So Much For Legalization In Cali.

  • Thread starter bongzaway
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So messed up and I know why it happened. So Obama. When he was first elected , he came out and said no more messing with the medical and Marijuana community , well the head of the dea did NOT want to be told what to do and how to do his job by a president he didn't want. So the first thing the dea did , go out and raid every dispensary they could. Toss wheelchair bound people onto the floor because they were in there at the time. Break everything and obviously it followed all the way into the community police. Especially with the whole black lives matter movement and Obama making comments against the police. It's really unfair that people got fucked royalty for not breaking state law. But while it was still federal law they saw it as a way to basically toss a middle finger up to Obama. Now just recently the federal govt , the 9th circuit court of appeals passed a law saying zero federal funds can be used to mess with the medical marijuana community. So looks like he was sly. Or someone was and took that option away from the feds. Now they won't be paid won't have resources and court cases won't stick to medical patients. And we should see those numbers go down pretty soon. It always gets worse before it gets better. Cool post thanks for the info you should read up on the 9th circuit court of appeals law passed. It makes you feel like the feds are preparing for total legalization. Like here in mass we have medical. No one messes with the medical community what they did was towns denied the application for dispensaries so everyone with a caretakers just grows their own. But our vote for complete unrestricted medical over the age of 21 is coming up on November and it's sure to pass. None of the scare tactics they used before turned out to be true. Arrests didn't go up. Children didn't get hooked. The age in which kids try smoking pot actually Rosedale from before , they've found there is no memory loss die to pot smoking in adults etc. So looks like even though they toss a kick in the balls at us every now and then unrestricted is on the way. The prohibition is nearly over. I'd imagine this is what the people felt like back in the 30s with booze.. a great thing in mass is anyone with a prior arrest for pot has that erased from their records if , when , this law passes.


Living dead girl
The point of the article is how local municipalities in the state of California is still making tens of thousands of arrests annually, for even a single plant, of those (primarily black & Latino) who aren't ostensibly 'patients'. Not federal arrests, local and state.

In other words, it's an argument, THE argument, in favor of AUMA.


Looking at the chart it's still declining. Sea is spot on, and since they are Felony arrests they prob were dealing in large amounts at least larger than law allows. Same here in AZ if you step outside the law you are stepping inside a cell for a long time.. I just heard from an Attorney 9 months for a guy with 2 joints, Id take Cali any day. Hopefully our Prop 205 legalizing for recreation will pass and I'm hoping that for MMJ protections above our prop 203 .


Living dead girl
I just read of a couple who were arrested, felony arrests. They had EIGHT plants growing. Somewhere up north, can't recall the city, would have to search.


The point of the article is how local municipalities in the state of California is still making tens of thousands of arrests annually, for even a single plant, of those (primarily black & Latino) who aren't ostensibly 'patients'. Not federal arrests, local and state.

In other words, it's an argument, THE argument, in favor of AUMA.
Exactly..regulation/rec is a big-time double edged sword. Best to be prepared for all it entails regardless of feelings.
It's akin to the POTUS with the changes babies..whatever may come. CA is a precedent setter for the rest of the states. Most of my friends are predicting very little time to be able to make a living with home growing anywhere in the US..I'm not so confident the changes will happen that fast if at all...interesting times to live in that's for sure.


Exactly..regulation/rec is a big-time double edged sword. Best to be prepared for all it entails regardless of feelings.
It's akin to the POTUS with the changes babies..whatever may come. CA is a precedent setter for the rest of the states. Most of my friends are predicting very little time to be able to make a living with home growing anywhere in the US..I'm not so confident the changes will happen that fast if at all...interesting times to live in that's for sure.
Legalized here in Oregun home growing is booming. Nobody local wants to smoke the crap there pushing out of the dispensaries its total garbage. Home growers here are just dropping there medical and going under ground. Those rocket scientists down in Salem told us poor folk in the masses that " By legalizing recreational marijuana we will be closing the door on the black market sales of marijuana ". Ha, that was a joke. Some body answer me this why wood I go to a dispensary and pay $15-$20 for a gram of weed that's over dried looks like crap comes from who knows where. When I can go to " my guy " and by a gram for $10 of the super gonga that's been grown with care dried with care and trimmed and handled with care. And I can also go to " my guy or girl " and by a QP or more at a even better discounted price. You can't buy a QP at a dispensary. Home growers will never quit were here to stay we've been doing this for thousands of years and were the only ones that are going to keep medicine in the hands of the people tax free. Fuck the suits Putin a tax on our medicine and fuck there taxes.


