Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off

  • Thread starter AutoFlow
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Hi all. I'm a newbie grower who did have outdoor plants in the past, but never started them from the seeds myself.

Started with 3 autoflower seeds in damp cotton and am having a problem with 1 of them.
The other 2 are Easy Bud type are seem to be doing fine, the third one Royal Bluematic is having issues.

The problematic one had its seed/shell "ripped" off when removing it from the damp cotton it had been in for 3 days.
I still planted it to see if he would make it and the first few days it seemed to be fine.

I also made the rookie mistake by not giving them enough light the first few days, but the 2 Easy Buds are doing fine after putting outdoors directly in the sun.

Now 11 days have passed since starting them in the cotton, and its only half height as the other 2 and seems to be stuck in growth.

Searching online it seemed similar to the seed shell being stuck on it, or the seed membrane, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
It had the same "treatment" as the 2 that are doing decent so I'm not sure if something else could be the problem.
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off 2
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off 3
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off 4
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off 5
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off 6
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off 7
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off 8
Problem with autoflower seedling that had seed shell pulled off 9


Well the pics aren’t loading this end. Without them I can only hazard a guess albeit to little light sounds very unlikely unless you mean the amount of hrs the light was on for. Seedlings need very little light most will dim thier light to the lowest setting while in seedling stage.

Could have as you say overwatered that will make it look like it’s not growing. The one that got its shell removed probably either was stresssd or just had less vigour than the other two hence then being ahead. If you’ve overwatered let it dry out a bit and all should start to grow normally again


Hi thanks for your reply. Something must have gone wrong with uploading the pictures.

I have reuploaded them here if you are willing to take a look.

Im hoping she will pull trough, she seems to be doing ok and the leaves are growing slowly.
IMG 20230515 072329
IMG 20230515 072333
IMG 20230515 072336
IMG 20230515 072358
IMG 20230515 072405
IMG 20230515 072411
IMG 20230515 072439
IMG 20230515 072445
IMG 20230515 072524


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Those cups look very wet to me. Let them dry out a little more before watering again. Some seedlings just take longer to get going than others. It happens.

Overwatering (watering too frequently) will definitely inhibit growth, though. These plants really need a lot of oxygen at the root zone and overwatering is the most common issue I see especially with newer growers.

Best of luck and keep us posted!



I have been reading allot how easy it is to over water them especially in the early days.
Never realized oxygen is so important to the roots and that damp soil prevents from getting that.

Have to admit i find it hard to judge how much water to give the little pot they are in now.
I have been trying to give them only a little but it probably was still more then needed, trying to cut back on that.
I guess its down side of using small pot, when its a hot day there is no real "buffer" for the soil.

My plan was to put them in larger pots 10 liter pots with organic "Easy Boost" cannabis nutrients as soon as i see first sign of roots hitting the transparent outside of the pot, or if 2 weeks have passed as i guess they want the nutrients then.


And their roots don’t like light. Are you putting those clear cups inside of something to keep from exposing the roots to light? If not, you probably should.


Good advise.
Roots need air to breath no air holes will cause them to stay wetter than they should be.
Use your finger if you find it hard to figure by weight. I would suggest a water meter might help not a fan of them I must admit and think they can hinder the newer grower as they arnt exactly that accurate they give you a idea but they are just not sensitive enough imo still others opinions will vary greatly as it’s a marmite situation some love them some don’t.

Black tape around the cup will keep it dark if you have nothing else.

It’s had its cotolydon leaf ripped off as well witch will of stressed it but it’s not as yellow as expected looks fairly green enough to carry on regardless.

Good luck


I have been reading allot how easy it is to over water them especially in the early days.
Never realized oxygen is so important to the roots and that damp soil prevents from getting that.

Have to admit i find it hard to judge how much water to give the little pot they are in now.
I have been trying to give them only a little but it probably was still more then needed, trying to cut back on that.
I guess its down side of using small pot, when its a hot day there is no real "buffer" for the soil.

