Police stop 23 Boulder-bound drivers on U.S. 36 at drug checkpoint

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sky high

sky high

I learned to be honest with and to respect cops FROM a cop who was my neighbor across the street while growing up as a kid. He told me in no uncertain terms that the fastest way to either get yer ass beat or to get hauled to jail was to mouth off and tell the cop "How it was gonna be".

In high school I saw this play out many times. The loudmouth always getting hauled away...while the rest of us were walking over to the bushes..pulling the coolers back out..and firing another doob shortly after the cops left...

R-E-S-P-E-C-T.... give it to get it....or eat pavement! Yer choice, "tough guy"! LOL


The fact is that respect is earned. Should people respect a cop who dislike blacks? (How many videos have we seen where cops call blacks mother-fuckers and the Big N-word.) Should people respect a cop who beats an innocent homeless man senseless? Should people respect a cop who tasers an 8 month old pregnant women for not signing a traffic ticket? Should people respect a cop who plants dope in a law abiding citizens car? A profession overloaded with corruption and abuse is not getting my blind respect. Like anyone else, they have to earn it.

Most people choose to comply to cops because they are afraid, plain and simple. It's nothing more than mafia-mentality. Other people choose to stand up for what they believe in and not fold under to intimidation and unjust laws. I am glad to see more people waking up and standing up for their rights these days. Saying no to a cop who wants to search your car without probable cause is not "mouthing off." Choosing to remain silent (taking the 5th) was put in place for a reason. The Constitution was scribed for ONE main reason, to protect the people from their government. People have a Constitutional right (and a God-given right) to exercise these rights. Use em' or lose em.'

Cops take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. I rarely see that happening these days. Personally, I do what I feel is right. But I also have zero problems with people who choose to deal with it in other ways. If they choose to comply with every cops request who am I to judge them? When it comes to individual liberty, people should be able to freely do whatever they feel is right. IMO there's no right or wrong in matters such as this and there is no reason to judge others for the actions that they choose. But than again some people just like to point fingers and shoot their mouth off to validate and justify their choice to lick boots. If people want to lick their Masters boots and avoid being a "tough guy" then so be it. LOL!

R E S P E C T is not free, it's earned. Of course this may not apply to the sheep mentality.
Gandhi's quote seen below is quite fitting:


Temporary stuff, Chris...and a fairly long-standing practice in CO....and other States as well


the legality of the practice (upheld by the Supreme Court but left up to States to decide from my understanding of it all)

and ya know they will be out en masse' over the 4th of July........

be smart. Be safe. Stay home on the couch if yer toast. Everyone else have rights as well.

s h

They do the DUI check points here a lot. Check you insurance, tags, license for suspensions and warrants. They will also give you any fix it tickets for no front plate, headlights ect. They suck. Have learned to stay off certain roads after 10pm.

Yea that sucks. Bout shit a brick first time I rolled through one by the border. Got done smoking a J bout an hour before then you stop with 2 officers and a drug dog asking ya a bunch of questions. Stay safe is right.


Coolest cops I ever met was when i was about 17, smoking up in a park in milpitas CA it was a pretty stupid spot to blaze really. . .Right behind somebody's backyard fence so of course the cops showed up. We had smoked all our weed but had a huge glass pipe the size of your forearm and they gave it back, told us to get rid of it when we got home. Yeah sure officer! I'm split on the issue of respecting cops. My dad was a cop, one of the good ones who was just doing his job and actually worked internal affairs for 10 years bringing down crooked cops. But almost every cop I ever encountered has been a total dick. This cop in eureka I knew was about to pull me over because my taillight was out, so I pulled myself over before he could. Taking away his power and control of the situation really pissed him off and he started threatening me that he could tow my car for a freaking light being out. Had to save face and look like the tough guy in control I suppose.

Worst cops ever. . . I got stopped on 101 out of garberville at 3 am but a pair of butch lesbians. They found my butterfly knife. One of them held my arms behind me while the other one took the knife and held it up to my face an inch away, very menacingly and I thought they were going to kick my ass. I'm a big guy, they were really enjoying having power over a man it was pretty obvious. But since that was all caught on the dashcam, I told my lawyer that and they dropped the charges of possessing an illegal weapon.


The fact is that respect is earned. Should people respect a cop who dislike blacks? (How many videos have we seen where cops call blacks mother-fuckers and the Big N-word.) Should people respect a cop who beats an innocent homeless man senseless? Should people respect a cop who tasers an 8 month old pregnant women for not signing a traffic ticket? Should people respect a cop who plants dope in a law abiding citizens car? A profession overloaded with corruption and abuse is not getting my blind respect. Like anyone else, they have to earn it.

