Potty-Mouthed Princesses

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Is this Right or Wrong ?

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Yeah i heard about it on the news and figured it would only be a matter of time till theres a line of pissed off parents lol

Im indifferent in the issue there just words.. I was saying for worse and doing far worse shit at there age and i turned out ok after a while :P

Society is very much predictable tho your right! I have a theory as to why but i'll keep that to my self :P


^^^^ Some turn out OK, some don't...
From the Best of the Best back rounds / families to the Worst of the Worst is irrelevant. It's human nature that can't be predetermined or controlled, only "Influenced" but if you can find something to point your finger at, shine light on, blame... and get people behind you, Then you have an agenda / policy whether the "Original Issue" was "Legit" or @Fault or not...
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You think there just words untill the school calls and says come get your kid she told her teacher to fuck off and is now suspended lol.i raised 3 fine young ladies, they are all married and now I have grandkids crawling all over the place @ 45 years old so I been around the block a few times ;) those parents are asstards imo and at the very least maybe they could have used 16 and 17 year old girls to get the message across.seemed to me they made the youngest one do most the swearing . shameful i tell ya.


<--- spent the better part of his youth telling his teachers to fuck off and getting kicked outta school.. and no my parents didn't raise me that way..

I think the whole shock and awe of this campaign is sadly going to over shadow the message which was the whole point of the video..

Sexism is not cool and we as a society should be focusing on that issue and not how other people are raising there kids.

We live in america after all lets focus on the shit thats important not whos delivering the message..


You think there just words untill the school calls and says come get your kid she told her teacher to fuck off and is now suspended lol.i raised 3 fine young ladies, they are all married and now I have grandkids crawling all over the place @ 45 years old so I been around the block a few times ;) those parents are asstards imo and at the very least maybe they could have used 16 and 17 year old girls to get the message across.seemed to me they made the youngest one do most the swearing . shameful i tell ya.

Yep, and who are they "Glaring At" while they're talkin' at you... pointing their finger at, shining light on, Placing blame on??? o_O


The Only issue I have with this, we all know men are dogs/pigs. So do the little girls want to be pigs too by talking like that, and acting like that?

Equal pay for equal work. Doesn't matter who or what you are, not to me at least. Doesn't mean you act like that video.

You can bring attention to the subject in a much better way.
Everyone wants things immediately without understanding change doesn't happen over night.

Keeping the focus and lowering expectation times are too different things.


The Only issue I have with this, we all know men are dogs/pigs. So do the little girls want to be pigs too by talking like that, and acting like that?

Equal pay for equal work. Doesn't matter who or what you are, not to me at least. Doesn't mean you act like that video.

You can bring attention to the subject in a much better way.
Everyone wants things immediately without understanding change doesn't happen over night.

Keeping the focus and lowering expectation times are too different things.
Also if other kids see this they would think it's ok too talk like that,I can't see it doing anything but corrupting minors,good news story Btw little dabbie,all the best,76


One more thing about young ladies and swearing.girls that talk like a trucker attract truckers.so if you want your duaghters to marry assholes teach them to talk trashy and your wishes will most def be granted lmao.
Hmm...@Seamaiden can swear right there with the best of them and she managed to marry a pretty "buffed out" Computer Science major...just sayin.

I fucking love the video for the record. :)


heck growing up my dad let me speak however I wanted to unless I was at school. I turned out great
fuck is just a fucking word mother fuckers say to add to the expression of a fucking point it is quite effective and not a big fucking deal

in this world of droppin sterotypes and legal weed and same sex marriage I am shocked how silly some folks are about language it is fucking
whacked lol the next sterotype evolving amongst the sprawlin suburban green rush is.....well just
saying they need to sell Jesus shoes at hydro stores lol I say fuck and all sorts a bad words a lot
hell if my kid feels like sayin fuck you and does so good for her or him and fuck everyone with any problem with it
lol just sayin

and I think those lil gals getting all fuckin gangster are hilariously cute


Living dead girl
One more thing about young ladies and swearing.girls that talk like a trucker attract truckers.so if you want your duaghters to marry assholes teach them to talk trashy and your wishes will most def be granted lmao.
What a load!

I grew up hearing my mother, a professional who has over 50yrs in her profession (and just accepted a lifetime achievement award from her association) swear in two languages, it's how I was brought up. I curse, my sisters, oh my God you should hear my sisters sometimes!

Not a single one of us married a trucker. One married a firefighter, whom I suppose could be considered a type of trucker, since he's the captain and engineer. Another married an auditor who's now working for the state. And this one? She married a professional. And their mother? Married a doctor.

I'm astonished to see how many pot growers still live in this myopic little world where the words one uses are what defines a person, as though 'bad' words make you a 'bad' person. Never mind the rest of the message those little swearing girls were delivering, eh? Never mind that! Never mind that we, as a group, absolutely RAIL on the 'grammar nazis (because not having a vocabulary is A-OK! and so what if someone doesn't know how to speak their native language, right?), but we absolutely can NOT have little girls saying bad words, oh my God, what has the world come to?

What's shocking is that social services would take a child from parents for having weed growing in the same house as child but that video is somehow ok? This country has serious issues lol.
It's shocking that that video might even be compared.


Trichome Engineer
It's not like I don't swear and for sure never learned from my parents. I used to try and keep my kid from it but they do learn. Now it's acceptable everywhere on tv. It's a different era depends on what u were raised with . @Seamaiden sounds like u are teaching your grand daughter proper. And what a memory she will have of grams . Hopefully one day I get a grand daughter. And yes to stereo type these girls isn't.right.
Herb Forester

Herb Forester

This is what anti-feminism looks like.

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If were talking about feminism, this video is what it is to me, according to all the Anna Sacesians of the world. One big ass troll. So fuck them and fuck that.

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