RSO - 1st attempt

  • Thread starter SweetLeafApothecary
  • Start date
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I just tried making my first batch of RSO. Upon completion of all the steps listed in my book my RSO yielded 1/2 the amount I started with, which is fine for a first attempt. But my consistency is off - it’s thin and has yet to thicken to the RSO consistency sold in local dispensaries. Any suggestions? It’s been 30min since I filled 10 syringes (each syringe is a 1g dose) to make sure it’ll get to the right consistency before filling the other 90 doses (1g).

If I messed it up and it won’t thicken I’d rather know now. If I need to wait longer that’s fine too, but if I need to do something to fix it then I’d like to at least try to save this batch.

Any/all advice & suggestions are much appreciated!!!


Here’s the recipe I followed and a pic of one of the syringes. If you watch the video you’ll see the air bubble move easily - showing my consistency is still too thin……
D2A9813F 8B49 4487 B7DF 2BA7484FA37A
8FE45F9C 6ED4 43DF BE7C 4D3B5A296632


Need more info
What did you use to extract?
How did you do your reduction or concentration?
IMG 20220102 123624
IMG 20220102 140033
IMG 20211225 212734

This is my ethanol reduction
I take it down to about 50-75ml and store it in the freezer before finishing the reduction and infusing oil or syrup
You can take your syringes and pour them into a small cup or better a silicone cupcake liner and finish reducing on a coffee cup warmer
The silicone cupcake liners make retrieving the oil easier and do not scorch


I used 1.50 oz of flower and roughly 200-250mL of everclear. After agitating and soaking in the freezer I used a double boiler to cook until the mix boiled. Not exceeding 240°F (boiling point of alcohol). After the first time it seemed too thin, so I followed the instructions to do it another 2 times leaving me with 100mL at the end (started with appx 225mL).

I have 50 syringes now filled with the mix & has been in the fridge for 2-2.5hrs. The fluid has thickened up some but not as thick as the RSO I’ve bought in dispensaries.

If I can fix it - great! If it’s trash it is what it is. But I don’t want to test it before getting some reassurance that it’s okay as is


I believe alcohol boils at 173f
How did you get it to 240f?

Psychedelic Sam method
Decarb cannabis in the oven at 240f (115c) for 40 minutes (I use an Ardent FX)
Freeze for 24 hours along with the everclear
Combine cannabis and everclear and agitate for 5 minutes
Back in the freezer for 2 hours
Agitate for 5 more minutes then filter
Return cannabis to container and add fresh alcohol for a second rinse
5 minute agitation then filter
This will improve potency

This is when the double boiler comes in to reduce the alcohol
Use a fan and open window to keep fumes from accumulating

If you reduce down to rso you will have a thick oil that may fill a coup!e of syringes depending on the syringe size

You have a tincture reduction right now
Unsure whether your cannabis is decarbed


I posted the recipe in the pics and followed it to a T. Did you look at the books instructions? I found several different ways but just went with that one to try it.

If I reduce it more can it end up being RSO? Or are the instructions in the book I used just crappy and I need to retry with a different method? Like how you mentioned or any other recipe?

they’ve sat in the fridge overnight and they got a bit thicker but it’s still not right. I was saying the same thing that it is just like my batches of tincture. Which means it can still be used essentially but not what I was going for here.


I have made a lot of RSO and never had any turn out like that.

If you used 1.5 oz of flower, you would be doing good to get 4 grams per ounce, so 6 grams is what you can expect from a good extraction. I have used Everclear for extractions and never got the return I was after, usually about 2 1/2 grams per ounce. Now I use Isopropyl alcohol 99.9% and get much better returns of 4+ per ounce. I boil at about 186F in a distiller where I can reclaim most of the alcohol for further use. I decarb the oil in the oven at 240F until the bubbles on the surface stop. This also gets rid of the last bit of alcohol that is still left in the oil.

It looks to me like you have not boiled off all the alcohol for it to be that thin. If you got 50 grams, you still have way too much alcohol in your oil, which won't hurt anything, don't throw it away. My oil is super thick and I have to warm the syringe up in my hand to dose into empty clear capsules.

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.
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I posted the recipe in the pics and followed it to a T. Did you look at the books instructions? I found several different ways but just went with that one to try it.

If I reduce it more can it end up being RSO? Or are the instructions in the book I used just crappy and I need to retry with a different method? Like how you mentioned or any other recipe?

they’ve sat in the fridge overnight and they got a bit thicker but it’s still not right. I was saying the same thing that it is just like my batches of tincture. Which means it can still be used essentially but not what I was going for here.

Some of the thickness from the dispensary could be their extraction process
Cold alcohol extraction minimizes some of the extras you get like coloring, waxes
It is a cleaner extraction for lack of a better term
A lot of dispensaries do heated extraction
Lots of extras

If you have not decarbed then it is just a matter of reducing your tincture all the way to RSO or whatever you want to call it
You can then decarb it
There are several methods

Pretty sure you can salvage what you have and I know the people who can help
Psychedelic Sam and Brassnwood


I just tried making my first batch of RSO. Upon completion of all the steps listed in my book my RSO yielded 1/2 the amount I started with, which is fine for a first attempt. But my consistency is off - it’s thin and has yet to thicken to the RSO consistency sold in local dispensaries. Any suggestions? It’s been 30min since I filled 10 syringes (each syringe is a 1g dose) to make sure it’ll get to the right consistency before filling the other 90 doses (1g).

If I messed it up and it won’t thicken I’d rather know now. If I need to wait longer that’s fine too, but if I need to do something to fix it then I’d like to at least try to save this batch.

Any/all advice & suggestions are much appreciated!!!
While my wife was fighting pancreatic cancer, I made RSo for her for a couple of years. At that time you couldn't find RSO for sale. Eventually I did find it for sale at about $60/gram, and I calculated that that was approximately what it had cost me to do it myself, plus a lot of effort. My method was to use a Magical Butter machine to grind 1 to 3 OZ's of bud (and shake, and sometimes used vape residue) with 5 cups of Everclear for 2 hours at 160F. Then I strained it as best I could - this is the hardest part. If you let it sit awhile in a tall bottle a lot of green stuff eventually settles out and you can pour off the clearest part.

Once filtered, I ended up with about a quart Mason/Ball jar full of green everclear. I put the jar into a rice cooker set to a 2-hour cycle. It took more than 2 hours, and I had to not only restart it but also refill the water. But the everclear would bubble and evaporate off over 3-4 hours. I did this outdoors as the smell was strong.

Once boiled off, I ended up with a black tarry substance. Black due to poor filtering and use of used vape residue. In any case, hot and tarry. I might add that over the many times I did this, I ended up with approximately 1/7 in weight of oil from the initial bud. 7 grams input = 1 gram output.

What to do with it then? I had a system where I first cut the tar with Wesson vegetable oil in a 50/50 ratio. This gave me a thick syrupy-like texture that I was able to pull up into an old syringe originally used to refill printer ink cartridges. I would then drip 3, 5 or 7 drops into gel capsules bought at a local health food store. I would put the gel caps into bags labeled with the date and number of drops, and my wife would take one or more at night. By combining different capsules she could fine-tune the dosage.

She died in 2017, but she thought the RSO gave her an extra 2 years of life. For sure it added hope where there was little to none.
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