Most people choose to comply to cops because they are afraid, plain and simple. It's nothing more than mafia-mentality. Other people choose to stand up for what they believe in and not fold under to intimidation and unjust laws. I am glad to see more people waking up and standing up for their rights these days. Saying no to a cop who wants to search your car without probable cause is not "mouthing off." Choosing to remain silent (taking the 5th) was put in place for a reason. The Constitution was scribed for ONE main reason, to protect the people from their government. People have a Constitutional right (and a God-given right) to exercise these rights. Use em' or lose em.'

Cops take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. I rarely see that happening these days. Personally, I do what I feel is right. But I also have zero problems with people who choose to deal with it in other ways. If they choose to comply with every cops request who am I to judge them? When it comes to individual liberty, people should be able to freely do whatever they feel is right. IMO there's no right or wrong in matters such as this and there is no reason to judge others for the actions that they choose. But than again some people just like to point fingers and shoot their mouth off to validate and justify their choice to lick boots. If people want to lick their Masters boots and avoid being a "tough guy" then so be it. LOL!

R E S P E C T is not free, it's earned. Of course this may not apply to the sheep mentality.
Gandhi's quote seen below is quite fitting:

I don't think answering reasonable questions is licking boots. It's being respectful. Hell if I asked my girlfriend where she had been and she said I plead the 5th I'd be pist. Questions like that are totally reasonable, because honestly there are enough fucked up, incompetent people driving already that couldn't make it through those questions without stumbling over themselves.

IMO there is a proper way to handle matters that isn't going to have you arrested for not speaking or obstruction of some sort.

Kolah what about that is so tough, getting arrested for refusing to answer questions is childish. Nothing tough about it. You probably didn't prove a point to anyone other than yourself with that martyrdom.


Re-read the posts, I never said I was a "tough guy."

What people think is "reasonable" is open to interpretation. And once again, I will say that we all have free choices to make. If you choose to lick boots and call it "being respectful" that's your choice. Often some people make comments and take actions in order to justify their fears. Face it, people comply with pigs because they are scared. They are scared because they know if they disrupt a cop encounter they will get deeper in shit. Correct? I am not convinced that "respecting" somebody so you avoid getting your ass kicked is not really "being respectful" at all. It's more like kissing ass to save your own.

Any good lawyer will recommend you never speak with the police. This is not some rare martyr trip as more of more peoples rights are being violated and some are choosing to make a stand. It's just people standing up for their rights. It's quite sad that some people have been so dumbed-down and put into such fear that they just rollover and do whatever the cops tell them to do. Remember that humans respond for TWO things only: To acquire Pleasure or avoid Pain. Two things, think about it.
Everything we do hinges on that, doesn't it?

If anyone wants to waive their rights away, they should do so...and again I have no issues with people who choose the boot-licking mode (or insert your appropriate term) It's probably in their best interest since they are afraid they might get their ass kicked or worse.

For anyone: If they set up a checkpoint on the roadside and your were totally sober and did nothing criminal would you submit yourself to a breathalyzer, urine or blood test if they asked you? How about being stripped searched? and have them strip search your girlfriend as well (including cavity searches) Where's that line in the sand? Or is there no line?

And more importantly, how would you handle it if you were stoned and/or had a few beers and you have your registered hunting weapons and ammo in your car? Are you willing to comply to every request from the cop?
sky high

sky high

there's at least one line drawn in the sand when it comes to driving and driver's licenses...and that line is that it is the >law< that a driver on colorado's roads take that breathalyzer or drug test when requested. If the driver refuses to take the test, they go to jail and they give up their right to drive for a year because it is an automatic DL suspension to refuse such a request/test...sober or not.

All of this...ironically....are procedures that every driver in CO ageed to when they went through the process of getting a CO DL.

Strip searches are no fun....but if someone sets the wheels in motion roadside via errant behaviors that are contrary to cooperating with the event at hand....this scenario could also very well happen...and again...just to be perfectly clear to those who have never really experienced such a thing....they aren't gonna "ask" anyone if they can strip search them...they are just gonna tell them how they want it done .

been there...done that....don't wanna do it again.... but it isn't my call other than to avoid being stoopid and running my mouth and getting tossed in the first place...

I will say what I need to say to stay out of jail because it's not a fun place to be...nor is it a cheap place to stay.

Hawaii sounds better here...and it's >much< cheaper...


SH, so are you saying the Constitution does not apply to people with drivers licenses? If yes, could you post a link to this information? I am unaware of that. Maybe I missed something.

As far as I know for cops to LEGALLY start interrogating a person they need probable cause to do so. If they do not have probable cause they can do 2 things, One: lie to you and make something up ( I smell weed) and now they have probable cause or.....Two: they can ask you questions (aka engage in a conversation with you). Without probable cause they can ask you anything they choose and you have a right to answer them or you can remain silent. Am I wrong, SH? Does the laws of a CO drivers license state that those type of rights are waived?

"Probable cause" is the keystone.