My plan was to put them in larger pots 10 liter pots with organic "Easy Boost" cannabis nutrients as soon as i see first sign of roots hitting the transparent outside of the pot, or if 2 weeks have passed as i guess they want the nutrients then.

I think you may have a misunderstanding about what over-watering actually is. It has less to do with how much water is used each watering as it does about the number of days between watering. Cannabis wants a good drink and then wants her feet to dry out before watering again. So a young seedling the size of yours might go 7 days before needing watered again. It could go even longer in some situations if the mix just seems to hold onto water .... yours looks like its going to hold onto that water and remain wet for a long long time. Next time you start seeds, add perlite to the mix. It helps the soil dry out faster and helps it trap more oxygen.

For now, be very patient. You won't want to water again until the cups feel light. Better yet, use a moisture meter and only water them when they are dry.


And their roots don’t like light. Are you putting those clear cups inside of something to keep from exposing the roots to light? If not, you probably should.
Thanks for pointing out the roots don't like light, in fact my dumb ass thought i was being clever to be able to see when the roots would outgrow the little cup. At least they were in a bit larger pot as they are very lightweight that blocked light a bit on the bottom part.
Good advise.
Roots need air to breath no air holes will cause them to stay wetter than they should be.
Use your finger if you find it hard to figure by weight. I would suggest a water meter might help not a fan of them I must admit and think they can hinder the newer grower as they arnt exactly that accurate they give you a idea but they are just not sensitive enough imo still others opinions will vary greatly as it’s a marmite situation some love them some don’t.

Black tape around the cup will keep it dark if you have nothing else.

It’s had its cotolydon leaf ripped off as well witch will of stressed it but it’s not as yellow as expected looks fairly green enough to carry on regardless.

Good luck
I indeed used tape the darken the cups, sadly the thing you mentioned came off right when i was opening the cotton pads i germinated the seeds in. The first 24-48 hours nothing happened so somehow i wasn't expecting them to have shot a 2cm / 1 inch taproot the third day causing it to stick to the cotton and ripped it all off. It looked as if a big part was missing. It was basically a taproot with a tiny brown point left on it, and i never even thought it would shoot above the soil after planting it.
I think you may have a misunderstanding about what over-watering actually is. It has less to do with how much water is used each watering as it does about the number of days between watering. Cannabis wants a good drink and then wants her feet to dry out before watering again. So a young seedling the size of yours might go 7 days before needing watered again. It could go even longer in some situations if the mix just seems to hold onto water .... yours looks like its going to hold onto that water and remain wet for a long long time. Next time you start seeds, add perlite to the mix. It helps the soil dry out faster and helps it trap more oxygen.

For now, be very patient. You won't want to water again until the cups feel light. Better yet, use a moisture meter and only water them when they are dry.
Thanks for clarifying the watering aspect more. I indeed was thinking more about the amount of water each time then the time in between. I have already cut back allot on the time of water i added, now i will try to do so only when the little cup feels very light/dry.


There hardy things give them a bit of light and air and they grow it is a weed after all most folks don’t remember that and panic when they see anything wrong myself included on my earlier grows,as it is weeds are hard to kill.

It sounds like on the 3rd day the tissue got a bit dry witch is unusual for a new grower most do the oopposite and add to much water drowning them and wondering why the didn’t germinate.

One way to resolve in it the future if it happens again is to add a bit a water wait 5mins and you should be able to remove it without damage.

It is good that you didn’t add to much water as that’s the most common thing that makes seeds in tissues drown and die maybe next time on the 2/3 day feel the tissue with the back of your hand to feel if it’s still moist (not wet)

I wouldn’t call you a dumb ass, I mean before you lernt how to count you couldn’t same with growing it’s just a simple learning process we have all been through

Oh well peace out bud spent 7 hrs transplanting last night so think i should try sleep some albeit I need to get a tooth extraction done later gosh does toothache hurt some nvm that jazz anyways.

Enjoy the adventure.


