Police bust biggest outdoor marijuana plantation ever found in Oregon

  • Thread starter Chronic Monster
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Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster

These dudes are not freedom fighters they're greedy pieces of shit fucking up the market, laws, and land for everyone else.

So when you say fucking up the laws, you think marijuana would be legal now if it it wasn't for the cartels? :giggle .

The cartels exist on the scale they operate due to prohibition of drugs in the US. The US actually fucked up everything and indirectly brought the cartels to power back in the day, henry anslinger status, im sure you know the history;). Make alcohol illegal again and see how many gangs pop up due to the profit margins.

When someone takes their family to a national park they shouldn't have to worry about fucking poison in the water or walking the wrong way and getting shot.

yes I agree, so lets 86 the bullshit drug laws in the US, then we won't have this problem.

You don't qualify as an amateur with 91k plants no matter how small they are. And if it was all organic that would be awesome but there's no way they could maintain that many plants organically unless floramite, avid, hexagon, etc are organic.

Cartels kill innocent families every day. Imagine having a kid stolen. Go ahead and support that if it makes you feel good about yourself.

The leaders of these cartels are evil people who kill with no mercy, I do not support their brutal positions, but I do realize its the US that have put them in a power position with the bullshit prohibition of drugs.

I'll continue to grow my own and support as many local growers as I can.

Look if marijuana was never made illegal back in the day, there is NO way in hell that the average price of cannabis would be 50$ for 3.5 grams. The current cost of cannabis is INSANE and is based on inflated black market prices.

I grow my own as well nowdays, but some folks don't live in medical states, or they have to much to loose by growing, maybe they cant afford the equipment or they are on their death bed and would just like a little something to help them feel better.
I personally don't like smoking mexican, but a couple years ago I was in and out of the hospital on the regular. Mexican cannabis helped save my life, at the time there was ZERO chronic floating around, and even if there was chronic floating around I could NOT have afforded 50$ 8ths.

Maybe you're a cartel cat and that's why you feel that way.

Priceless, :giggle

And by really shitty marijuana you mean unsafe for human consumption containing tons of pesticide and/or mold.

Lsd, Heroin, Coka, Mcdonalds, Taco Bell, they are all bad for you, bottom line I don't think the gov should be telling me what I am allowed to put into my body.

If I want to alter my reality with some shitty weed, that should be my right, or If I am on my death bed and want a cheap alternative to the current prices on medical marijuana, I should also have that option.

The US gov took away my option for purchashing resonably priced cannabis with their bullshit prohibition laws:mad0233:

And just because something is unhealthy, how many people does that stop..

A person should still have a choice as to what they put into their body in my opinion.

Some of the weed I have gotten from mexico was actually pretty damn good, lime green, fluffy and not priced to break the bank( at the time 90$ for a quater pound of lime green fluffy herb).

Sure I would only smoke elites if I had the cash. But when I was in the hospital I couldn't afford rent... how hell am I supposed to pay 50 for 3.5 grams.:sign0065:

I don't think they should go to jail for growing weed I think they should go to jail for being assholes who are selfish and greedy and damaging the environment
we agree on something :)
and for undercutting every other grower because they work for a "cartel".

the current prices on cannabis are based on inflated black market prices due to cannabis being made illegal back in the day.
In my opinion someone needs to undercut the prices, there is NO reason 3.5 grams of herb should cost what it does.

If cannabis was legal it would be more affordable and there would be a variety of strengths and prices to fit everyones needs and budgets.

I think all the growers who voted NO on prop 19 are greedy & selfish, the majority of them care more about their own personal livelyhood and their profit margins that actually forwarding the cause..
Sure prop 19 wasn't the best written thing, but it was a step in the right direction in my opinion. I know tons of growers who voted no, and what it really came down to at the end of the day was they wanted to keep making the money not get rid of the BS laws here.
(probably just alienated myself from most the growers on here, but thats how I feel. No offense to anyone who voted no, I can put myself in your shoes and see where your coming from... Hopefully you can picture youself in my shoes, in the hospital, so sick you can barley function, all your savings taken by the doctors, in need of resonably priced cannabis.)

