Proof of global warming/climate change

  • Thread starter Mogrow
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One thing I've been doing is working with led's mostly on veg side, canning a lot and drying fruit, getting myself setup with as much solar as I can.. I even have a solar AA drip feeder that sits under the HID and will feed every three hours.. Ive been trying to get my head around growing indoors in an ice age, wind turbine in combination with solar.

Hell even hot water generated from a compost pile. Everybody is gearing up for an asteroid strike, CME, Riots ect.. and ignoring what is definitely coming. I look at my lifetime as an example, as a teen there was no general discussion of an ice melt in Alaska. I figure if I have a chance at survival as an old man I've gotta prepare everything for my kids so that way they wont Donner party my ass lol.


this is only proof of change,not global warming,or cooling.
Theoretically,the water level will go down as the ice melts,not up;as ice is denser(thicker) than water!!!
That (fresh water) ice is not fluid it sits in one spot, When it melts is dilutes the ocean salinity which drives ocean currents that starts the domino process, that is textbook. IMHO Think of how much Ice is resting on land mass like Greenland, which is (was) an Ice sheet the size of Texas.. In other words you have a bowl of water with ice in it, and a pile of ice on a plate slanted above the bowl.. When the ice melts on the plate and it's dripping into the bowl, what will happen to the bowl..? It will overflow.

Another experiment put 10 icecubes in a glass, then add a teaspoon of salt water. Now look how much water is in the cup after the ice melts, did the level raise from the teaspoon of saltwater? it's now volume of saltwater + Volume of fresh water (liquid) that was converted from a solid.

You also have to think in term of Ice burgs that are adrift so large and vast they jettisons out of the water into the air like mountains, thats not a mere ice cube in a drink.. That's a lot of ice.. What happens if you were to push enough pressure to submirge the entire mass under water, would it not raise the water level? it would.


I think the only scientist left standing was hired by the Koch brothers or Murdock, can't remember which, but he was a hired gun scientist who was in the mix of that whole Iceland email scandal.. The thing is all the data they had was right on and "Their Scientists" Buckled.. There is no doubt any longer the salinity of the ocean will be effected and cause the same thing that happened the last time the ocean salinity was diluted with fresh glacier thaw.. It's a cycle, the that is the beginning of another ice age and we will be seeing some strange things happen, like tradewinds change, hot were it's cold, cold where it's hot like right now here in AZ, we were colder than alaska last night. it's not just a cold snap at 4 or 5 am and then we bounce back up.. it's been cold, breezy, reminds me of winter coming in the mountains.

When That last holdout scientist was pressed if man caused it, he wouldn't answer I assume for political reasons, but he did state we are not helping.

That exactly right.

The Koch funded study found climate change was happening. From what I remember they were rather gracious about it initially (i.e. the thing got published).

Keep in mind this guy was the last most respected bastion of climate change "denial" (a term I hate). Forget his name, but he was a real big wig. When he turned, 25% of the country went with him.


Sure ALL of this has NOTHING to do with the testing of nuclear war heads,up in the frozen layer of our atmosphere,back in the seventies by USA(above South Pole)and Russia(above North Pole),now has it?!!!

Probably not. the whole idea of doing it up there was to avoid particulate matter.


there is already a wealth of proof out there, hard, undeniable, scientific fact. anyone who is still in denial is lying to themselves. more fool them. tho we are all paying the price for our hubris...


There's a overwhelming amount of evidence to support climate change.

The outlook is so bleak and seems to be getting worse all the time. It seems quite certain that we're all royally fucked. :(


It amazes me that anyone can still deny that anthropogenic climate change is real. It also amazes me that people still deny evolution is real. I guess some people simply cannot handle the truth.


Sure ALL of this has NOTHING to do with the testing of nuclear war heads,up in the frozen layer of our atmosphere,back in the seventies by USA(above South Pole)and Russia(above North Pole),now has it?!!!

