Plant Recovery

  • Thread starter Pineapple207
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So I have a couple plants back that someone did a shitty job taking care of while I couldnt. after the 1000 watt almost caught on fire they were under flourescents for a couple weeks, then I stopped by to check in and that was burned out too. So for a few more weeks they were under 75 watts of compact flourescent house lamp. On top of that they were in an unheated basement. The critical kush is long dead, the blue dream 1 got chopped a while back and the second blue dream is essentially dead. The pineapple I got from a norcal grower actually isn't doing terrribly in comparison, some dead leaves and a lot of droopy ones but it looks quite recoverable, Ive handled worse and got them back. The one I cared most about (OG kush x Northern lights from that norcal grower) however needs some help and I dont know what to do. Almost all it's leaves are drooping and many were dead. Theres very little nutrient defficency though due to the well amended soil I used but it's been very cold and with little light and over watered. Do I just add light, heat and water it properly and hope for the best or can I do something more to help?


Living dead girl
Take cuttings, get those rooted. That's really the best way to handle this situation IMO.


I'll post pics in a minute, thanks for stopping by, both of you. Yeah I figured that was a possibility so I planned on that but had hoped maybe I could save the seed plant. the stalk is almost 2 inches in diameter (ive been away from school for too long, all the way across the width of the stalk), and its root bound in a well drained (but over watered) 5 gallon bucket so maybe a transplant would help?


The OG kush x northern lights and Pineapple are labeled and the smaller plants are what I've recently aquired and been growing for 2-4 weeks ( I bought two different batches of clones). Everything needs food I know, I just havent been able to find my bubbler to make tea, I'll be getting another soon. I ammend the soil each time I transplant with the tea mix and kelp, I'll be adding more as I can afford too. The soil base is pro mix bx. The nl og and pineapple have a good amount of extra perlite mixed in and clay hydro balls in the bottom roughly 2" of their buckets.
OG Kush x Northern Lights
OG x NL top


Living dead girl
I'll post pics in a minute, thanks for stopping by, both of you. Yeah I figured that was a possibility so I planned on that but had hoped maybe I could save the seed plant. the stalk is almost 2 inches in diameter (ive been away from school for too long, all the way across the width of the stalk), and its root bound in a well drained (but over watered) 5 gallon bucket so maybe a transplant would help?
Do both, then. Get cuttings rooted and get her transplanted. Get that spider mite problem dealt with, too.


Where were you seeing mites? I did have them I know but I got predator mites and it's been a couple weeks, if you see actual mites. I just hadnt gotten every bit of webbing off if you're seeing that. And I ended up taking all the clones I could and scrapping it, some of the limbs had a little rot and I didn't want to battle that.
smokin jay

smokin jay

They may not clone though if you still have spider mites, but if you are able to save the moms you can get more clones later.


The pineapple is definitely save able, I've scrapped the og kush x NL though but took clones. It had some limbs with a bit of rot but no mold yet and my space is small till I get the other room set up so mold would spread like wildfire. I got predator mites to kill off the spider mites a couple weeks ago and don't see any new webs or leaf damage aside from them withering from lack of light and temps probably not over 60 degrees at best. Probably like 45-50. The new space I have is plenty warm now though. I'm hoping the clones live, I don't know the cut but it's some kind of olderNorCal og kush in the cross


Living dead girl
Ah, good!
Where were you seeing mites? I did have them I know but I got predator mites and it's been a couple weeks, if you see actual mites. I just hadnt gotten every bit of webbing off if you're seeing that. And I ended up taking all the clones I could and scrapping it, some of the limbs had a little rot and I didn't want to battle that.
Third photo, I see bad mite damage. I can't see actual mites without some serious magnification.


Yeah, there was a lot more damage, the plants used to be twice as bushy, I'd been taking the dead leaves off on the few occasions I could stop by. But yeah I got predator mites and haven't seen webs since, I'll give the pineapple and clones a neem oil spray down just to be safe though. Thanks for helping guys


Thanks for the input guys, so good news: some of the the og kush x northern lights clones have begun rooting, at least 3-4 so far, I didn't want to disturb them too much. Some did just die and rot but I expected that of a good chunk of them and have been removing them as they die.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Seamaiden can see a spider mite at 100 yards. I totally agree too.

You could chop those big plants down to where the smaller shoots are growing out. That would make it easier for the roots to take care of the remaining plant. Be careful not to overwater.

They are all totally salvageable with some care.


Oh there were mites for sure, I knew this before asking for help, but i certainly appreciate you guys pointing it out and offering advice. I got a spray/ mist bottle for my neem oil spray so I'll be able to finish off those mites hopefully. I've only had them once before and the stuff I used worked, but it was chemical shit and I'm shooting for 100% organic or very close to it. I've chopped all the dead leaves and branches off the pineapple, topped it and took clones from the better branches. It can't fit under the light till I get my other room ready so it's not 100% happy but it's all green now and only a little droopy, no more wilting. Thank you all for the advice


Tobor do you think that the pineapple should still be cut down more? I've seen you around and value your opinion so if you think I should, I will, preserving the strain is more important than trying to keep more alive. I can get the yield back with more veg time but not if it's dead
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Did you trim that one at all? It looks better already. If you trim them down to just some small branches and minimal leaves, making sure you have some growing tips left, it is way easier to spray those leaves for mites and easier for the roots to feed those leaves.
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I trimmed all the dead material off and topped the main shoot and a couple of the bigger branches for clones, I can trim it down more. Do you think I should take a few nodes of the main stem? It would be bouncing back faster but my light can't go higher and it can't fit under without blocking my other plants, I'll be setting up another space soon where there will be plenty of room.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I would keep it the way it is and watch it. Can you stick it under it's own 40w CFL or something similar?

It looks to me like it is going to come around.

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