Skunk Weed

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I just read a great article by D,J,Short. It brought back memories of seeds that wouldn't sprout and the use of incandescent lite. However, it also reminded me of our first skunk plant. It was 1976 we had gotten some seeds from a hippy at the local truck stop, a lot of them! We threw the first crop down at the edge of a vineyard near our house. At 3 feet tall they were green and beautiful. We cut'em down, dried' em out, and smoked'em. The headache soon followed. We promptly consulted our 17 year old neighbor Joe. At 17 Joe had a car, a girlfriend, and seemed to be the bastion of all knowledge.(especially weed stuff) He sat us down and explained that to get skunk weed we were going to have to" plant further out so that Skunks could spray them." Well, we were growing up in California near the junction where the Sacramento River met The San Joaquin and formed the fertile delta. So in May of 1977, near the base of the Antioch bridge; A.K.A. "Bridghead" we planted a plethora of seeds in the bushes near the power plant. Those bushes had automatic sprinklers. We mostly used them to play army in and we knew they were full of skunks. Well, wouldn't ya know; we let 'em go, and go, and go! Sure enough, Joe was right after all. We had some bitch 'en skunk!


This photo is from 1979. Although a later time period, the location is the same. Notice the giant males in the background. .


Man it sure was hard to learn stuff before the prevalence of the internet. Thank goodness some older fellow taught us his grow tricks back in the early 90's. He didn't know the name, but taught us to top our plants, how to make sure the soil was right, where to stick them to help them not be found, etc. The era of hightimes being like a bible of weed knowledge:(

Some of the weird drug theories/myths sure were wacky...but for the life of me I can't remember any that were that funny. THC worms maybe? little worms that lived in bricks of weed that you could smoke to get super high. Thankfully I never smoked bugs on purpose.


Best of luck. Peace
Man it sure was hard to learn stuff before the prevalence of the internet. Thank goodness some older fellow taught us his grow tricks back in the early 90's. He didn't know the name, but taught us to top our plants, how to make sure the soil was right, where to stick them to help them not be found, etc. The era of hightimes being like a bible of weed knowledge:(

Some of the weird drug theories/myths sure were wacky...but for the life of me I can't remember any that were that funny. THC worms maybe? little worms that lived in bricks of weed that you could smoke to get super high. Thankfully I never smoked bugs on purpose.

You never saw a red hemp worm I take it? Lol.
We used to pick hemp in Missouri to sell when things got dry down in Florida.
There were these red worms that would live in a little knot in the stem of the hemp.

They were NOT buzz worthy. Lol


Well crap...whats kind of ironic is I was in IL at the time. Maybe they were not full of it. Yes, I heard they were red. Still not going to smoke worms knowingly, 99% sure I have encountered quite a few in the large mexi bricks of day gone by...but what I don't know won't hurt me in that regard.

Bless you midwestern weed fields, the reason that old guy started teaching us was he was out driving in the country and just saw a bunch of plants on teh side of the road so stopped to harvest them. We helped process untold pounds of crap weed so he passed on how to grow some better stuff.


What about HP-13 - the true hash plant genetic's - can't be found any more but there are some HP13 strains (hybrids) What's the best Skunk" you have grown ?


Breeder of "Skunk #1 ? Thanks Royal Queens, Sensi Seeds, ect all have a strain of I believe
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