Rapidly Yellowing leaves...

  • Thread starter waylon
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seamaiden: just for shits and giggles (and no, i'm not suggesting that anybody should do anything to their babies just for fun), since it sounds like you have dire issues already: 1 part skim milk, 10 parts water in a foliar spray (and then rinse right before sunrise) has helped me out many times with regular PM. i don't know if it would be effective on complication-PM but it's certainly never hurt my plants, might be worth a try. at the very least it'll help them limp through a flush even if *knock knock* you have to make the 'executive decision' early.
just to clarify ;) i don't use avid, won't use avid, i hate that shit, would just as soon grow gmo-weed from monsanto (<-NO.) but was recently asked why i hate on it so much here on the farm, so i'm trying to be a bit less vehement about it in public.

lil miss lone

Good idea mello, I've heard of that working too, just never tried it. Lemon juice and dish soap is what I used as a foliar just once and never had said problem again.

Just read up on Avid, no I wouldnt use that either, says it is highly toxic.


Let me through my 2 cents in here! I am having the exact same problem! all my plants were green as fuck 5 days ago, now half of them are yellow and the others are starting to get there too. I have totally forgot to use cal-mag this round. Ive never haD this issue before and i know thats what cal-mag is good for, helps the plant take in essential nutes during the early flowering stages. Im not saying you dont have bugs, but i am saying that using coco is gonna bring in some critters, doenst mean that youve got a bug doing all this, i bet you if you add the cal- mag you will see some results pretty soon. I just had to figure this out for myself too, and i hope to god thats what the problem is.

Farmer Jon

Premium Member
Looks like some root chewing is going on to me. The root system is shot so the plant is eating itself in an attempt to reach its end goal, reproduction.
It's doubtful that you will be able to save this lady and your efforts may be better spent dissecting the root zone in an attempt to identify the problem. Growers will far to often try many solutions to a problem that has yet to be identified, causing a compounding problem. It would be better to loose one and learn something than waste time or money guessing.

To quote the elegant words of Seamaiden "Root aphids are the motherest-fuckerest little high-fivin' motherfuckers I have EVER dealt with.


Living dead girl
Mello, et alia. It may be helpful for you to understand that I work with my plants exactly the same way I work with animals and children--I start with the "least" and work my way up. Whether it's learning, conditioning, feeding or discipline, I start low and slow and work my way up. The milk thing works GREAT as long as you don't have other underlying conditions and are only battling PM. If you read up on some of lil miss's posts, you'll see that they had to scrap their grow, after waging large battle, due to what turned out to be a virus, a rather obscure virus for cannabis growers (who knows, it may not remain so obscure anymore).

I'm doing a final treatment and then they're going to be harvested. Time to get this shit cleaned up and put myself in a position to move forward.


emergence of the winged aphid...

well i went to take another look at those fungus gnats, and found a few winged aphids also, no mistaking it... so at least now i know for sure i have the root aphid issue. i did another triazicide drench, but im still seeing a few flying around here and there, but not many. the problem isnt getting any better but it does seem to have slowed down some, with some leaves gradually turning lime green and then yellow. most plants are affected, but there are a few which arent showing any issues. the worst affected plants will lose all of their big fan leaves soon. im still hoping i will be able to harvest...
including pics of the first plant to show the issue, and others in the room.
Fire og 1 day40 a
Fire og 2 day40 a
Power 1 day40 a
Power 2 day40 a
Plat og 1 day40 a
Lacon day40 a
Growroom day40 a

lil miss lone

One word Waylon >>>Azatrol<<< (or Azamax) as a soil drench at least once weekly, even as much as every three days. Spray top of medium to soaking wet, also the lower stem (but not leaves or buds) with a mix of Azatrol at 30 ml per gallon. It will help you, but you have to keep it up, religious man. Those don't look that bad brother, how far along are you? Stop with the Spectracide in flower, for now. I Highly recommend the Azatrol, kept the aphids under control for me, still had them in the root zone, but no flyers in the room, and the plants looked real good, see my thread, I posted pics throughout flower while having aphids, shit came out frosty as hell! Didn't smoke it as it was a seed run. Point is, Azatrol works and your plants will stay healthy as they can be in this situation. Also, are you using Hygrozyme with every feed? It helps, at 5ml per gallon. Luck to ya buddy. Keep us posted.

Also, one more question what are your ppms at?