Legalized here in Oregun home growing is booming. Nobody local wants to smoke the crap there pushing out of the dispensaries its total garbage. Home growers here are just dropping there medical and going under ground. Those rocket scientists down in Salem told us poor folk in the masses that " By legalizing recreational marijuana we will be closing the door on the black market sales of marijuana ". Ha, that was a joke. Some body answer me this why wood I go to a dispensary and pay $15-$20 for a gram of weed that's over dried looks like crap comes from who knows where. When I can go to " my guy " and by a gram for $10 of the super gonga that's been grown with care dried with care and trimmed and handled with care. And I can also go to " my guy or girl " and by a QP or more at a even better discounted price. You can't buy a QP at a dispensary. Home growers will never quit were here to stay we've been doing this for thousands of years and were the only ones that are going to keep medicine in the hands of the people tax free. Fuck the suits Putin a tax on our medicine and fuck there taxes.
lol..true dat. OR is THE place to be right now imho. But your lb prices and enforcement have already been low for years.
Seems like OR wants to keep their medi program well intact too. Compared to WA where they royally fucked patients over in the name of rec and ruined the market. It's interesting seeing how each state evolves differently.
My point I guess, is that in CA rec is gonna bring more regulation and bigger licensed grows..and while it might relieve possession for folks..probably not gonna change much for allowing small/medium home grows. CA likes their rules and implementing them. Personally, I want to see rec happen in CA to see other conservative states follow suit. But it may come at the cost of big money officially entering the game and change of fed law. That could bring a whole other set of challenges.


lol..true dat. OR is THE place to be right now imho. But your lb prices and enforcement have already been low for years.
Seems like OR wants to keep their medi program well intact too. Compared to WA where they royally fucked patients over in the name of rec and ruined the market. It's interesting seeing how each state evolves differently.
My point I guess, is that in CA rec is gonna bring more regulation and bigger licensed grows..and while it might relieve possession for folks..probably not gonna change much for allowing small/medium home grows. CA likes their rules and implementing them. Personally, I want to see rec happen in CA to see other conservative states follow suit. But it may come at the cost of big money officially entering the game and change of fed law. That could bring a whole other set of challenges.
There getting ready to roll over medical growers at this point. There requiring us to register in a database exactly how much medicine were growing and have at every stage of production. There trying to figure out how to get rid of us because they can't tax us.


Looking at the chart it's still declining. Sea is spot on, and since they are Felony arrests they prob were dealing in large amounts at least larger than law allows. Same here in AZ if you step outside the law you are stepping inside a cell for a long time.. I just heard from an Attorney 9 months for a guy with 2 joints, Id take Cali any day. Hopefully our Prop 205 legalizing for recreation will pass and I'm hoping that for MMJ protections above our prop 203 .
The Way it should be


If I'm guaranteed the right to grow at home, regardless of my status as a patient, I am rather down with that.
I hear ya..our country likes putting people in jail for drugs..the whole point is un-biased access regardless..but what's the language like for homegrows in the cali legalize proposal?


No one should be imprisoned for weed; whether it's 100 metric tons or 2 joints period. Should be priority 0, but until we have draconian drug laws repealed and the incentive by law enforcement to rob rape and pillage legally for profit.....nothing will EVER change. Just some cold hard truth for breakfast. Whether it's (quasi) "legal" in any state or not doesn't matter a bit. There is still the incentive to bust on a state or federal level. The Dea has been kicking in countless doors to prop 215 patients since 1996. Legal or not....doesnt matter to them; falsetto sense of protection if you ask me.


Living dead girl
I hear ya..our country likes putting people in jail for drugs..the whole point is un-biased access regardless..but what's the language like for homegrows in the cali legalize proposal?
6 plants per household, locals cannot ban fully but they can ban outdoor growing.