Keep in mind that high altitude testing there is already a lot of radiation up there, there is particulate matter as well say from meteorites ect that if were able to enter our atmosphere would be radioactive as well.. I'd rather see the nuke testing high in the atmosphere as apposed to below ground. In fact I don't know why they don't' just aim it to deep space fire it off, then detonate it a week later and observe it from satalite, they would be able to move the satellite out of the way before the radiation hit.


There's a overwhelming amount of evidence to support climate change.

The outlook is so bleak and seems to be getting worse all the time. It seems quite certain that we're all royally fucked. :(

Not all of us, my kids and those I teach primitive skills to have the best chance. Im fucked because im disabled and wouldn't be able to do what I use to and wouldn't hold them back.

You have to examine how man survived it before, look at what he's wearing, carrying, that evidence is literally thawing in the glaciers.. More and more ancient men have popped up, Otzi the iceman is a good example of ancient man surviving cold climate without all the necessities of life today that people somehow imagine they will carry with them.. lol This is a reason doomsday peppers doesn't usually talk about an ice age..

Man survived the ice age previously with his learned skills just using a toolkit he can carry with him to make stone points, cordage, clothing pushing or pulling a canoe (sled) with his trusty friends the dog. All the guns, tents, trucks, potapoties, toilet paper, canned food , ect.. won't last generations.. and you cant carry it all to follow wildlife to survivable areas.

Now on the otherhand, if we could keep from distoying our society with violence when it comes we could use nuclear technology to supply energy during an iceage.. Solar panels will only work when storms aren't blocking light, they actually run more efficiently cold as apposed to hot. Wind turbines, and indoor grows. Problem is were probably all fucked by how the masses panic without faith in skills and fellow man.. I'll save squiggly, he can come in handy lol.. BTW i'm pretty blazed right now, spell check is arguing with me so i'm sure typos are abound.


It amazes me that anyone can still deny that anthropogenic climate change is real. It also amazes me that people still deny evolution is real. I guess some people simply cannot handle the truth.
I'ts in large part, IMHO, the same people who say Cannabis isn't a medicine and has never been a medicine lol..


^ LOL evolution LOL .................Take it easy guys and lemme guess aids came from an african guy having sex with a gay monkey then having kids and that somehow spread to america in the 50's -60's..............hhhuuuuuuuhhhhhhh (palm to face)


Living dead girl
View attachment 282437

yes scientific proof from mogrow's front yard.daffodils up and going on 1/13. this is at least 6 weeks earlier than normal. I have noticed the earlier flowering for the past 2 or 3 years but this is by far the earliest i have seen. and this is a north facing border area, almost always in the shade in winter.
we do not have normal weather here in our part of the ozarks anymore. i have started referring to it as the ozark desert. the last 2 years the temps have gotten out of control for around here.

also the birds are not leaving for the winter, i see robins and turkey vultures all year long now, as before they would split for the winter.

and i think this is the first snow we've had for the winter, and this is ice not snow. that's another thing , we have alot more ice storms than we used too.:confused:

hope to hell we get some rain this year for the outdoor crops// and the temps aren't all fucking time highs again...

anybody else noticing changes in their world?????

peace and pass the rain clouds....mogrow
Oh yes, I've noticed. Daffodils are coming up already downcountry, at least one full month early. Which seems odd given the cold weather we've had for, what... going on two full weeks now?

I know a young man who is a paleoclimatologist and his specific goal is to create a dataset using coral head samples and... mass spectrometry (he's figured out how to date using... I wanna say strontium, but I could be wrong) to make two determinations: First, if the climate is changing, at what rate is it changing and how does it compare to earlier dates? Second, how does it correlate, if at all, with the industrial age? Maupin. Got some federal grant funding for some projects in the Oceania region. So far his take is that not only is the climate changing, it is highly likely that it is directly related to human activity.


Geo-Engineering aka Weather Modification and it's patents. There lies the answers.


But it's still up there!!!
Can't be good.
Were there any holes in the ozone before they did the "testing"?

First of all, not it isn't.

Second of all no there wasn't, but there also wasn't one after they did it.


Oh yes, I've noticed. Daffodils are coming up already downcountry, at least one full month early. Which seems odd given the cold weather we've had for, what... going on two full weeks now?