  • You have the right to remain silent.
  • Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law.
  • You have the right to speak to an attorney.
  • If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
  • Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you.
Why would you choose to testify against yourself?I dont get it,you would have to be stupid.Any police officer or lawyer who is being honest will tell you the EXACT same thing.No police officer who ever found himself in trouble either at work or off would EVER say anything without his lawyer present,EVER,so why should you?
Feel free to give up your rights if you want but even the cop questioning you will think your a dumbass for doing it.Alot of my immediate family is or was(retired)in law enforcement and their advice has ALWAYS been to not answer any questions,be polite,keep your hands in plain sight,do not argue or be combative just STFU.Police officers are trained to use lines of questioning to control the situation and direct it the way they want it to go to acheive the results they want so why give them this tool to use against you?As soon as you say nothing to help him he will think,wow this guys educated on his rights and not a dumbass,he's probably lawyered up too.No cop i know and i have a few in the family would EVER wave ANY of their rights,EVER,so why should you?Do as i do NOT as i say...
Im with kolah(maybe not quite as militant,lol)on this one,BAHHH fuckin sheeple.
sky high

sky high

For anyone: If they set up a checkpoint on the roadside and your were totally sober and did nothing criminal would you submit yourself to a breathalyzer, urine or blood test if they asked you? How about being stripped searched? and have them strip search your girlfriend as well (including cavity searches) Where's that line in the sand? Or is there no line?

And more importantly, how would you handle it if you were stoned and/or had a few beers and you have your registered hunting weapons and ammo in your car? Are you willing to comply to every request from the cop?

I can't answer yer guns/DUI/DUID question cus I don't own any weapons and don't drink. stoned...maybe.....LOL

Colorado has an Express consent law that basically says...yes....you do submit to BAC testing...and you agreed to do so by applying for and reciving a CO DL.

And yes...."with cause' comes into play. However...we all know that probable cause can be a supposed whiff of alcohol or drugs...or any number of other violations that can lead TO finding drugs/alcohol/impairment...etc. It's a wicked game.... and yes...a lot of what happens is up to the officer you encounter roadside. (and many here will say..how you react to "authority")

From my understanding, you can refuse a roadside sobriety test. You can also...and most attorneys will tell you to do so...refuse to take a roadside "breathalyzer". however, this >>will<< mean you are going to jail..or to the hospital for a blood test....

And speaking of.....if requested...you cannot......EVER refuse a blood test.

And...the kicker....the kicker is that if you DO refuse the blood test... you WILL lose your license for a year....even if no alcohol/drugs are found... You may be able to get a probationary license during that year for work purposes..or you may be able to petition after 4 months to get it back........but I'm pretty sure (a friend/fellow MMJ patient I know is in thr middle of his year) that you will be held liable for a year in some regard if you refuse the (express consent you offered) blood test.

and...it isn't only about your rights...it's about the rights of everyone else on the road if you are on the road....

be safe

s h


this looks like a good place for the homeland security act.
please correct me if im wrong but didn't jr make it an issue as to what our rights are anymore?

everybody else is saying the public's/nations interest is what we should focus on.

should not we fight to get back our/human rights?
i hope this is understandable because imo we believe we are the public.
every time you/i/we say we/me/i and the government as in team mates you only tighten the noose.

all i want is unity not the rainbow coalition that was a set up for the... pride and prejudice butt:p
the kind where each person plays their part in taking shit back.

for those of you in Colorado im praying for rain.
isn't that fire close enough to ft carson already?

i said months ago that i felt kolah and i were kindred spirits.
the guy has helped me sooo much just by being who he was born to be.
a lot of people disagree with his stance on personal rights because he walks the talk.

for whatever reason they refuse to let go of the money and prestige that they have garnered throughout their torrid lives.
why not try what makes them happy for a living?
they can't afford it because they lead lives that made them keep up with the joneses.
guess what? the jonses cashed out a long time ago. john paul jones changed his name from baldwin to fit a catch phrase.

reading is fun da mental <--- ebonics before it had a name.

and lastly to the idiot that thanked my friend for being a martyr....great avatar probably soft as a pack of cookies.


SH, There is no such this as "with cause" as you stated. There is probable cause and reasonable cause.
The link you gave me posted this:

Colorado's Express Consent Law requires any driver to consent to a chemical test if a police officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person is driving under the influence or their ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired because of alcohol, drugs or both.