The other really significant changes have to do with sentencing, etc. Of course the licensing structure as well, but that will only affect those who step in to play, not the average consumer.


Living dead girl
Legal or not....doesnt matter to them; falsetto sense of protection if you ask me.
I see your point, however, I feel that as more and more states move to at least make medical use legal, that our U.S. representatives will ultimately have no choice but to make moves to fill the gap on the federal level. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us, their constituents, to continue to place pressure on them to move in the direction WE want.


No one should be imprisoned for weed; whether it's 100 metric tons or 2 joints period. Should be priority 0, but until we have draconian drug laws repealed and the incentive by law enforcement to rob rape and pillage legally for profit.....nothing will EVER change. Just some cold hard truth for breakfast. Whether it's (quasi) "legal" in any state or not doesn't matter a bit. There is still the incentive to bust on a state or federal level. The Dea has been kicking in countless doors to prop 215 patients since 1996. Legal or not....doesnt matter to them; falsetto sense of protection if you ask me.
Your right know one should be imprisoned for growing weed until there caught selling it right ???
I mean hey you want a ton of weed sure i give it to you but i want a ton of beef for it ..
Once you deal with Government money or currency you deserve life behind bars
How would that law be ?? i mean why would you need to grow 2 tons of weed unless your somehow want to make money
but then again your not only ripping off the GOV your ripping off your neighbors the ones that are paying for the streets to be cleaned , garbage desposal etc you know tax money that does trickle back to the community.
What makes you above the rest in not paying

Lets face it its the thought of making money period for some they grow it for medicine for others they think its going to make them rich or how can i say it like many think the rich are getting away with murder on taxes etc your in the same boat


I mean I could list 10's of thousands in taxes that are made but I feel it would fall upon deaf ears. I paid taxes on my herb for 3 years to the state of Washington to be a "good actor" only to get my 502 I don't wanna hear this non tax paying rhetoric that you "think" you know about.
Let's talk about some real problems with taxes: how about Boeing, microsoft, amazon, Google (I could go on forever ) what about their tax breaks and subsidies that they DONT pay for multi billion dollar multi national companies? .....but that doesn't affect us right? And you have the gall to point out a couple fuckin stoners not paying into the system. (Of which they do by the way) The growers I know have given back to the community more then you could ever imagine. More so than any state or gov't entity EVER has. It's defeatist attitudes like yours that this new socialist movement is ruining our country. Your one of those dudes like kendog that thinks monsanto is "good" lol good luck with those big brother knows best views......I would be a shame to of lived my life thinking like that.


No what is sad, is people like you, The state gives you a inch and you try to take a mile. And what about them companies that still call USA home ??? you forgot to mention Monsanto the notion of people trying to sue them for what ever lol what you want to push them to move there offices over seas like 90 percent of the other companies that already did
You think there not paying taxes creating jobs ??
Students realize how much america values there trades people this is why most students move to studies of corporate law instead of trades they Sue the last remaining companies that call USA Home
Until federal government changes the laws of marijuana be grateful, you can grow in your state legally some states its illegal some countries one plant will put you in front of firing squad Death
I believe in sustainability people should be able to grow mj
but again follow the guide lines imposed
Remember your a small minority compared to the nation
that does not smoke weed so give it a rest
growing 2 tons lol jesus christ
if the law says you can grow 6 plants or 12 plants obide by it and there is no problem , your following the guide lines that is great ..
Buts the bad apples out there that screw it always all up
the state starts catching people growing over there limit it effects everyone from there stupid greed and if laws change from the increase of growers abusing it so be it you only have you to look in the mirror at who fucked up
And who fucked it up for the rest of the honest growers that should be pissed and be out side that court house waiting for you then beating you with a stick for your stupidity and fucking it up for them


Premium Member
6 plants per household, locals cannot ban fully but they can ban outdoor growing.

The other really significant changes have to do with sentencing, etc. Of course the licensing structure as well, but that will only affect those who step in to play, not the average consumer.
6 per HH is rather light but better than 0. Our prop in Nov is set for 6 plants per person X # of adults. So Kat and I can have 12 total if passed. Fortunately I haven't seen any resistance from counties or towns banning anything so for now that is a good thing.
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