I know a young man who is a paleoclimatologist and his specific goal is to create a dataset using coral head samples and... mass spectrometry (he's figured out how to date using... I wanna say strontium, but I could be wrong) to make two determinations: First, if the climate is changing, at what rate is it changing and how does it compare to earlier dates? Second, how does it correlate, if at all, with the industrial age? Maupin. Got some federal grant funding for some projects in the Oceania region. So far his take is that not only is the climate changing, it is highly likely that it is directly related to human activity.

I think that the funniest thing about all of this is that, to most scientists, there is no question on any of this.

It's really very simple.

1. The earth is a closed system.

2. We are an element of that system.

3. The way we operate within the system has changed drastically over our history.

4. We have gotten to the point now, as a species, where we are making planet-scale changes to the system.

5. Something has got to fucking give--things don't just stay static when you change stuff, especially not when you make changes on the scale of the entire earth. It's very very very very very very very very very very very stupid to believe that we can do what we've done and change nothing significantly.

It really is one of these situations where we know that a specific cause WILL have an effect. We can't 100% define the effect but we know that it will be negative. I like the following metaphor:

You drop a car on someone. They might live, they might die--but either way a car has fallen on them and the result will be negative. There is no way you come out of having a car dropped on you unscathed. We're in a similar situation now.

You can't take a precisely balanced system like earth's atmosphere, and change its composition by 15% and expect everything to stay the same.

That's like saying I expect that if I come into your house with 10 paint cans, and splash them all over your walls and floor--that when i come back an hour later your house will be no worse for wear and there will be no paint anywhere.

Climate change deniers are nothing more than believers in disappearing paint. It doesn't make fucking sense and it never has. ALL of the scientist deniers only ever denied the end result--and its severity. Not a single one of them ever claimed that nothing is going to change, and that all of this is natural.

As a scientist, you'd have to be a fucking moron to think such a thing.

"Yes we can make sweeping changes to any physical system and expect no results to occur whatsoever."

Argument doesn't only not hold water--it actually sprays jizz all over the face of anyone who is dumb enough to believe it.


Didn't Krakatoa,Mt St Helens and other Volcanoes and the like,cause more damage,to this system,quicker and "better" than US!
And they will again,I guess.

This is a non-scientific argument. It is an assumption at best and flat out wrong at worst.

We don't know what the difference is, as far as the system is concerned, in putting a shit-ton of material (which is incredibly variable in its composition) in an instant vs putting a non-stop exponentially increasing amount of an essentially purified substance over the course of 100 years.

This is really the problem we run into with climate change, if we're to be frank about it:

That so many armchair experts feel confident to comment on and develop beliefs about something which I, after 7 years of schooling specifically tailored to this type of discussion, can only barely scratch the surface of with regard to understanding.

In a sentence:

The grown ups are talking. (This isn't directed specifically at you Pontiac so don't take offense)

The fact is, no matter what some "expert" said--or what you personally believe--without having any expertise yourself, you don't know who to listen to. You can't judge expertise without expertise, it's a catch 22.
If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about--I'm here to tell you that your best bet is to go with the 99% of the people in the world who DO know what the fuck their talking about and what they agree on.

They don't agree on everything, so that still leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I'm not asking you to take the majority's word for it, either.

I'm just saying that randomly making shit up, or going off on information that you can't even identify the source of--is a recipe for being as wrong as you could possibly be when discussing something so complex about which you have near to zero understanding (and also about which so many armchair experts and crazies have taken an interest).


Also, to make a very clear and unarguable point:

It doesn't matter if it's man-made. Everyone agrees it is happening/going to happen. Some people think its natural, some think we did it.

Regardless of what made it, what we unequivocally know is that we need to un-make it or we are fucked.

Point blank period.

Let's stop arguing about shit that doesn't matter and fix the problem that we all know is a problem.


^ LOL evolution LOL .................Take it easy guys and lemme guess aids came from an african guy having sex with a gay monkey then having kids and that somehow spread to america in the 50's -60's..............hhhuuuuuuuhhhhhhh (palm to face)

Tell me you're joking.
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