Living dead girl
If it were me, I would do a drench where the pots can be left sitting in the solution for 10 minutes or so, with the triazicide. See if that does the trick. Keep at it! Your girls are actually looking pretty good and you may have caught it in time to not have a terribly affected yield. Remember the harvest window on the triazicide is 21 days, flushing after treatment will help remove from media, but I wouldn't do it immediately, I would wait to be sure I haven't got more coming up.


One word Waylon >>>Azatrol<<< (or Azamax) as a soil drench at least once weekly, even as much as every three days. Spray top of medium to soaking wet, also the lower stem (but not leaves or buds) with a mix of Azatrol at 30 ml per gallon. It will help you, but you have to keep it up, religious man. Those don't look that bad brother, how far along are you? Stop with the Spectracide in flower, for now. I Highly recommend the Azatrol, kept the aphids under control for me, still had them in the root zone, but no flyers in the room, and the plants looked real good, see my thread, I posted pics throughout flower while having aphids, shit came out frosty as hell! Didn't smoke it as it was a seed run. Point is, Azatrol works and your plants will stay healthy as they can be in this situation. Also, are you using Hygrozyme with every feed? It helps, at 5ml per gallon. Luck to ya buddy. Keep us posted.

Also, one more question what are your ppms at?

thanks for the azatrol tip. should i wait until i flush out the triazicide before applying it? im currently at day 43. also thanks for hygrozyme tip, ive been adding it to every feed since the last application of triazicide. ive been feeding at 1.6 EC recently.


If it were me, I would do a drench where the pots can be left sitting in the solution for 10 minutes or so, with the triazicide. See if that does the trick. Keep at it! Your girls are actually looking pretty good and you may have caught it in time to not have a terribly affected yield. Remember the harvest window on the triazicide is 21 days, flushing after treatment will help remove from media, but I wouldn't do it immediately, I would wait to be sure I haven't got more coming up.

since im not able to submerge the pots, ive basically been doing flushes with triazicide, about 5-7 gallons per pot. im on the 3rd triazicide flush right now. i was going to do an H20 flush today thinking i was mostly rid of the aphids, but today i noticed a lot more fliers than yesterday in the air and hopping around in the coco. how any creature can survive this much triazicide is beyond me... and here i was thinking this was going to be a leisurely grow since i had taken care of the borg in my last grow... since im at day 43, this is going to be the last triazicide application and i may have to delay harvest a week or so. after this i guess its azamax and lots of prayer. thanks for your help+advice

lil miss lone

thanks for the azatrol tip. should i wait until i flush out the triazicide before applying it? im currently at day 43. also thanks for hygrozyme tip, ive been adding it to every feed since the last application of triazicide. ive been feeding at 1.6 EC recently.

Hmmmmm, you know I'm not quite sure. I didn't use them together. In veg I used Triaz and Imid, but in flower I only used Azatrol, nothing else. I did do a once weekly all over foliar spray with the Azatrol come to think of it. Chris said something about spider mites coming and going, but I was locked into battle with the aphids and didn't notice. (That is a nod to Azatrol being an all around Kick ass product, btw).

And your welcome my brotha, someone helped me once, just paying it forward.


thanks everyone!

thanks to everyone who helped me with this issue, looks like im going to make it to harvest after all :)

first grow was the borg, second grow was the root aphids, its scary to think of what i will face next...

i will be updating the rest of this grow and harvest in a "grow diary" @



Living dead girl
You could also look at it this way---you've gotten all the bad shit over and done with. It's how I looked at my motorcycle accident when everyone in my family, my own sons included, was telling me that I had to stop riding after being hit. Naw, I say, I lived through it just fine and now I've gotten the worst of it over and done with. Now my luck's gotta change! So far, so good, haven't been hit since '07.

lil miss lone

Good for you Waylon! Now that you've gotten through the worst of the aphids, or dealt with them than nothing will be unconquerable. Luck to ya!


You could also look at it this way---you've gotten all the bad shit over and done with. It's how I looked at my motorcycle accident when everyone in my family, my own sons included, was telling me that I had to stop riding after being hit. Naw, I say, I lived through it just fine and now I've gotten the worst of it over and done with. Now my luck's gotta change! So far, so good, haven't been hit since '07.

those who persevere give the best advice...


Good for you Waylon! Now that you've gotten through the worst of the aphids, or dealt with them than nothing will be unconquerable. Luck to ya!
thanks for your help ! i harvested without any aphids that i could see... so whats after the spider mites and aphids?


Living dead girl
Sunshiney skies and open roads, my friend. Nothin' but!
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