Sterile Hydroponic Nutrient Recipe. What is yours?

  • Thread starter mirkogrocrop
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I am trying to figure out an effective list of nutes and supplements that will work with my 5galBucket/hydro/ebb&flow system. i currently have one unit in rockwool, and the other in growstones. I am trying to figure out the optimal medium to use ATM as well.

right now i am using:

RO Water

GH FloraMicro

GH FloraBloom




Liq. Karma






Humbolt Honey

I want to get rid of anything that contains beneficial bacteria, or anything that the addition of DM Gold Range Zone or H2O2 will kill. My main concerns are Cannazym and FloraBlend. But some of the above products may also be affected. Please let me know. (i think most the sweeteners and carbs are safe.)

I will stick with:

RO Water

GH FloraMicro

GH FloraBloom




with the addition of DM Gold Range Zone

with the addition of Hygozyme

with the addition of H2O2...

...this is as far as I have gotten on my own. I would appreciate you're input as to what to add/or take out. Please only answer if you have plenty of hydroponic experience and really understand the differences between a sterile reservior and one that uses benes and live critters. If you have any questions that i havent covered, please ask. Thanks for your time and attention.



Appreciate the input 619, do you use RO or tap water? I've seen pics of some really frosty looking buds grow with that product, although most grows using it seem to lack weight, or maybe its just the strains they have chosen. Still, it peaked my interest. I will give them a call tomorrow and ask them some questions. Anyone else used this product? Any other recipes?


There's a thread here with many growers using it. It's titled something like "Veg+Bloom using SoCal tap water". I use tap, but they have a RO Version. The company is based in SD do they also make a formula for San Diego tap water which I use since I'm here. Plants been loving it!!! Check out that thread if you find it


I'm just curious why you are determined to go sterile vs beneficials?

I've been growing in buckets (CAP Ebb-N-Grow) for a little over four years and beneficials have changed the game for me. I'm about 6/7 months in with the bene's. Nothing but upside. I use a simple inline carbon filter for my tap water. My res's smell like fresh compost. Both yield and quality have improved, especially in the flavour department.

I run 6 "rooms", 16 buckets each. Two veg rooms that feed two flower rooms each.

The first three plus years I invariably ran into root issues (even with chillers). I've run with various nutes. Last off I was using almost exactly what you have listed GH three part with lots of supplements, rapid start, super thrive, enzymes, etc and SM 90 for sterility.

I appreciate everyone has their own reasons for choosing a particular set-up . I've done it both ways.

One thing I have learned with a bucket system is to monitor all lines for free flow. One issue I ran into frequently running a sterile system was when I had a root issue they would break off and block lines limiting flow. Which could then exacerbate roots problems.

Good luck!


thanks Noreastfog,

I'm running sterile in my bucket system and running bene's in soil... I can't justify the post harvest cleanup that one runs into with hydroponic and beneficials. And with the resv. changes I feel like the bene's don't get enough time to setup and do their thing @ the root zone. I agree that you get better taste using bene's but i think that is best left for soil applications, although i know a few that do a helluva a job running them in hydro systems as well. It's just not for me at this time. Not to mention that i am still very much in my trial and error phase of finding what system best works for me. I appreciate the info though and hope i can ask you any questions if i do decide to go the hydro/bene route. Good luck with your future crops bud!


Much respect for doing your research. If you don't mind I will comment on some points you have brought up.

You've mentioned a whole lot of supplements in addition to your base nuts. When I began with Hydro I started with a very basic program. A 2 part and a booster during flower, I had a clean res and clean lines. I had great results without any complications. I figured I could do better so I started adding a full program of supplements. I began having to clean the res weekly and my lines definitely had build up. With the root issues I started to have my yields actually diminished.

Enter Benes. I am back to a simple two part nute program adding only tea during veg. Two part, tea, Cal Mg and a bloom booster during flower. My res and lines are back to clean. I think I've had good luck keeping a good bene culture in the root zone. I foliar with tea as well. FYI, I run with about 30 gal in my res, I only add about 2 quarts of tea with the weekly res change. Between changes I simply add filtered water to the res as necessary.

I'm running cleaner with tea than all the supplements. The tea accomplishes naturally what the supplements attempt.

For what it's worth as well, I I use only 75% of the recommended nutes.

Fell free to ask any questions. I think the best advise I can give is to keep it simple. I have a tendency to think the more I do the better it will be, it's most often not the case.

Keep it green!


Gh Grow, Micro, Bloom and cal/mag. THAT is simple, and THAT is all you need.
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