Potty-Mouthed Princesses

  • Thread starter oscar169
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Is this Right or Wrong ?

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Exploitation by parents for monetary gain... I fell sorry for them being victimized at such A young age by the very people that are saying they don't have A chance unless someone else that they "Vote" for gives it to them...

Way to ingrain A negative mindset that they can't succeed when millions of women do just that every day... As for being the physically weaker sex and thinking anybody can change sick people in A society with just "Words"...
You might as well just keep telling them all fairy tales are true...

Fuckin' Lock those Fuckin' Fuckers UP for A Long Fuckin' Time and Those Fuckin' Fuckers that are Still Fuckin' Free will "Think" Long & Fuckin' Hard before They Fuckin' Mug, Rape & Victimize societies Women because They'll be on the "Receiving Side" of Fuckin'... While they're Fuckin' LOCKED UP!

Stop Fuckin Lettin' Them Fuckers OUT! Fuckers ;)



its borderline child abuse to even let them read those lines and make that video imo.the parents probably didnt think any of that through though,all about the paydays im sure.my kid ever talked like that i would slap the taste right out her mouth and mama would commence to rinsing it out with some soap ;)
cant answer the poll...is it right,No...is it wrong,YES :)


Living dead girl
What's with all the finger waiving and headshaking from the little white girls?
They just do that nowadays. Most of those little girls speak and act like my granddaughter, so I figured it's just how they are.

I have 'bad words' time with my granddaughter, when she can say any bad words she likes. Sometimes, we make up words, like... fuckknuckle. Just as with sex education, it is FAR better they learn it from the adults who love them than the play yard kids who don't. She knows when it's ok to use that sort of language and when it's not. My goal with her, always, is empowerment. And it's working. :D


Once upon A time Britney Spears was A cute little Mouseketeer... Awwww, She's so Cute.... All her Success / Mistakes captured "On Line" forever. Now she's basically known as the "Queen of White Trash" along w/ her Douche Bag Boy Friend / Ex Hubby Kevin Federline the Fresno Rapper... LOL

That video clip can do damage to those girls in the future that can't even be calculated... Other girls that won't be "Allowed" to associate w/ "Those Girls" by parents that don't agree with the behavior / video or their parents that put them there just for starters... ;)

"Becky's parents said I can't be her friend any more" ??? :(

You don't think that could & more than likely "Will" happen?
No psychological damage or resentment of their parents at A later time @ least "Possible" (why take "Any" risk w/ your child?) for allowing that to happen to "Me"...

I'd say with the Over Protective Nature of Parents Today along with the P.C. Correct Police of Society micro managing "Everything" & telling people how to raise their children, odds are Not in those young girls favor...
But what do I Know.
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Example... Took all of 1 minute to find this on-line...

Massive backlash against abuse of 'F-bomb princesses'
'The hate they are being taught for men is beyond reprehensible'


Politichicks Ann-Marie Murrell, Morgan Brittany and Gina Loudon...

Dr. Gina Loudon, who has a background in psychology, agrees with her co-author.

“This is straight up abuse of these little girls,” Loudon said. “My background in human development tells me that these little girls have no ability to judge what they are saying, and what that could mean to their futures.”

Loudon added, “The hate they are being taught for men – 50 percent of the population – is beyond reprehensible. The implications on their psychological well-being are profound, and the impact all of this could have on their futures is no less than abuse.”



Oh god not another one of those think of the children arguments.. Haven't we seen that angle played enuff in other debates?

Stop sending your kids to school cause they could get bullied and that could be detrimental to there development...And when they do act out / up .. Heres some RX meds you can feed them and turn them into zombies :D

Not doing something out of Fear because of what may happen down the line...Jeez lets just lock all our kids in bubbles till there 18 and unleash them into the world of unknown! ;)


Yeah i was just replying to the actual news article not trying to hang the messenger :P


I'm sorry that's disgusting,getting children to swear,they may hear it everywhere but that doesn't mean it's all right for them to swear,how can you teach morality to minors when you can't even teach them simple manners,bet it's makeing someone money!theres no need for a child to speak like that,76

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