Thanks for pointing out the roots don't like light, in fact my dumb ass thought i was being clever to be able to see when the roots would outgrow the little cup. At least they were in a bit larger pot as they are very lightweight that blocked light a bit on the bottom part.

You can use a clear cup. Simply poke holes in a colored cup the same size and nest the clear cup inside. This way, you can view the roots as they develop and keep the light from messing with your roots.


it only has one cotyledon from what I see, I am guessing the other came off with the seed somehow.. you can see all of the first serated leaves meaning they are not stuck between the cotyledons

to @AutoFlow I think you just have to give her time, she will be stunted until her true leaves grow in more and takeover for the cotyledons as long as you take care with her and get watering under control


I decided to follow this video for germinating the seeds, it has nice comparison with "dry" vs "wet" seed enviroment.
"Moist vs Soaked Cannabis Seed Germination"

You could be right about the cottons getting dry, i will try to spray a bit more water before opening them next time.
It could also be the little "mini hooks" on the root could have sticked on the cotton pad.
Either way next time ill be more carefull and wet it a bit, should be all good then.

Calling myself a dumbass was more of a joke but yeah, its true you can only learn from doing it and making mistakes along the way. Like the difference between theory and practical experience, reading only learns you so much.

Im simply growing these in my garden, low expectations so all results are a bonus ^^
Over 10 years ago i had decent success with non autoflower plants, only ran into the problem the summer ending and bad weather coming before plants would fully mature 100%.

Good idea ill try that way on next seeds i start

It just looks strange with that one large "cotyledon" on it, much larger than those of the 2 other plants had, although there are a different strain.

Slowly the first 2 leaves are growing, but it almost looks like it would be better of by snipping the cotyledon of as if its blocking the stem on top from progress. When daylight hits tomorrow ill take a picture of it.

But since most of you guys recommend to leave it alone, and only 1 guy said to cut if off, i decided to leave it alone and see what becomes of it.
Im considering to start a new seed just in case, and possibly have 3+1 plants and buy more seeds for next set of plants.


Here is how she is looking now. I recounted the days and its the 9th day its been in the soil, 12th day since start of germination.
The first 2 real leaves seem to be growing but they seem to be stuck on the top side to that seed-leaf or cotyledon if thats the correct name.



It grew larger to compensate for the missing one, you're good but yes it will delay the plant compared to any others started at the same time. Once it gets going (more true leaves) it should grow as any seedling/veg plant would


All you the reactions from you guys and info have given me hope for this one.

As i had some other seeds it wasn't the end but it was the only one of different strain. Thought it would be fun to compare differences in strains while growing and also some different taste aint bad either.

I was planting to re-pot it soon, mostly as the other 2 are allot further and the base cups have no extra nutrients but bare soil for 10 days so far.

I want them to be in soil with nutrients made to be premixed fully with the soil, or anybody advice against that and let the small one stay in little cup to prevent stress? It would basically be a drag and drop can remove them stress free easily and drop them in a hole in the new soil.


I wouldn’t move it till it had some decent size leaves on it. A couple of nodes. Give it time to start growing and developing a decent root system. I let mine get pretty much root bound before I up pot them. but I don’t start them in shitty soil to begin with. Live and learn. 9 ounce solos.
9D6A7E28 3CFA 4383 B97F 6AFB91E41C43


I wouldn’t move it till it had some decent size leaves on it. A couple of nodes. Give it time to start growing and developing a decent root system. I let mine get pretty much root bound before I up pot them. but I don’t start them in shitty soil to begin with. Live and learn. 9 ounce solos.
Damn those look good, they been outside in the sun or grown indoors? And how many days they been in the soil?

The only reason i didn't pre-mix in my nutrients is because ive read to watchout to not overfeed first 1-2 weeks as they would barely need additional nutrients. I guess it also depends on the quality of soil you use... so many variables...

That's why i was leaning towards repotting them soon, then the nutrients of the other soil can mix in the "original soil ball".
Its also starting to become better weather here up to 25-26 °C / 77°F and the very small cups seem dry out fast when the sun is on them.
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