Spider Mites in Veg

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Just brought in Blue Dream teens with spider mites and eggs. I have azamax, do I need to mix saturator with it or use it alone? Should I go get a P. bomb, or anything else? I don't want to toss these. I really need a solution fast, please.


your in veg, do dunks. azamax needs to be diluted, check your label for application rates. you can use azamax many different ways, depending on which mites you have, they may respond better to medium saturation.
azamax pdf


Premium Member
Azamax at 7ml per litre of water. Spray them every 5-7 days for at least three treatments. It's likely they have moved to other plants too. I would spray all the plants down in veg room. Wet the tops and bottoms of the leaf, stem etc. the extra from all the spraying will drip down and the container as well as the top layer of medium will be treated as well.

Good luck and stay on em'



Judo... new on the market... lasts for 30 days. 5-11 drops per quart and can spray. Kills eggs and them eight legged bastards! Take precautions when aplicating. Gloves goggles mask clothing.

best of luck to ya brother!


Judo... new on the market... lasts for 30 days. 5-11 drops per quart and can spray. Kills eggs and them eight legged bastards! Take precautions when aplicating. Gloves goggles mask clothing.

best of luck to ya brother!

If ya want to spend $500!!!

Just use horticultural oil for $7 at the Depot... dilute it down to 1%... full plant dunk & swirl. Kill the adults, nymphs & eggs... kill em dead.

Got clones, easy & best time to do it.


get floramite hands down the mite ender kills them and protects plants 28 days shit is the bomb they sell oz's of it on ebay for cheap use it once and you'll swear by it

no matter if you end up having mutant children someday...

how about water and 91% Iso, 50/50 mix? much less toxic.

Or try this:
1 gal distilled water
2 tbsp ground cloves
2 tbsp ground cinnamon
3 tbsp cheap Italian seasoning blend
4 clusters (not cloves) fresh garlic

Combine ingredients (smashing garlic) and bring to a boil. As SOON as it boils, drop the temp to low and simmer for 30 min. It will form a nasty slime, which is filtered with a wire mesh strainer. Discard the slime in compost or trash. The leftover juice should be mixed 50/50 with water and applied liberally to the crops and room.
You can actually spray this on harvested bud without any adverse affects on taste, potency, or health.
I do not believe this spray mixture kills mites forever, but it is an awesome control during mid-bloom, etc.
Hope this helps. Best not to use any poisons on plants you are growing for sick people, ya think?


If ya want to spend $500!!!

Just use horticultural oil for $7 at the Depot... dilute it down to 1%... full plant dunk & swirl. Kill the adults, nymphs & eggs... kill em dead.

Got clones, easy & best time to do it.

Not really sir... got a small vial at an out of town shop for 20.00 bucks and it works great. They are not imune to it as it is new to the market. 16 drops in a half gallon in a bucket and so far so good. Check around some of the local shops. Yes they make some money off of you but a little goes a long way.

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