mag a little more & see what happens. I had been doing a half dose sense i was using tap water
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