Should I abandon this grow?

  • Thread starter matcro369
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Hi All,

First time grower. bought a clone from a local dispensary on 10/15ish. It was in soil but I am doing DWC so it was transplanted to my DWC setup. The plant grew very little. I vegged it until 12/10. Not much change. Had to cut a lot of bad leaves off in it's time so far. I pruned it before going to flower.

So it's been in flowering for 11 days now. I made mistakes along the way - Water level too high, water level too low, PH pen needed to be rinsed but didn't realize it and had the PH super low, in the 4's. I learn by experience so all good. I think from the beginning going from soil to DWC, it never really recovered. Roots didn't pop out of the bottom until I installed a drip running 24 hours. Once the roots finally started to find their way out and dipping in the water, I removed the drip bc the pump was heating the water up too much.

You can see some nut burn in the leaves. PPMs were like 1500 so that's most likely why. Got lazy on water change and it looks like it wants more h20 than nutes. Fixed that this morning. I also was putting the light too close. I have it too far now but honestly, I don't know how to place this light. AC Infinity s22. I have that photone app but everyone says dif shit so I think I just need to learn it by messing with it.

I don't have another tent yet and need to move stuff around to find a spot so I just have the one 2x2x6 tent. Do you think I should abandon this and start from a seed. I already started germinating 2 seeds with a new DWC tank I made with 2 holes - plan to short veg and keep small so they fit in the tent.

Thanks for the advice, let me know if you need more info.
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It looks OK. I'd lower the ppm down to around 400-500 for that stage .5 scale. Roots looks healthy that's the main thing.


Add h2o2 to the nute mix it will get the roots back to white. Esp since you said it was prevoiusly in soil. You dont want anything nasty growing. PPM should never be that high. what scale are you using on your ppm meter? 400 or 700? You are way too high either way. under hid ec higher than 1.0 isnt really necessary. Lower in veg is recommended. Keep it low it will green back up in a week. Ph to 5.7-5.8 and keep it there.


Yeah I’m dumb and had one on my phone, forgot I made it and made another on my pc. Going to keep this one going. I think I’m using the 700 scale but after using the botanicare recommended feeding chart Im at 1300.

The auto I have just sitting in a room with a light board hanging from the ceiling is seeming to like that nute mix. But it’s an auto and seems to just be able to take whatever.

I am using:

Botanicare -
pro bloom
Cal mag plus
Silicone blast
Liquid karma

And a little bit of great white powered stuff
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