Salt Buildup In Coco Flushing With Canna Flush Need Advice

  • Thread starter Tylergrower
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Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

You def can rootbound coco. Rockwool is best. A 4 inch block can grow a 6 ft plant. Put some crutons around em, and that's the shit!
I can get about 3.1/2 foot plants in party cups, but str8 from clone, and genetics


Sorry I haven't been on today. My personal opinion is you need to water 2-3 times a day till run off. Or like Joey said get a pump some plumbing and a timer set up a auto feed. You want to be root bound in coco. That is the beauty of coco. Just keep feeding them keep them good and wet... It is easy to over water coco until the pot is full of roots then it's on like donkey kong.

Best of luck.
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

Sorry I haven't been on today. My personal opinion is you need to water 2-3 times a day till run off. Or like Joey said get a pump some plumbing and a timer set up a auto feed. You want to be root bound in coco. That is the beauty of coco. Just keep feeding them keep them good and wet... It is easy to over water coco until the pot is full of roots then it's on like donkey kong.

Best of luck.
Yes. Get through this grow, and be practical. Idk if he knew he's just starting out


I watered at 6pm until runoff. Then at 3am I watered 1.5L not till runoff then at 11am today they are drooping. I had to water 4L to get some runoff. Were they thirsty at 11am-1pm or is there something else going on? The runoff was about pH 3.7. That is very very acidic right?


I'm convinced its the fungus gnats causing my problems now. If the runoff doesn't matter and I should ignore that then its these gnats surely. The babies in the soil have a life cycle of 3 weeks so now I've covered in sand it might take 3 weeks for them to die. I might put some hydrogen peroxide on the top and flush through see what happens.


rootbound in coco?

6' in a 5" square pot.


Did they perk back up after you fed at 11am. then yes they were deprived and you need to feed more often...
If you keep doing this with coco you are going to keep having problems...
I would not count on just the sand for your gnat fix. They will find a way in and out or some where to breed.
Life cycle of Fungus Gnats.

Just want to say Im very greatful for the response ive received from everyone. Maybe they are just that big and drinking a lot. Its hard for me to gauge the weight of the pots now too as the sand has added tremendously to the weight of the pots. They have perked up since the watering its now 8pm I watered 2hrs after spotting the drooping at 11am, so watered at 1pm. Maybe another watering now is due at 9pm. This problem has taken over my life this past month I'm going insane lol. I'll keep watering till runoff with weak solution 3 times a day? And see what happens. They are under 24hr light in a 30% humidity so maybe they do transpire a hell of a lot? About the fungus gnats would hydrogen peroxide do the trick? Could I water with a bit of h2o2 through the sand which is on top as I feel this may be contributing. I think the babies feed on the roots and live in the top inch of soil/coco. Since putting the sand on top I've not noticed the gnats but maybe I've not looked closely enough (they are very small). Apparently the sand tears them apart and they can't land on it. Oh and yes I have placed fans blowing under the canopy recently, should be drying the top sand and coco much quicker. I'm now convinced your right though about the watering. I have no deficiency signs in new growth just this occasional wilting. I used to grow in coco, took some time off and its like I've completely forgot what I'm doing. Lol


Put out new traps if you think you have them under control.
I would go back to your normal feed strength and feed more often. I like 18 - 6 instead of 24 of light. I know I need a rest every day.
Never tried h2o2 on the gnats. My point was you need to treat the soil 2-3 times a week for 3 weeks then at least 1 time a week for another month to eradicate them.


I watered at 6pm until runoff. Then at 3am I watered 1.5L not till runoff then at 11am today they are drooping. I had to water 4L to get some runoff. Were they thirsty at 11am-1pm or is there something else going on? The runoff was about pH 3.7. That is very very acidic right?
IMO if those pots are really full like they should be then it’s very possible they were drying by then and thirsty. I don’t read runoff ph only ppm BUT 3.7 is very acidic. I don’t know how much to put into runoff ph but something in the rootzone could be growing causing t to become very acidic. Are you using any bennies? H202 will kill all bacteria good and bad so if you are don’t overuse the h2o2
I'm convinced its the fungus gnats causing my problems now. If the runoff doesn't matter and I should ignore that then its these gnats surely. The babies in the soil have a life cycle of 3 weeks so now I've covered in sand it might take 3 weeks for them to die. I might put some hydrogen peroxide on the top and flush through see what happens.
After you’re done with the h2o2 or maybe to think about for next round I would definitely implement some bennies in your rotation. I do a weekly tea. +life is great stuff. All that good bacteria is what fights off all those rootzone problems/gnats and keeps your roots fuzzy white and thriving. One of the most important things when using coco IMO as it doesn’t have a complex rhizosphere like a good soil does
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

rootbound in coco?View attachment 770368
6' in a 5" square pot.
If you'r drip feeding, and giving pleanty of o2 to the roots, yeah, you'r correct, but it' basically being run as a passive, constantly fed plant.
This guy is feeding 2x's a day. He's a new grower. No reason to get him confused.
If you'r feeding every 20 secs, you can use almost any medium to grow this way (however there are pitfalls).
He's only feeding once or twice a day. In that case, yes they will get rootbound. Look at the stalk on this 4 inch rockwool cube.
We know, but a newer grower, feeding once or 2x's a day will have all kinds of problems.
Suggest transplanting, so he can get his roots/medium healthy.
Feed that cup once a day, and it's dead in 24. PRACTICAL for you, and I, is not for him YET.
All this guy needs to do is transplant, flush, and get some benaficials, and it SHOULD recover
Thick stem chilli pepper rockwool culture


I haven't flipped as I'm trying to figure what the proble m is lol its been weeks. This is what the pots look like if you check the pic below. How can I know if its rootbound? Its not like it drinks all the water up the coco is still damp under the top layer if I dig my finger in. If its rootbound and all I have to do is put it in a bigger pot that would be great but not sure it is. Also I do have automatic watering system but I've been watering by hand recently so I know what's going in and I can see runoff etc.
roots look dead to me.If your letting them get to dry the roots are gonna be toast
Tasty Buds

Tasty Buds

Hey man, I don't wanna confuse you. Your roots are starved for oxogyn, and gnats are vectors for disease. Hydrogen peroxide will kill all bad bacteria, but good as well. If you try what I suggest, you can not only save en, but have a healthy harvest, UNLESS you have pythium.
Look for a product called Mico Stop, or you can use something like Roots Excel.
I suggest to transplant, flush, then feed with the benaficials, and Microbe lift to get rid of gnats.
If you really want to permanently get rid of the fg's, you can always use an imid, but that's controversial to many cannabis growers.
You can run a drip sys on a timer as well
To constantly get the roots food, and oxygen, but at this stage in your growing, it's not practical.
That growdan pic is NOT mine..just showing it can easily be done. Learn, get through this, and you'll recognize it right away if this happens again. That's how you become better, and better.


the plants dont look too bad anyhow,Id feed low to mid ec everyday to get em going again and flip them.Those are good sized plants theyre gonna be hungry in flower


clean some of the messed up leaves up too it wont hurt them,theyll look better without the bad leaves and youll be happier lol

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