This is not correct, at least to my knowledge and from reading the actual law. Your link states "reasonable grounds" which is inaccurate. See below for the actual wording. (it should be "probable", a big diff)

Firstly, the Express Law (like so many other laws)is unconstitutional, plain and simple. The Bill of Rights is the Supreme Law of the Land. Anything trying to override the amendments is a constitutional violation and cases like these run into the courtrooms quite often as people are getting sick and tired of our loss of liberties ever since 911. You can still say no to a blood draw, breathalyzer (and to searches, etc). No means no, law or no law. If they take your license because of your refusal to comply, you have to fight it out in a courtroom. "Reasonable" suspicion violates the constitution laws. It is not the same as "probable cause" as reasonable means nothing more than a cops going on a hunch. It's bogus. They can pass all the bogus laws they want but you still have a choice to not consent. The Express Law states "probable cause" not "reasonable cause/suspicion, "reasonable grounds" or any other form of cause.

here is the actual law:
“You are required to take, complete or cooperate in completing an evidential chemical test to determine the alcoholic content of your blood or breath (C.R.S. 42-4-1301.1 (2) (a) (I). The chemical test you choose is the test you will be taking. You cannot choose a different test later (C.R.S. 42-4-1301.1(2) (A) (II). If you choose a blood test, two (2) tubes of blood will be drawn. One tube belongs to you and you may have it tested at a Health Department Certified Independent Laboratory of your choice. If you choose a breath test, two (2) breath samples will be analyzed by a certified evidential breath alcohol testing device following an approved standard operating procedure. You will not receive a sample to have independently tested by a certified laboratory. If you refuse to take, complete or cooperate in completing an evidential chemical test to determine the alcoholic content of your blood or breath your driving privilege may be revoked (C.R.S. 42-2-126(2)(a)(II)).”

as per above: Note the use of the word "may" be revoked. It does state that "it will" be revoked. This is pure intimidation and signifies that this is open to debate in and out the courtrooms. Just more slick verbiage to trick folks into complying. A person can still say no and then battle it out in the courts. So to split hairs (and yes thats what "law" is all about) the possibility that they take your license is there but not put in stone. And in the legal arena that is a huge difference.

It goes on further to say (note "probable cause"):
2) (a) (I) A person who drives a motor vehicle upon the streets and highways and elsewhere throughout this state shall be required to take and complete, and to cooperate in the taking and completing of, any test or tests of the person's breath or blood for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of the person's blood or breath when so requested and directed by a law enforcement officer having probable cause to believe that the person was driving a motor vehicle in violation of the prohibitions against DUI, DUI per se, DWAI, habitual user, or UDD.

Heres the link to the actual verbiage of the law in its entirety:

(it also has a separate section which addresses "commercial drivers" which appears more aggressive. see 42-1-12 llll)

Many laws are unjust. Everything the Nazi's did were bypassed by new laws that made it legal to carry on their atrocities (it was nice to see some of those nazi pricks get charged with war crimes later on). Unjust laws can be thrown out by a jury in the legal courtrooms by what is called Jury Nullification. So the common people have some choices they can make. They can say no and then battle it in the courts. Most people do not want to fight for their rights so they comply with the bogus unconstitutional laws, plead guilty and take a plea bargain. And other folks choose to battle it out. If the pigs did not have probable cause the case is thrown out and any other changes that proceeded afterwards are null and void. And Jury Nullification is the cats ass if we could only get more people to acknowledge its existence and use it appropriately. So many laws are unjust and even though the SOB's have trampled our Constitution, many people who sit on the juries still acknowledge the Bill of Rights and often use their power to overturn the wrong doings of our political pigs who have infiltrated out everyday freedoms. (i.e right to travel, right to bear arms, right to free speech, etc)

excuse the typos.

This term comes from the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.​
(note: there has been some arguments and court cases as to the 4th amend being considered valid in an automobile but from I have seen and heard (first-hand) the rights still apply.)​

Skyhigh, hypothetical question: You pull over to a "safety" checkpoint one rainy night in June. The Bacon-boys are pumped up and they tell you they have "reasonable cause" to think that you under the influence of MJ. They tell you they smell it and that your eyes are red. They want to take you down for a blood draw to check your blood for drugs. They also mentioned they want to detain you and strip search you for their safety and to make sure you are not carrying weapons or dope. They also want to search your vehicle. You were not high at the time of the stop and you did not do anything wrong. (although MJ most likely show up in your blood). What would you do?
sky high

sky high

I'm always high...so I can't relate to...nor do I care to pontificate my life away on "what if" scenarios. I'll deal with it on-the-spot in a real-time scenario as it plays out...as I always have.

After the year of loss I've had and the things I've had to face.....I can weather/deal with anything...especially a fuckin traffic stop.

be safe out there folks....

s h
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Hey bro i think you have a little cop semen dripping down your chin...

Actually you much more likely to take a load down the trap or up the poop shoot by mouthing off sooooooo......go choke on that one, HA!


Premium Member
Actually you much more likely to take a load down the trap or up the poop shoot by mouthing off sooooooo......go choke on that one, HA!
Actually you much more likely to take a load down the trap or up the poop shoot by mouthing off sooooooo......go choke on that one, HA!

Now children.... lets behave.....
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