Stealth suggestions needed!!!

  • Thread starter Max Frost
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Max Frost

Max Frost

Hi all,

I need ya'll to put on your thinking caps and help me come up with some creative ways to dispose of grow trash, soil, root balls, discarded plant material, and etc. I'm currently doing an apartment grow and can't dispose of anything in the trash. I also have nowhere to dump soil and etc. The town I'm in is microscopic in size. Everybody knows everybody else's business. This town is also completely anal about dumpsters! There is no public garbage service. Commercial trash pickup is handled by private contractors, and the businesses all pay for monthly pick-up and dumpster rental. You will not find a dumpster in this town without warnings about illegal dumping. It's not unheard of here for the cops to track someone down after throwing away their trash in a private dumpster and prosecute them! Because of this, I'm afraid to dump any of my grow trash in a random dumpster for fear of drawing attention, and maybe even getting tracked down.

If anybody has any creative solutions for how to dispose of my grow trash, I'd be forever grateful. I'm about to have a bunch of soil and root balls to get rid of and need some fresh ideas. Thanks n advance!

Max :wacky:
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
if it's just greens and dirt, dump it down a hill or ridge or get creative


Baba's right. Just dump the plant material in the woods or in a ditch. It will compost.

For the rest: plastic grocery bags. Lots of them.... make sure they're small.

Break the grow down into small bags, hop in your car and use every fast food, gas station etc, trash can you come accross. To the casual observer, you are just throwing away car trash. Keep it less than two bags per place and you should be straight bro.


make a vermicomposter.....99% of my stuff goes to the worms to break down. Then you have a spot for recycling all kitchen scraps(no meats or dairy) and garden scraps. a small 15 gal tub and you should be fine

and in 2-3 months you have free castings
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
if you need to curb the smell, dry all your greens and then turkey bag it and throw that in a jack in box bag or something and toss at the next drive through you see or something...but turkey bags are a small price to pay for getting rid of things with no tell tale odors right around you and in your car...


Find a nice outdoor plot somewhere to use for the following season and start to compost the ground . Being its a small town gotta be alot of woods around just if there checking dumpsters and prosecuting people for that , then you need to be extremely careful . ie; fingerprints on bags or anything .... Actually sounds like a scary place to even be growing but its an addiction not a choice ....

best of luck


How about a hole in your floor board.....lose it on the first dirt road in the woods at night....only litter


make a vermicomposter.....99% of my stuff goes to the worms to break down. Then you have a spot for recycling all kitchen scraps(no meats or dairy) and garden scraps. a small 15 gal tub and you should be fine

and in 2-3 months you have free castings

This is the direction I am working towards.
Closed loop with super soil.
I use one of those plastic stacking tray style worm farms.
The lower tray is the oldest, and thus the most digested and fewest worms.
Fresh food is placed in the upper trays.
Keep fresh food additions covered by a good layer of older material.
Fork mix all trays every few weeks.
When harvested, undigested material is recycled into upper trays while delicious castings go into building more soil.


make a vermicomposter.....99% of my stuff goes to the worms to break down. Then you have a spot for recycling all kitchen scraps(no meats or dairy) and garden scraps. a small 15 gal tub and you should be fine

and in 2-3 months you have free castings

I want to look into this- could this also be part of an fishculture or aquaponics setup where worms inhabit the biofilter, breaking down the usual byproducts of fish... or, just feed the green stuff to the fish??


plus, i was amazed at the amount of "stuff" a family kicks out. My woman hates it, Im always finding new compostables. Hair, feathers, all the veggies/pasta/breads that gets thrown away with teens, paper, cardboard, yard clips, junk mail, egg shells, its almost endless, all"indoor" garden scraps plus we have chickens for another source of "recycle". In away since im disabled, it gives me something to FUCKING do.....boredom sucks :(
Max Frost

Max Frost

Thanks for all the ideas folks! I think that's a great idea about using the turkey bags for odor and the small grocery bags at fast food places and gas stations! I can see that working. I absolutely LOVE the idea about the hole in the floorboard, Geminator! I'd have NO idea how to rig this without fucking up my ride tho. Any suggestions? I guess for the organic materials, just finding a remote spot in the woods will have to do. My only concern there, is getting discovered before or while dumping it. I guess if I wanted to be really stealthy, I could grind it all to mush in a food processor first. Then, only lab analysis could identify it! Haha. Again...thanks for all the good ideas so far! Keep 'em coming!


Max :wacky:


Be careful dumpin that perlite out...that shit sticks out like a sore thumb and if it does break down it must take forever cuz I spilled some back home a few yrs ago in the woods and you can still see the shit.
Too bad you don't know somebody that needs fill dirt...lots of signs around here for peeps wanting it. You might want to drive to a neighboring county to dispose of it so not to arouse suspicion with those damn nosey small town folks but well worth it if ya can find somebody that needs it. MGG


You could use a lawnmower with a bag attachment, chop that shit up and use it as mulch. Food proc. would take forever
Max Frost

Max Frost

Be careful dumpin that perlite out...that shit sticks out like a sore thumb and if it does break down it must take forever cuz I spilled some back home a few yrs ago in the woods and you can still see the shit.
Too bad you don't know somebody that needs fill dirt...lots of signs around here for peeps wanting it. You might want to drive to a neighboring county to dispose of it so not to arouse suspicion with those damn nosey small town folks but well worth it if ya can find somebody that needs it. MGG

Good idea abou the fill dirt, MGG! I just don't know if it might not draw suspicion tho. Remember, I'm a small grow, so I'd only have a couple of bagfulls of soil every 8-12 weeks. I DO have a place at work where I might be able to add it to the landscaping tho...Hmmm... That might work great! Thanks! Good suggestion too on going out of the county. I could still apply the "small bags @ ff places" technique and it would just be that much safer. Again, my only concern there is while in transport. It could be hard to explain if you were in an accident or got pulled. No risk, no reward tho I guess. Like everything else in life! Thanks bro!

You could use a lawnmower with a bag attachment, chop that shit up and use it as mulch. Food proc. would take forever

Haha...yeah, that would be MUCH preferable wendy! Again tho, being that I'm in an apartment, I don't have a mower (or a yard to mow. I DON'T miss the mowing, but I sure do miss the yard)! Great suggestion tho, if I had the means. Thanks!
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