tatoojim and/or Baker: what do you mean by "led = to a 1000watt hps is fucking outragous"?
willy led wonka: what do you mean by "trying to line the oversaturation of light and plant bleaching/burning issues"? Are you saying LEDs generate too much light? What do you mean by bleaching/burning issues"
SSHZ: Don't know if you have read my post, but I did see your post "
California LightWorks "Solarstorm" LED Light" and the email you pasted from George Mekhtarian, the owner of the company. His response made him look like a good ole boy you could trust but then, I have spent my entire life in a small rural community where everyone is a good ole boy you could trust, what are your thoughts on the man and his product?
I take 'old skool' outdoor farming to a whole new level .... I am a third generation 'farmer'. Everyone thought my grandpa was out of his mind when he switched from moonshing to herb farming (I still do a bit of shining as a hobby & for personal medicinal purposes). But I am beginning to think I need to follow grandpa's lead and modify my operations to catch up with the changing times.
The basics of my approach is:
The good Lord provides the lighting, the sun rises in the morn & sets in the eve and the 3rd week of July (@ my latitude) triggers the switch from veg. to flower (no need to switch any light timer) and the feed lot down by the grain elevator serves as my major source of soil additives. This year has convinced me that I am getting too old for these once a year mega harvests (I still hand trim and 3 weeks of sun up to sundown trimming is breaking my back & reeking havoc on my wrists). I am a one man operation since Pop's got retired. Probably most importantly ... for security, I do not have mail delivered to my place - I have to drive 30 mins to town to my PO Box so buying a lighting set up by trial & error would be a major pain in the ass not to mention raise the postman's curiosity (and in my small community that would mean everyone knows)
Don't mean to sound like Otis 'the town drunk' who's mind is ate up and keeps repeating the same conversation but I only have a few months before I need to begin preparing for next years season UNLESS I come up with a new / more modern plan of attack. As I said, I would much rather spread the season out over 12 months by going indoors that restricting my ops to June - Oct and facing NOTHER MEGA HARVEST.
I am by no means a computer xpert, but from what I have seen this appears to be the place for the smartest farmers with the most knowledge and that is why I am pestering you. Learn from the best & f the rest.