Got really fired up there time to go medicate.

better to be passionate about something, than not care about anything :)

Thanks to everyone for stopping in and sharing their thoughts


1. You can't grow 91,000 plants organically with 6 people. period. Imagine the damage the fertilizer run off would be from a grow that size with those heavy metal ridden fertz they would have used. ( shit you would have to be a fuckin millionaire just to use general hydro)
2. If your illegal(no green card) we pay for them out of OUR pocket they shouldn't be here.no racism here just straight truth....you don't pay (tax) you don't play is that so hard to understand.
3. This is the exact shit (91,000 plants on public land with weapons by illegals) that is taking away from the medical aspect of marijuana making it a "violent drug" to the lobbyists and another tool for big pharma to say "MJ is a direct correlation between cartels $ and violence"
4. These pieces of shit don't care about your life or anything they wreck or destroy along the way.....I know it's wrong to say but the easiest way to solve this problem; the quickest most cost effective way would have been for the bear hunters to just drop all 6 of them fuckers the same way they do it: hands tied behind their back 2 the back of the dome. 12 bullets X $.50 = $6.00. no helicopters. no cops. no wasted tax payer money. no shitty brick weed fucking up OUR market. Remember folks this is OUR country OUR money OUR forests and If someone doesn't take a stand when will it stop? You really believe that Johhny law even affects 10% of these illegal grows then your naive. It's up to the people to make a difference.
Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster

.....I know it's wrong to say but the easiest way to solve this problem; the quickest most cost effective way would have been for the bear hunters to just drop all 6 of them fuckers the same way they do it: hands tied behind their back 2 the back of the dome. 12 bullets X $.50 = $6.00. no helicopters. no cops. no wasted tax payer money. no shitty brick weed fucking up OUR market.

Murdering the growers is the easiest way to sove things?
I gota disagree with you there...

How about making cannabis legal and pricing it at a fair and resonable market price(not an inflated black market price that is dictated by prohibition.) There would be no point in the cartels doing this anymore because the money would no longer be there.
Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster

and just curious about your logic..

who would be the ones deciding who gets to live and die.. the person who comes across said growers?

should only hispanic growers be shot, what if it was 6 white guys doing the growing, should they be shot? What if the growers are mexican, but 100% legal.
Is it ok then?

What if it was 6 mexicans were onlly growing 100 plants, should we shoot them on site still?
Is there a certain number of plants that we should just kill the people when they hit that number, kinda like federal manditory minimum laws?

What if its 4 white guys growing 200 plants, shoot them on site?


Garden of Dreams Seed Co
Just a thought..how about we legalize it then use the revenue to beef up our borders. No sense anyone dying over a plant or 91,000 plants.


Garden of Dreams Seed Co
haha thanks brutha.

To the ones who are posting racist comments. There is no need for that here. Im sure were not all white and i totally agree with chronic monster, who's to determine who lives and who dies for this plant? you? I sure as shit hope not.


2. If your illegal(no green card) we pay for them out of OUR pocket they shouldn't be here.no racism here just straight truth....you don't pay (tax) you don't play is that so hard to understand.

just a correction billybadazz:
i have friends who are "illegal (no green card)" and they DO pay U.S. taxes . . . just in the hope that it may help them someday become a citizen.



and just curious about your logic..

who would be the ones deciding who gets to live and die.. the person who comes across said growers?

should only hispanic growers be shot, what if it was 6 white guys doing the growing, should they be shot? What if the growers are mexican, but 100% legal.
Is it ok then?

What if it was 6 mexicans were onlly growing 100 plants, should we shoot them on site still?
Is there a certain number of plants that we should just kill the people when they hit that number, kinda like federal manditory minimum laws?

What if its 4 white guys growing 200 plants, shoot them on site?

