Politics etc........

  • Thread starter Bluenote
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Evidently my political opinion on certain things rather incensed a certain cadre of folks.

Straight up , I'm not playing e-mail games so here's your clarification.

A. The Constitution is still in effect , at least parts of it and and least for a bit longer. Attempts to muzzle me and state " you can't say that" will be met with laughter , unless of course you wish me to point out to you that you're rather being an unobservant Berk since it's already *paste tense* , I already said it.

B. BOTH parties are equally corrupt in my opinion , evil opposite faces of the same coin. That straighten it out for ya? Want it plainer? I wouldn't walk across the street to piss on Obama OR any of the Republican candidates if they were on fire either singularly or collectively. And if THAT doesn't make my stance plain enough for you then you're not frigging listening.

C. UnAmerican??? On the bleeding damn heart of Liberty to the contrary on that , I love this country enough to see that at this late juncture it's come to pass that the only available course of action is to let the bloated , exploitative parasite that is current government collapse of it's own sordid freaking weight and rebuild from the rubble. The alternative is in the end Fascism or Socialism , the only that will stave that off is a revolution or a collapse.

D. A revolution will *not* be based upon race , religion or such nebulous divisive criteria , if and when it comes it will be **CLASS** warfare , in the course of history as regards mankind almost *every* culture in which the wealth ended up topheavy collapsed in shambles.

I hope this clarifies my position somewhat , in the future please have the temerity to attempt to gig me on these things in a public setting , if you feel that I'm so inept and uneducated ....well here I am offering you the chance to prove your point.

Balls in your court , inbound it or don't , I don't much care either way.

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