Shrom Curling Help

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I have some SHROM going and it's a wonderful addition to my garden and I would love to keep her. The thing is She seems to be curling with the slightest dose of fertilizer.

Im also growming GreenCrack, DeathStar and Tangerine Haze which all seem to grow well on the same nute mix.

HAS anyone else had a problem like this???
She is in a 4x4 rockwool @ 12in (30cm) tall.

Unfortunately I cant have the SHROM on the same table or Nutes as the rest because of her sensitivity to what Im feeding the others. I have been giving her straight RO water for two weeks now and she seems to be loving it. I was thinking of just flowering her in some 'organicare pure earth' indoor mix, or straight Coco, or mix both cause she so sensitive.
So any suggestions on SHROM or super sensitive strains or anthing to offer would be spectacular. Im new here, I tried to search around for a while on the subject but couldnt find much on SHROM growth so here it is.

Ill add some pics of whats going on & the others in the grow diaries when my cam is working again... almost done.


I have a buddy who grows the shrom in coco. Always turns out amazing. What a crazy smelling strain. Something out of the ordinary for sure. Dial her in and keep her around. If its the real deal its fire and definetaly a keeper. I will try and scoop up some info for you on her nute regimen. He grows in coco with gh. Let me see what i can do. Good luck with her


AWESOME I would really appreciate it.
Yeah its kinda weird Ive never seen anything act like this. I was given a mom of it from a friend, said it came from Progressive Options Dispencery. I fed it the same thing all the others were getting and BAM super curl. I flushed it out and it eventually came back but now it seems to stay on the edge of being over fertilized at all times. Nice green leaves with a bit of curl on the ends.
Thanks again Any advice is always welcome :)


shrom is amazing like lithium grease a great strain that is a little picky just watch her and enjoy for years she is a very nasty girl,I had her years ago and lost her but atleast I can get her back lemon peels for sure


Mmm, the schrom. Specifically i would cut the cal-mag down to about 5 ml/gal and the pbp down to 14 ml/gal. However i recommend you move it to coco and run 1 for a run or two until you have it dialed.

More then a specific nute regimen i find with the shrom its mostly about keeping it healthy from day one. Once it starts to fail it fails fast. It doesnt deal well with shock of any kind.

Here are some pics of the cut we share, i apologize for the bad pics but i ran down and took them right away when i saw your thread. Its about 5 feet tall and in 10 gallons of coco/peat (outside).


i wanted to add that i think the main points of concern with the schrom is its colombian ancestry. IMO media/root size and watering levels are far more important with it then nute regimen. those pics of my schrom are being fed with the normal 8 ml cal mag and 15 ml pbp, 1 ml floralicious, 1g epsom as most of my pbp grows.

however i think that because of its unusually large amount of foliage as well as its origin in a dryer region lead it to need a larger root to shoot ratio and thus a larger media container then other strains of similar size. Also due to these reasons i feel it needs a good deal LESS water.


DS thank you so much! That sheds some light on the subject. Those pink trellis cages just for ladies :)


i wanted to add that i think the main points of concern with the schrom is its colombian ancestry. IMO media/root size and watering levels are far more important with it then nute regimen. those pics of my schrom are being fed with the normal 8 ml cal mag and 15 ml pbp, 1 ml floralicious, 1g epsom as most of my pbp grows.

I have not been using the 1g epsom in the pbp mix. Think it would help me?
Other problems Im having.
I have some yellowing going on with dark green veins(1), then later it turns brown on the edges(2&3). I thought it was a N def. at first but I also have root aphids (Im tackling now with some good stuff from the guy at the shop) and looking around on here I found

which has similar symptoms caused by aphid damage. Its only showing up on the largest fan leaves though, all the rest look almost perfect, and only a few plants have it. Here's some pics.

GC flowering for 3wks



Thanks for all the help. :bow


epsom would help for sure.

As for the aphids i always use bayer. you should still have some.

I wouldn't try diagnosing the nute issues until you do both of those.


Awesome thanks DS and I will start using the Epsom asap.
I got some 'PROKOZ ZENITH' (also a bayer product, powder form, 1tps/10gal) from the guy at the shop. Said he special ordered it for himself. He just gave me some (so awesome) to put in the res. and it already seems to be helping.

How much of the Bayer T&S do you use in the res? Veg and Flower?
I have 1mL/gal in my notes but it didn't seem to work like the PRO Z.
Thanks again.


bayer is more like 3-5 ml/gal based on plant size... you didnt use that on the plants in the pics did you? getting really close there.


NO. I only use it in veg wk2 and first weeks res of bloom so its all out by the end. He said it stays in the plant @ 30 days. I used Bayer T&S on the ones in the pic in Veg only 10'' plants but I guess I didnt give it enough. I used the new stuff on the veg and first week of my new flower. I sampled some meds that it had been used on, really smooth smoke and white ash. Good for me...
Really Close :)
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