
  • Thread starter Skuna Tuna
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Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

Drop a pic real quick. Super lit atm... just puffed on this little guy
IMG 20141205 231618 893

Gsc shatter on gsc Flower, great combo!

And a flower
IMG 20141205 223929 221
IMG 20141205 223935 044
IMG 20141205 231633 352
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

The bed 'o pie is @29 days, I added a pinch of moab last night with light base nutes.

I wasn't paying attention to my pH last couple weeks and received a mag deficiency... all good now. I foliared with epsom and did a complete saturation of the medium with corrected pH to help correct. Then hit with a tea. All good though, new growth looks great. Slacking on weekly aact's which would have helped the issue.
IMG 20141206 082345 193
IMG 20141206 082349 175
IMG 20141206 082349 175

IMG 20141206 082413 359
IMG 20141206 082420 332
IMG 20141206 082345 193
IMG 20141206 082349 175
IMG 20141206 082413 359
IMG 20141206 082420 332

2nd to last pic is my veg ready to go into flower tomorrow.

Last pic is new cycle of veg coming up

*edit to add - I dunno why it uploaded same 2 pics twice..
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

Hit everything with a basic tea today. the flowers took kindly to the moab.
IMG 20141208 244351 492

Also flipped my next set of plants. Just need to transplant tomorrow morning, got caught up watching the hawks stick it to Philly haha!!
IMG 20141208 244422 370

And then here is the next set that got put under an 8 banger T5. These little fucks have all been topped for clones and now will start working on branching them out.IMG 20141208 244433 540
IMG 20141208 244351 492
IMG 20141208 244422 370
IMG 20141208 244433 540
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

Quick update. Start of week 5. I've been super busy and slacked a bit.
IMG 20141210 120135 797
IMG 20141210 120233 620
IMG 20141213 211043 906

Those little white specks are pieces of drywall lol, had to cut some holes and re route some cords..

I got the other bed up and transplanted Monday. 4 weeks behind the first bed. Perpetual!

Hope u farmers are having a good weekend. Go Seahawks!!! Gonna stick it to the whiners today!! LOB!
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

Quick bud shot @ day 40
IMG 20141218 084735 861

Next bed finishing its 1st week in flower.
IMG 20141218 084740 723

This bed is going to be more full compared to the first. I rushed the last one and didnt have the # of plants i wanted.

And a xmas present i got for myself

Came with a free pack of "cottonball express" - never heard of it but will go through it in my free time. Im hoping to pop a couple monster cookie beans by the beginning of next year.
Skankin Sküna
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

IMG 20141222 211311 150
IMG 20141222 211326 365
IMG 20141222 211343 112
IMG 20141223 082903 268
IMG 20141223 082916 487
IMG 20141223 082924 379
Almost Xmas! Excited for my kiddos to open their gifts. Me and wifey hooked them up this year with badass ATV power wheels! Now I just gotta finish the track in the backyard for them. Next Xmas I bet I will be buying them 50's (I got 2 & 4 year olds)

Anyways, we don't get snow in so cal like we did in Washington, so I gotta go in my grow room to make up for the lack of frost

The last pic is the other bed @week2


The more time I spend on the farm the more it makes me wann uproot my life 2000 miles and live in SoCal. You and @midwestdensies have great attitudes and killer grows yall keep it up!

Spoil the hell out of those kids lol I sure as hell was. Get them on dirt bikes next year so cal is the mx Mecca of the world. The past few weeks everybody has been out in the hills killing it even the big name pros! Lol another reason I wanna split

Edit: good grab on those greenpoint beans I grabbed a pack of the lemon g monster cookies as my present.

You gonna grab any of his stardawg crosses?
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

The more time I spend on the farm the more it makes me wann uproot my life 2000 miles and live in SoCal. You and @midwestdensies have great attitudes and killer grows yall keep it up!

Spoil the hell out of those kids lol I sure as hell was. Get them on dirt bikes next year so cal is the mx Mecca of the world. The past few weeks everybody has been out in the hills killing it even the big name pros! Lol another reason I wanna split

Edit: good grab on those greenpoint beans I grabbed a pack of the lemon g monster cookies as my present.