LMAO this is to funny bro


1. You can't grow 91,000 plants organically with 6 people. period. Imagine the damage the fertilizer run off would be from a grow that size with those heavy metal ridden fertz they would have used. ( shit you would have to be a fuckin millionaire just to use general hydro)
2. If your illegal(no green card) we pay for them out of OUR pocket they shouldn't be here.no racism here just straight truth....you don't pay (tax) you don't play is that so hard to understand.
3. This is the exact shit (91,000 plants on public land with weapons by illegals) that is taking away from the medical aspect of marijuana making it a "violent drug" to the lobbyists and another tool for big pharma to say "MJ is a direct correlation between cartels $ and violence"
4. These pieces of shit don't care about your life or anything they wreck or destroy along the way.....I know it's wrong to say but the easiest way to solve this problem; the quickest most cost effective way would have been for the bear hunters to just drop all 6 of them fuckers the same way they do it: hands tied behind their back 2 the back of the dome. 12 bullets X $.50 = $6.00. no helicopters. no cops. no wasted tax payer money. no shitty brick weed fucking up OUR market. Remember folks this is OUR country OUR money OUR forests and If someone doesn't take a stand when will it stop? You really believe that Johhny law even affects 10% of these illegal grows then your naive. It's up to the people to make a difference.

so if your white and on welfare and dont pay dick should we kick them out 2 just to be fair or should we support them.

I find it funny how alot of people always say they should have shot them or i would have shot them knowing dam well they wouldn't do dick LMAO
Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster

Venom, thats so true mang.
Its one thing sitting online saying how you would murk someone in cold blood,

actually having a gun in your hand pointed at someone its a whole different ballgame.


if i came acrost 6 white dudes growing i'd give em tips. like tip 1 bad spot i already found it because of your glow in the dark tent. lol bear hunting that guy should be arrested who the fuck hunts bear? dick. fuckin bear hunting snitch. maybe they meant beer, either way i hope one of these days the bear wins.


This pales in comparison to the news yesterday that the ATF sold 2,000 guns to the cartels that were used to kill thousands of people and several honest ATF agents. They fired the head of the ATF, but he should be put in prison for the rest of his natural, idiotic life. They blamed it on the NRA, but the truth finally came out. You don't sell guns to killers. That's worse than giving candy to a diabetic. lol
Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster

Go figure... Its like freeway ricky ross *not the singer*..

They sent him to prision for life for selling crack, then it comes out that the CIA were the ones supplying him with the crack in the firstplace...



Freeway Ricky was a scapegoat. He got stupid money during tho
Chronic Monster

Chronic Monster




There are so many of these crazy cartel marijuana operations growing in our national parks, forest and mountains all over the US. They bust one like every week and probably will continue to for eternity. It's just schwag..nothing great. These cartels do not deserve to use our land to make money for their criminal operations so I'm happy when they do get busted. Leave us real Farmers alone and let us grow the real dank in peace! I like the idea of reserving the rights for legal residents and citizens to grow weed and benefit from cultivating it for our use.


Two white guys I know rappel down a 60 foot cliff and plant their Cannabis plants in the North Ga. area. They only plant 30 plants a year and have a great set up. They use rooted clones in 4 inch soil blocks and have a pulley system to lower the plants in the packs they use. They are not lazy, they don't rape the land and they only grow enough for a good income. Using the buddy system really comes in handy and is safer than going it alone. One is a retired military with over twenty years of service and has a small business and the other is a high school teacher. Both of them are not greedy, are highly motivated and very intelligent and hard working to a fault. There seem to be more racist stererotypes for white people than anybody else in the world. I smoked some of the Cannabis they grow and it's a great product. The price for this weed reflects the quality. They use biodynamic methods and leave no trash behind. Nobody else goes to this area because it is inaccessible except the way they get to it. Compare that with 91,000 plants and nobody can use the area due to pesticide or fertilizer runoff and fear of being attacked by lawless criminals. As far as anybody getting shot, seems like the police chief of Los Angeles daryl gates had the same idea about pot smokers, shoot them in the head. Nobody has the right to decide whether another person lives or dies, whatever their race or crime. The only justification in killing someone is if they attack you or your family and you have to defend yourself. The only bad thing about this setup was when my physical therapist transferred to another state, I lost my connection to these guys and I'm just not able to go to them anymore. As far as bear hunters being the enemy, I hope you don't stumble onto a mama bear and her cubs while out in the woods. Unless you're like the Atheist our for a hike who was chased by a hungry bear to the edge of a cliff with a 1,000 drop. He said, Lord help me, after a life time of saying there is no God. Amazingly, the bear got down on it's knees and began to pray. With a great sigh of relief, he was shocked to hear the bear's prayer. Dear God, thank you for this food I'm about to eat. Lol
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