?'s n theoryz on genetics , your opinions apreciated

  • Thread starter jiggaboojones
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so , after yearsof being very hard on my seedlings and plants in general I kind of started thinking a lil deeper on my selection process . I have recently been having t start from seed on a handful of dif strains the past few months . now I am quick to toss any week sprout throughout the diff germ process to seedling. so this has gotton me wondering . on a the seeds that you could actually nurse back to health that I normally just eradicate for weakness ,, iwonder if in fact I am selectively eradicating the recessive genetics(that you would actually b searching for in some cases ) in a manner of speaking?


example , over the years I would get packs . pop half usually ten seeds . out of those ten tht germ are usually 90 -80 percent . of those that make it to sprout are around the same , as for seedlings is where things like environment and so on take effect . . of this only 60 percent of seedlings I keep due to my unwanted need for grow room hassle or picky picky lil plants . now throw in the male factor n sometimes I only end upwith half or less of durable quality seeds . am I answering my own question here ? lol
I guessi hoping for someone who is a more into breeding or has more xp on breeding to shed a lil light or at least tell me to shut the fuck up lol ...


I've popped a gang of seeds and I too am quick to cull stragglers that fall behind early in veg. I believe for myself I'm missing out on selection yes. The more room and time I have the longer I keep em. I try to give em a month minimum but like I said if I have the room and time I've started keeping em longer and longer......two different things come to mind 1.Doing a short veg on a seedling flowering out too soon and the clones of exact short vegged plant get a propper veg and those buds come out way different
2. Some plants bounce back quick and some die off

In conclusion I now personally work with seeds that I feel are worth learning if indeed they are straggling because they are finicky ,look at og's, but I'm not judging if people choose to cull them.....that culled plant could be that million to one holy grail pheno ???? Never know

Peace and chronic grease


you are bottle necking most of what you work with. Start with bigger numbers. And all your are making is alot of work for yourself. If you have no ibl or a trace to work from it will always be search time. You find your favorite and just focus on that one. Watch what it does in the off spring. Learn what it does after inbreading. It makes it easier to identify what you are searching for when looking for recessive traits. Same way if you continuously make F1's. That is all you do unless you start your own IBL. Then out cross. You will find what you are looking for:)
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