You gonna grab any of his stardawg crosses?

thanks for the kind words and for peeping my thread! btw i taught MWD everything he knows... hahaha nah im just playing. that dude has influenced me to re think my style of growing more than anything!

ya my kids are everything! my goal is to keep them active, especially outside. Im big into sports, team and solo(racing). im working on this "backyard remodel" that will have a couple 4x8 raised beds for veggies and fruits, couple more food bearing trees, a small soccer pitch with goals, and a track that will run around the fence line for powerwheels, bikes, 50's, my wife to fucking run around!! which she wont...ha. i havent been on a dirt bike in years, havent had the time or money to keep up the luxury hobbies (snowboarding included..) im into road cycling for over a year now which is pretty legit. saving up for a sick mtbike though, we got some major trails down here!!

ya those beans were the ones i wanted the most, i just happened to log on as soon as the drop hit. a guess thats whats good about hitting the new posts button every 2 mins lol. ive gotten lucky in the past as well, usually drops hit they bay around 4-5pm pacific time... im done collecting beans for the moment, i have some seed stock i really need to get at, i dont like holding packs for over 2 years. nothing like spending money then having shitty germ rates....

thanks for stopping by
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

Happy Holidays farm! In the spirit of giving; here is a copy of one of my favorite reads written by Dr. Elaine Ingham "The Compost Tea Brewing Manual" fwiw i believe this is out of print these days

Edit - click the link to download a pdf
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

@ day 57
IMG 20150103 071303 881
IMG 20150103 071254 243
IMG 20150103 071156 124
IMG 20150103 071211 091

I switched the bulb to a 400w MH for the last week. Not sure if I'm going to take it to day 63 or not, might settle at 60. Smell is strong, really hard to keep it under control. Some of those pics are with my flash on and without


Trichome Engineer
Did u see any difference with the switch back? Nice plants !!M
Skuna Tuna

Skuna Tuna

Did u see any difference with the switch back? Nice plants !!M
thanks for stoppin by and for the kind words @Medusa . i love ur work and taste in hot rods! Plus u rep one of my favorite breeders thats been holding down the PNW for years now. I do see a huge difference but dont recommend doing it if its a huge inconvenience by switching bulbs over ones canopy. I see different hues of color in strains that are known to finish with shades of blues/purples & pinks. I also feel that it helps with trichome and calyx maturity.
This started as an experiment with some NLxHaze#5 plants that seemed like they would never finish, even @ around week 12... I was looking at my outdoor plants of the same genes and they looked completely different upon finish. I thought about how in fall, daylight time decrease and the spectrum of sunlight changes as well. i figured this was a way to tell the plants to hurry up and reach maturity, not to mention temperature drop. i started doing it indoors and noticed a difference in calyx swelling/color, trichome size/color, and a decrease in new white pistols emerging from mature calyx's. i finish the last 1.5-2 weeks under a 400w MH bulb. I was running 1000w hps all the way till finish and the finished flowers were never the "best of the best", the seemed almost stressed. (i was also flushing with a close to 0 ppm solution as well...) anyways, ive came to the theory that by reducing the intensity of light, decreases the surface temperature of flowers, which in result enhances resin and trichrome production leading to better looking, smellings, and tasting flower. And as far as the spectrum of the MH, well its closer to the spectrum of the fall sun and ive also read other farmers doing this as well and figured its worth a shot. I also use a 400W MH for week 1&2 of flower and being that the bulb is already there is convenient:D

Changing my "flushing technique" has definitely helped with all these traits as well. Light base nutes and compost teas for the win!

**total side note, i was on the farm awhile back and i noticed there were much more happy faces to chose from? wtf? now i feel that my post like humor:eek:

Skankin Sküna Tuna


Trichome Engineer
Nice to know. Changing bulbs not a issue. Raising up and down is. That's what the plan is last two weeks Back to mh. Nice to know others are doing it. Your flowers look incredible. Guess MW. Showed u a thing or two. Back at it Keep doing your thang. M

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