Pump not holding prime, and not pulling water

  • Thread starter Veto
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Hello all,
I am currently setting up a system to get away from hand watering. I am running 2 separate zones from 2 different reservoirs (30 gals each). I set up an Ecoplus Jet pump with the reservoir intake going up and over the barrels. Each intake line has a check valve in the barrel going to a solenoid before a tee into the pump. Then the outlet has basically the same thing, a check valve before 2 separate solenoids going to the different zones. What I am having trouble with is that every time I prime the pump it flows for a minute or so then loses pressure and stops. Am I missing something here? I can post a picture of the pump setup up if it would be helpful.


The pic will help.
Usually if a pump is way under power, then you have an air leak.
Do you have a water pump and it's not under water? That will cause it. These small pumps use the water as lube. If its not under all the time, you get weak performance.
Go back and bleed all air bubbles from the system.


So I finally worked it out and it was an air leak. I thought since no water was dripping I couldn’t have a leak. But I went back and tightened everything a little more and re primed the whole system. It’s been a few days now and a couple barrels of feed with no problem. Glad to finally get it working properly!!
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